"Well, you see—that is a very reasonable statement, and you know it is so complex an—"

"You don't have to answer. I can see you stalling. Forget I asked." She looks upset. I don't know why though?

"It's okay, I can tell you. You might not like me afterwards though."

"That's impossible." She giggles while shaking her head.

"Are you ready for my whole life story?" I wiggle my eyebrows, unable to stay serious. I haven't been serious since the whole thing five months ago. Ever since that night I've been dancing and shaking my butt through life. It's been pure bliss.

"Yeah." She smiles. Taking that as a sign I give her a lopsided goofy smirk.

"So it all started when my mom started abusing me." Her eyes widen and I lose my composure and hold my stomach as I laugh.

"Are you freaking serious?!" She sits up staring at me in disbelief. She is not finding this situation funny like I do.

"Very very serious. So, basically, she abused me laddy dawdy daw. Then she met this asshole who's name I don't speak of. He was worse and really fucking ugly. Anyways to make a very long complex and crazy story short, he hated me. He was gonna kid-nap me, but then my dad was like 'no fucking way!' So he basically went to the assholes place to kill him. But, then the asshole actually kid-napped Nardo!"

"He kidnapped Nardo?!" She asks in shock as her jaw drops and her eyes widen. I tell the story as if it was some crazy adventure, and she's soaking it up. The suspence is killing her.

"Yeah! So then I was like 'no fucking way too!' So I went and killed the bastard."

Her jaw drops.

Her eyes widen.

"... and then I set his house on fire."

Shock is plastered on her face and I debate if I should turn my life story into a book. Fix the grammar errors maybe add some more suspense and then boom! A book!

"You. Are. A. Badass."

"Well thank you very much." I smirk and fake bow.

"Do you regret it?"

"Do I regret it?" I repeat her question with some exaggeration and enthusiasm. "No. Would I do it again? Yes definitely."

"Maggie you're entering your bad bitch era." We laugh before we go quiet. Under all my jokes and under all my sarcasm the fear of her hating me stays present. She's one of the best things in my life and if she sees me differently for this I don't know what I would do.

"You don't hate me right?"

She should. I just admitted to killing someone. It's not unreasonable that she would. What if she's scared of me?

"How could I hate someone I love?" My head shoots up at her confession and I can't help but attack her in a bear hug sending both of us back onto the grass.

"You love me?" I laugh, the feeling is ecstatic. She doesn't hate me, but instead she loves me.

"Of course I do!" She laughs. Not thinking twice I press my lips against hers. Her cherry chapstick tastes so good but nothing is as good as her loving me. Breathless, we pull away and I say the four words back.

"I love you too." She seals her lips back onto mine and we just sit there as our lips move against one another's. A scoff is what pulls our attention away from each other.

An old lady, typical shirt gray hair, floral top, stands ten metres away with her face screwed up, a look of disgust painted on her face.

"How about you take your old ass and fuck off you saggy tit." I yell at her. Her face contorts to horror with my very vulgar reaction. She scurries away like the pussy she is.

Maggieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें