Bus Scene - Rude Encounter

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Kiyotaka's Pov

I was waiting in the bus stop for the bus to arrive. Today is the First day of School, To some students, This day seems normal to everbody but to me, It's not. This is the first time i'll ever go to a School, Let alone a Elite one. I'm so Excited that i smile so wide that i might charm all the girls and boys alike here, Not like i can tho.

I did some research when i was in the mansion(A/N: Matsuo helped kiyo in technology and cooking). I saw many thing i've never saw before. I can't them all but the on my top list on what to do after i achieve my freedom is to buy an ICE CREAM. According to my research, Ice cream is a sweetened frozen food typically eaten as a snack or dessert. It may be made from milk or cream and is flavoured with a sweetener, either sugar or an alternative, and a spice, such as cocoa or vanilla, or with fruit such as strawberries or peaches. (A/N: I only searched it on Google if you wanna how i found the info) I can't wait to taste it

As i was Conversed in my Monologue, The bus arrived, I Quickly got up from My seat and Headed towards the Bus entrance 

The Bus is only Halfway-full so all of the people in the bus station can fit in the bus just fine, not that i care if they can get in or not. 

I head towards to farthest Seat in Back where i found a Blue-Haired girl already Sitting on it 

'So my prefered seat is already taken, huh? Not that i mind tho, but all things considered the girl is kinda cut- no, who am i kidding she's literally the cutest girl i've ever seen. She has this stoic face while looking outside the bus window, She also have this Monstrous Boo- AHEM..  I mean Breast, Ngl they're kinda big for a high schooler not that i care about it "at the moment"' i thought to myself as i approach the blue haired girl

Little did they know that those Monstrous Melons will be eaten by the most monstrous T-Rex

"Um.. Is this seat taken? If not, can i seat on it?" I asked the blue haired as she just noticed my presence.

We stared at each other in silence for a few seconds, 12.34 seconds to be exact.

After 3.69(😏) more seconds,She nodded. 

I lightened up inside as she nodded, Don't know why tho. 

I thanked her before I immediately sat down because the bus started to move towards the school. 

"Um... My name is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka From Class 1D, Nice to meet you" I introduced myself to her not knowing what will Happen.

"I'm Hasebe Haruka I'm also from Class  1D, Nice to meet you too" She Introduced herself to me, which I nodded in response.

"Seems Like we'll be Classmates for the next Three years" i Said as i try to keep the Conversation Afloat.

"Seems like it, Ayanokoji-kun" She Replied.

As i was about to continue the conversation a loud voice can be heard from the middle of the bus.

A young, well-built, blonde-haired man was sitting down in the priority seat. I mean high school student. The old woman was standing next to him. An office lady was next to the old woman.

“You there, can’t you see the old woman having trouble?” 

The office lady seemed to want him to hand over the priority seat to the old woman. 

In the quiet bus, her voice got louder and attracted the attention of the other people in the 


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