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Choi opened his eyes to sunlight streaming into the bedroom. He groaned, kicking the bedsheets away and sitting up in bed. He turned to look at Tae and she was still sleeping, her mouth slightly open and half of one of her dramatic eyelashes askew.

Careful not to wake her up, he got out of bed and walked to the kitchen to grab their clothes that they had left on the floor. Choi neatly folded Tae's clothes on to the couch and wiped down the dried mess they had left on the island top and the tiled kitchen floor.

He went to the bathroom and wiped himself down before putting on his clothes and walking over to the sleeping Tae.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and stared at her for a moment. She looked weird, sleeping in an awkward position with one leg out on the side of the bed, her arm hanging to the floor and her fluffy hair matted flatly to the side of her head while she slept on the other side.

He brushed some of the hair that was in her face behind the ear, startling her into opening her eyes.

"I'm going to my house to get ready for work," he said softly, his hand still against her ear.

She nodded, wiping her face and turning away from him to go back to sleep. "Bring back something to eat for supper. I'm not cooking."

He laughed, standing up. She had indirectly just asked him to come back and boy was he glad. "I'll cook."

She turned to look at him. "You're gonna cook for me? See, this is why I kind of like you now. You feed me. Ain't nobody love me like somebody that feeds me. Its my love language."

Choi chuckled. "See you in the evening." He turned to go but remembered something. "Um...the bank is hosting a dinner for us tonight actually. Would you like to come?"

Tae stared at him, quiet for a moment.

"Its ok for you to say no."

She bit the inside of her mouth. "I mean, are you ready to be seen with me in public? Last time I checked, even though you're nice to me behind closed doors, very nice," she naughtily added, "...you are sort of embarrassed about me in the eyes of your people. Look, I'm ok with being hidden-"

"I am not going to hide you," he interrupted her. They stared at each other for a while. "I like you, Tae. You're beautiful, you're smart, I hate you sometimes but lately things have changed and I like you more than I hate you. I am not going to hide you."

"I don't know, Choi." Tae looked uncertain. What if he switched up on her when they got to wherever they were going? But also, what if he did not and actually showed her off? She was a confident woman who didn't need any validation from anyone and if Choi became a dick, she would immediately leave and go back to her house.


Choi grinned. "Ok as in you're coming?"

She nodded. "Now, get out. I want to go back to sleep."

"Rude ass," Choi mumbled before walking to the door with a smile. "I'll pick you up at 6?"

"Go away, Choi. Yes. 6 it is."

He walked out.


In the evening, Tae stared at herself in the mirror. She had on a cute short satin dress that had a daring V-neckline and clung to her hips. The dress' black colour offset her beautiful brown skin, showing it off, especially at the back where there were only a few strings to tie it up. She had on natural makeup and hair that was sleeked and tied into a back bun.

She looked ravishing.

The hooter rang outside and she walked out of the house, locking up before walking in her red bottoms up the slope from her house.

Choi stood leaning against his car and when he saw her, he stared with his mouth slightly agape as she walked towards him, busy trying to tie the strings at the back of her dress.

He quickly rushed over. "Let me help." He did just that, wanting to just run his hands over her back and grab her small love handles. In fact, he no longer wanted to go to the bank event in this moment. Should he lie and say the event was cancelled? He shook his head. He did not want to lie to Tae, especially when she had made such an effort for him.

He slightly tickled her on the waist and she moved away from him, giggling.

"Thank you," she laughed as she got into his car.

While they drove, he kept glancing at her.

She did the same, thinking hard. This was not going to end well, she thought.

If Choi got approved and they worked together, she was going to get into trouble. She and Choi were not a couple but they were having a great time just doing whatever it was that they were currently doing. And she wanted to be selfish for once in her life...to do something that made her happy even if she was leaving in a few days. 

She just wanted to live for those few days. Let down her hair. Exactly like a vacation romance. She smiled at Choi who took her hand in his and kissed the back of it as he drove.

She didn't need or want to know what they were. She was good with whatever they had and she wasn't seeing a future between them, just the now. And she was satisfied.

"You look beautiful," Choi said, glancing at her before casting his eyes back to the road, his hand still entwined with hers.

He was having the best week of his life, truth be told. Taera was a great human. He wished that he could follow her to wherever she was going to at the end of the week but that could just be his current infatuation talking. He knew that they were not a couple but he wished they were. But what was the use if she was going to leave?

The smile left his face. She squeezed his hand and he looked at them, her brown fingers contrasting nicely with his pale ones.

Choi looked at her after he pulled over into the underground parking lot of the hotel.

"Tae...I want to say something-"

She climbed over him in the driver's seat, straddling him, her dress hiking up to reveal the grey lace panties she wore underneath.

She stared at him as he placed his hands on her hips.

"Don't say anything Choi. Look, I'm not expecting a lot from you. We're just having fun, I understand that. And I'm ok with it. You don't have to introduce me to your colleagues or anything. You don't have to show me off. It's fine."

He quietly stared at her, searching her face. Then he spoke up, his fingers digging into her waist. "I want to show you off."

She paused.

"I know that we are not dating," he quickly said. "And that's OK but I want to have you on my arm and by my side throughout this night. You are beautiful, Tae. I like you and I know for a fact that you like me back. Whatever this is, you're my girl until you leave, right?"

She hesitated.

Choi frowned. "What is it?"

She was about to answer him when her phone rang in her purse that was in her chair.

She quickly scrambled to get it, answering at once. "Tae here...huh?... you're here?!"

Her eyes went wide.

"In Korea?" she choked out.

Choi just watched her. Who was on the phone?

"Yes. I'm at an event with Choi, tata (father). No. It's just a networking thing for me. He invited me and I had no plans...see you when I get back. I left my keys near the mop outside...alright. Love you too."

She dropped the call and looked at Choi. "My father is here."

Choi suddenly felt hot. "Oh goodness," he mumbled.

"Let's enjoy tonight, yes? Look, I want to be your girl for the remaining days but with my father here, that's going to be a little difficult. But I'll try my best to see you, alright?"

Now she's hiding me, Choi thought. But he nooded. Tonight, Tae was not going home because this might be the last chance he had to have her to himself now that her father was in the country.

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