"Lucky it won't be happening again," I note.

My body would like nothing more than to be with him again, to feel that kind of pleasure again. Not happening, though.

Hale smiles. "If you say so."

I sit all the way up, hugging my knees. "Don't...don't even say that."

"Say what?"

"Don't imply like it will happen again. I truly need to find my mate, for my own health," I mumble.

Hale finally sighs, pulling himself from the bed. I forget how he is fully dressed, how his gloves remain on. I haven't questioned him on why he did all that with them on, not wanting the pain of the answer.

It's likely because the thought of being mates is unbearable to him...

"I may know someone, with talents in that area." he wanders to the foot of the bed. I sit up excitedly.


"He is good at reading people, good at telling who one's mate may be," Hale mutters.

He looks distracted, and more importantly, bothered by the notion he has brought up. It's obvious it must be a compelling issue, considering Hale has never brought this person up before, who could have aided me far earlier.

"If he is so good at it, why hasn't he found your mate?" I ask, far too tempted to plunge deeper into Hale's life than to face the reality of my own.

Because there is always a chance Hale's idea won't work.

"It's not that simple. He never sensed a mate in my future, or at least he hasn't told me. We don't have the best relationship." He rubs the back of his neck, brows creasing. I tilt my head curiously.

"Who is it?"

He studies me with cold eyes. "My brother."

My blood turns to ice, as fright siezes me. Another Sin. I may have been lucky meeting Hale, having been shown his only his good side so far. But will that same luck extend to another Sin? I somehow doubt it.

"Oh...Really? Which Sin?" I ask softly. I'm not even sure which one I want him to say, although I get the feeling I know, when going off the small amount of researched I've done into all the Purebloods.

Hale rubs his hands through his mussed hair, looking grim. "Lust. He calls himself Sinful. We can visit him if you like."

"You don't seem convinced," I note warily.

"No, not really. But it's all I can think of to help you," he murmurs.

Lust? That sounds like a very unpredictable Sin. But all Seven, other than Hale, he me be the less likely to be violent.

"Then we leave right now..." I say, getting to my feet. I need to do this before I decide against it. It's far too easy to wallow in this cave with Hale to comfort me.

This may be my one chance.


"Yes, we have no time to waste," I exclaim, beginning to pace around the room, wondering whether I should pack something. How long will this take?

Hale grabs my arm, pulling me to a stop, forcing me to look up with him.

"Morning, we can go. Just know he isn't very predictable. I cannot guarantee he won't say something...Offensive," he murmurs.

Offensive? I get a feeling I know what that means. My breath quickens, knowing what Hale and I just did...Knowing that were I questioned about it, I'm not sure how much of it I could brush off as nothing.

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