I: Why are we here?

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It's all God of Death's fault, as always
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When the Northern Alliance declared a war, anxiety took over every citizen and soldier in Roan Kingdom. They feel like they can't win this war, they can feel that destruction is what awaits them.

The Crown Prince is doing his best trying to reassure his people by bringing the Heroes on the front line, but that's not enough. They maybe strong and powerful but the enemy might outnumber and overpower them, they don't know a single thing about the enemy's forces.

Everyone is busy preparing for the war when a blinding light hit them and the next thing they know is that they are now inside a massive space in the middle of nowhere.

Choi Han* groaned while adjusting his sight, as soon as he can clearly see his surrounding, he immediately grips his sword and slashed towards the source of light in the middle of the room. But his attack didn't cause any damage on it, upon closer look he realized what it was.

"A television....?" Choi Han* shakily asked, after years and years he finally get to see something from his world.

"What?" Alberu* asked, staring confusedly on his instructor.

"I just something that's from where I lived before." Alberu* just nodded his head, inspecting his surrounding and knowing every people around them.

There are beast people, elves, people from other kingdoms. Diversity of races gathered in one place is truly shocking if you ask him, and so, curiosity filled his mind. Just as he was about to question if anyone knows how they end up there, another blinding light flashed. And once it died down, it revealed a large group of people, a complete replica of them, while some just remained as blurry figures.

"What the- there are two me?" Toonka* exclaimed.

"Woah, but the other one looks more powerful than me!" Rosalyn* added.

"Maybe they are from future." Alberu* said.

Upon seeing his look-alike, Choi Han* decided to walk towards him only to be stopped by an invisible barrier separating them. Just before chaos ensues, a figure suddenly shows up.

"You're probably wondering why are you all here? or where the fuck are we?" The figure stated the questions in their head, they all just nodded.

"I am the God of Death's representative and yes it's his fault, AGAIN."

Cage groaned while muttering curses.

"Long story short, that stupid God made a bet then he lost because he's stupid-" the representative was cut off by a loud rumbling of thunder.

"Okay sorry sorry! Anyways, he lost a bet and now you're here." The representative happily explained as if there is nothing wrong with it.

"Just why do we have look-alike?" Rosalyn decided not to question why God of Death made a bet using them as a collateral, that GoD is always messing with them anyways.

"Oh Miss Rosalyn, it's because you two are different dimensions!" they answered while clapping their hands, extremely excited.

"Different dimensions...? I don't think I get it." Choi Han asked, visible confusion in his face.

"You are the same, but different. You know how movies and books have alternative universes? That's how it is, you are the same from the beginning but the 'variable' causes changes, giving you different endings."

"What are the variable?" Alberu* asked, still suspicious of the person before them.

"It's not a what, it's a who. Variable, like a protagonist in the movies or books, is the center of your realities. They are the key for your ending, wether it be good or bad ending, it's based on the strength and capabilities of that variable and people around them. Every realities have different variable or catalyst. And you are here to react to the differences of your realities." They explained before setting up the television.

"What are we gaining here?" Alberu* asked firmly, they are so busy with preparation but they are suddenly being held here.

"Information about the upcoming war." After the representative said that all the people in A (left) side quickly shut up.

"What about us? We are already done with that shit." Tasha said.

"Getting to know your commander more?" they offered.

"Are you invading his privacy?" Choi Han asked.

"We don't want it!" Lock immediately added.

"You shouldn't pry on Young Master's life." Ron stated while cleaning his dagger smiling at the representative benignly.

"That's unfair! Just for a trash you're willing to let our world be destroyed!" Lock* yelled.

"Sacrifices are to be made." Alberu* frustratedly stated.

"How can that be unfair? Those informations are the products of our blood and tears. WE worked hard for it, and you're gonna steal it that easily? You have no right to be angry." Rosalyn answered, spitting with venom every word she says. "And you said it yourself, your world. How does it concern us? Even if you all perish, we still have our own life and own world."

"Greedy and shameless humans." Eruhaben clicked his tounge.

The people on A side bowed their head on shame. But still, they really need that information.

"Oh, and the precious informations you need are gathered by the trash you want us to sacrifice." Alberu mockingly stated, not befitting for an emperor but he just can't help it. These people, especially that guy who have the same face as him, are talking shit about his dongsaeng.

They looked up on surprise. Even the Henituse family didn't know that Cale is capable of that, he's always been a trash after all.

A figure at the back chuckled bitterly, that's right, everyone is in schock because he's always been a piece of shit in their eyes.

"Well, it's not like you have a choice. It's either you guys react and pry on his personal thoughts, or are you willing to lose your dear commander's life?" As they said that, a bed showed up, an unconscious Cale laying in it with black mist snaking around him, as if daring them to disagree and it will choke Cale.

"Just how is this whole thing going to work? Will you have us react randomly or do you have a certain order?" Violan sighed in defeat, she doesn't want these people to possibly invade her son's privacy but she also doesn't want to risk Cale's life.

"You have one question each, and you can ask your question and I will show you the answer!"

They have one question each, more than enough to gather informations about the war if everyone used their questions correctly. But Alberu* knows that it won't be the case, he might be able to order his people to ask about the war but he can't do that with the other people they are with. Alberu* sighed, he's so frustrated.

"The order of people asking for answers is randomly selected. And we will start with Cage* from the left side, since you are also a child of GoD, we are comadres."

Cage* looked towards the other Cage, who is smiling happily. A smile that Cage* can never have again, a smile that she lost after her bestfriend's death.

Longing, she's always for someone who cannot be with her no matter what she does. Cage* always felt empty after they part, but there are nights that she badly miss her best friend, her Taylor. Nights that she has to stop herself from doing things on impulse because she knows that Taylor wouldn't like that.

"I already know what you want to ask but I want to hear it coming from you."

Cage* have lots of questions but she only prioritize one, the most important of all. The question that she will ask even if it cost her life.

"What happened to the Taylor of the other world?" She asked looking directly at the representative before turning her head on the other Cage, tears flowing from her eyes. "What happened to your Taylor?"

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