Not Me (Part One) | Luke Hughes

Start from the beginning

Luke raises an eyebrow, the look on his face dead serious. "I said leave her alone. Like I said, I am perfectly capable of still beating the shit out of you. I know you're not as innocent as you're trying to make yourself seem. Back the fuck off."

Paul and his friends quickly make themselves scarce, leaning just Luke and I. I don't move, not sure what to do. Should I say thank you? Or will he just act like a dick like he did when I apologized for running into him?

"Thank you." I finally whisper, picking my bag up from the floor where I dropped it when Paul first grabbed me. "And again, I'm really sorry for this morning. I was trying to find out where my next class was, and I wasn't paying attention. I didn't mean to knock you over, but I'm sorry either way."

He sighs and runs a hand through his curly hair. "I'm sorry for being a dick about it. I've been in a bad mood ever since my injury, and I was already having a bad morning, and I took it out on you. You didn't deserve that. I'm sorry."

I smile up at him. "Well, I guess we're even. And thank you for standing up to him. I was really scared there." I admit.

He nods quickly. "Of course. He's an actual dick, trust me. And all of the dick that belongs to him is part of his ego. I've been in the bathroom at the same time as him before. He's definitely trying to make up for the lack of that dick." He tells me, gesturing at his crotch to clarify. (Oh my God, I can literally imagine Luke doing this. . . okay, maybe not so much Luke, but maybe Trevor Zegras, but either way it's hilarious)

I can't help but giggle. He's funny. "Yeah, I'm sure." I glance at my watch and see what time it is. "Well, I've missed my lunch time now, so I guess I'll eat at home." I sigh. "Thanks again."

Luke nods. "Of course. See you around."

"You too." I call over my shoulder, hurrying to my next class as the bell rings.

- - - - -

Two Months Later

Hands cover my eyes and I tense. I don't know who this is, or why they're covering my eyes, but I'm terrified. Ever since that first day when Paul grabbed me, I've been on pins and needles whenever someone touches me and I don't know who it is.

I hear a deep chuckle that immediately relaxes me. "It's just me. Calm down." The hands disappear and strong, warm arms slide around my waist, making me grin. I lean my head back, keeping my eyes closed, and pucker my lips for a kiss.

Tyler takes his cue and connects his lips with mine, grinning widely. I pull back and quickly kiss his cheek before pulling out of his arms, but only so I can turn around and wrap my arms around him in return. "Hey." I mumble against his chest, cuddling against his warm body. He tightens his hold on me, tucking my head under his chin.

"Hey, gorgeous. How was your day?"

I shrug. "Same as always. People being stupid, me wanting to just get the hell out of here already." I deadpan. Tyler knows how much I hate it here. I just wish I could be back in Florida, where I was before this year. Tyler is the only thing keeping me here.

He sighs. "I know you hate it here. But we graduate in just a few weeks. Then you'll be off to Florida State, and I'll be at Boston University. I mean, you and I will figure out things between us, and you'll be happy there. You'll be with your old friends, and your cousins. You'll be happy, and I can't wait until then."

I nod. "You're right."

"Hey, lovebirds! Split it up!"

I roll my eyes and pull back from Tyler, glaring at Luke, who isn't slightly phased. "Yes, Hughes?" I ask sarcastically. He knows I'm not happy about him interrupting our moment.

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