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Skully has dragged you through the buildings, speaking about how you've met almost everyone in the house. You were led across the lobby from the infirmary to the left side of the lobby—well technically your right since you're coming out the back—and pulled you into another set of double doors. Turns out just below the dining room and kitchen is a gym. Paired with things you'd find in any gym, except...

There's a big ass ring in the middle, seemingly made just for fights.

Skully explains, "It's where we do our annual evaluations of the members in the house and put them in brackets till ranks are decided." They even have loser ranks to determine who's the worst.

You remember watching wrestling sports, but something tells you they don't just use their fists. You spot someone working out on a treadmill that stands on the right wall in front of a giant mirror. You see her brown hair is tied back into a high-ponytail. She is wearing a white tank top, a black training bra under it, along with gym shorts that reach her defined thighs. She's running pretty fast and holds in her hands some pretty large dumbbells.

"Training hard huh? Still mad about Kagekao beating you?" The woman ignores Skully, her red running shoes thumping loudly against the tread. Skully removed his arm that he'd been keeping around your shoulders and walked over to her. Upon closer inspection, since you followed behind from a safe distance, you see she has white-wired earbuds plugged into her ears. Looking over to the mirror you can see her face.

She's holding a strong furrow in her brow, determination written over her sweaty, red-flushed ivory face. A blazing clover green eye staring straight back at her own reflection. In her left eye is a silver pocket watch which is embedded inside with the arms of the watch spinning in aggravation. Her eye snaps over to Skully's reflection as he approaches. She turns down her machine until it comes to a strolling pace, then turns it completely off. You can now clearly see the numbers on her dumbbells.

Twenty-five pounds.

She makes her way off and places the dumbbells at her feet, ker-thunk. Pulling out an earbuds you can hear the music more clearly now, a rough howl coming from the deathmetal song.

"Need something?" Her voice is dominating and willful, seeming determined in her workout. Also obvious by the sweat she was drenched in, pulling a towel from the left arm of the treadmill.

"Came to show (Y/N) around! You've been wanting to meet her haven't you?"

Her strong stare shifts onto your form, examining you. You feel like you're supposed to buckle down and submit with how strong she looks. She turns off her music completely and stuffs away the earbuds, making her way toward you. Even in running shoes her footsteps are heavy.

"You're (Y/N) then." She now stands in front of you, rubbing the soft towel against her neck to try and soak up sweat, "Nice to meet you. Caught me in the middle of working out, but by the looks of it you need a little muscle too, huh?"

You feel completely self-conscious. You wonder if this was set up this way, to make you feel like this house has stronger people no matter how unkillable you are, "Nice... to meet you too."

"Aw come on now!" She taps a fit on your shoulder letting out an upbeat laugh, "No need to get cold feet. Unlike Jeff, I don't bite."

You give a small nod as she leans down to your height, her hands resting on her knees. This is degrading. "The name's Clockwork. Though," She turns her head to Skully who has taken his station by the doors, ''Are you sure this is the right one? I heard she..." Clockwork word's trail off, "Whatever, look. There ain't many women in this damn place and I'd like to think adding in another gal like yourself can balance this place."

I'LL ADAPT (Creepypasta x F!Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu