Love is a Cruel Game (Part 2) (Krithika x Suyodhana)

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To say that Krithika was shocked was an understatement.

He waited for the blow. The blow that never came.

She laced her fingers through his, squeezed his hand, and said, "I love you. I'll help you change your fate. Our fate."

His throat had gone dry. "I love you too," he said, quietly.

She leaned forward, and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips... the kind that left his lips tingling.

A/N--Have I mentioned that I suck at kiss scenes? No, scratch that, I suck at  romantic scenes.

He took a deep breath. "Your future with the panchakanyas--it'll be ruined. And--and your kids? I don't want to fight them!"

She gave him a smile, and said, "I love you. So much. It'll all be alright."

He hoped he could believe her.

In the ensuing months, he had tried his best to act normal in front of Krithika's family, but he was dreading the moment he would have to tell them..

Darkness soaked the sky, and a lone star persisted shining through the smog.

Suyodhana passed a pawn shop, where a diamond attracted his attention.

The jewel winked at him, urging him on...

Suddenly, as if his brain stopped working, he pawned the ring, and ran back to Krithika's apartment, his heart threatening to escape his chest.

He banged on the door, and hollered, "KRITHIKA!"

She opened the door, looking bewildered.

He entered, and looked her straight in her eyes, and said, "I love you more than anybody. I've loved you since the day I met you." He got down on one knee, and, taking a deep breath, continued, "So, Krithika... will you do me the honour of being my wife?"

A beat passed. Then two. With every second, his heart sank lower and lower,  and he'd nearly completely lost hope, until, Krithika inhaled a shaky breath.

Her eyes shone with tears, and she said in a low voice, "Yes. Yes, I will marry you."

His feelings skyrocketed, as it took him a second to process the news.

"Y-you really will--?"

She beamed at him, and said, "Yes. I will."

He slid the ring onto her finger, and pressed his forehead to hers.

"I'll try my best to be there husband you deserve," he said quietly.

She took on the same teasing tone she had on the day they met, and said, "You better be."

A smile that mirrored his curved her lips, and to see his girlfriend--no, fiancee--smile like that made him feel like he owned the world.


Their wedding wasn't very grand. When he was younger, and heard the word, "wedding", he conjured up images of grand functions, blushing brides, and nervous grooms, and crowds of people. 

Their wedding, however, wasn't thronged by dozens of family members. He and Krithika had gotten with the help of a friend, who was a priest, as Krithika's parents watched in pride.

He didn't care, though, that their wedding wasn't thronged by dozens of family members. As he gazed into the warm brown hue of Krithika's eyes, he knew that this was where he was meant to be.

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