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I wake up to a tapping sound on the glass, i swim over to it and see the blonde male from yesterday. He pushes up his glasses and smiles.

"How did your meeting with the king go?" His voice was a lot softer now but still assertive.

I cross my arms and frown.

"He wants to turn me human." The blonde man stumbles backwards slightly with a shocked look on his face.

"Why would he do that?"

"He said that it would be easier to keep an eye on me and get my blood" I shiver at the thought of being that wicked man's wife.

"Well, i think it's time i introduce myself." He straightens his robe and introduces him self as Enrico Montalcini.

"listen, i would free you if i could, but i do not have the power nor the connections to do that

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"listen, i would free you if i could, but i do not have the power nor the connections to do that." He frowns.

What he says takes me back a little and i do slightly warm up to this man.

"Having you as company isn't too bad." I mumble.

It appears he heard me because he smiles and pushes up his glasses.

"Ill make sure to visit everyday, i wish you luck." He nods his head at me and leaves.

Now i have nothing to do, all i can do is swim in circles, sleep, and float around. I can feel myself going crazy already.

The door opens and the king and wizard enter. I start shaking at the sight of my soon to be husband.

"My dear i have wonderful news! We have the potion ready!" He has a red blush coating his cheeks.

"Jamie give to her, no matter if she likes it or not. Make sure she drinks it." The king steps back and let's the older man walk closer.

"Men secure her!" I feel something poke me in the tail and i look down. There's a needle sticking out of it, i yank the needle out but i lose all feeling in my tail. I fell to the floor and two men come in and start pulling me up.

We break the surface and they drag me onto the platform.

"Now your majesty she will briefly turn into a mermaid when her legs touch water, once dried she will revert to her human form." The king nods.

"I can work with that." The king waves his hand as if to tell him to continue.

The older man nods and pinches my nose and opens the vile, he tilts the bottle into my mouth, and the cold liquid goes down my throat.

I feel my tail tingle and feel an excruciating pain in my tail. I look down and see my tail slowly transforming.

I scream in pain and the men surrounding me back away. My upper body falls onto the floor and i lay there panting, the pain stops and i look down and see human legs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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