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Please be wary of spoilers. They can ruin your life, (like they ruined mine) and if you haven't read NoI, it's highly advisable to not read this. Of course, if you want to read this, it's your choice. 

Also, this is my first time writing a review, so bear with me. 

So first of all, I'm beginning by saying that it broke my heart that the series was ending. When I finished, I was this close to screaming, "WHERE'S THE CLIFFHANGER?!" and desperately scrolling to find a link to a secret chapter. Alas, that was not to be.
I loved it. The pacing was perfect, the humor was on-brand, and of course- the ship moments. 

ARUDEN: ♾️/10
I honestly wanted to kill Aiden for what he said to Aru in Chapter 5 (or was it 4?), but then I slowly realized it was because he was thinking about his sacrifice. Anyway, I made a prediction, that he would manage to get in one last kiss before dying (or sleeping or whatever) AND I WAS RIGHT.

I didn't like how moody he was, though, even though he was going to give himself up. But, can you really blame the guy?

And we all know that during the 'Apocalypse Coachella' he was singing about her, it was pReTtY oBviOuS-  

And finally, at the end, those two oblivious idiots, Aru and Aiden got together and began dating at the end, much to the joy of us fangirls.

And Krithika teasing Aru was honestly the thing I needed to lift my spirits, I swear to the gods-

All in all, Rosh managed to kill us with the Aruden pining, angst, which I didn't appreciate, since I prefer to have an unbroken heart. 

MINDY: 10/10
Rudy FINALLY got some character development, and it was interesting to see Rudy flirt with Mini while Mini was just sad- :(

I felt bad for her, she thought that the guy who GENUINELY liked her only liked her for her powers, but that wasn't the case. 

It was interesting to see how much he tapped into his power to protect Mini, like with the vishakanyas, and when Urmila (or The Lady) tried to attack her. 

Mini, in turn, was furious when Urmila was using her powers to put everyone to sleep, and Rudy bore the brunt of them, since he had used his powers to protect Mini. I was waiting, at the edge of my seat, for Rudy to say something romantic, or even the two to kiss, when Rudy protected her from Urmila, but then, we got- 
"What about Plushy Scales?"

Was I laughing? Yes. Was I furious with Rosh for not giving us a romantic scene with all the staring-into-your-eyes with these two? Absolutely. 

Rudy's confidence in Mini grew too, and vice-versa. 

I was honestly giggling like a psychopath when Rudy offered to build Mini palaces. And of course, I can bet that the "My dark benevolent queen," made Aru and Brynne want to pull out the wedding binder they have stashed. 

HIRYNNE: 8.5/10

I wanted more of those two. I honestly think they'll have a great dynamic, but since we got very little of them, I can only give you this much. :(

*rubs hands* Now for the individual characters--

THE PALACE: 10000000000000000/10
YOU GO, PALACE! I loved that it made a cameo, to shelter Aru. It was actually very wise, and while I thought the "unexpected place" in NoI's synopsis was Hira, it was actually the Palace, "unexpected place" being literal. 

Full disclosure, I nearly cried when he died. All he wanted to do was bring his family together, but instead, he got killed by the daughter he dared to love. Of course, that doesn't excuse what he did, but I still pity him a bit. I'm still very conflicted about how to feel about him--

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