It's been two weeks and I have yet to see Anura, it was as if she fell from the face of the earth and I was surprisingly very worried, I searched for her last week asking people around if they've seen her but nobody had I even stopped by her job and she hasn't been in for awhile because of her injury, I don't know whether or not I should put in a persons missing report just yet, I was anxious to see her, I know I may not love her and I know I may not have treated her well over the past few years but I didn't want anything bad happen to her, I hope that she was still alive wherever she was.

I sighed and got off the couch about to leave but a particular picture caught my attention, I picked it up, it was an old picture of Anura holding a baby turtle at the beach, I remember this day, I was with her when she encountered a baby turtle for the first time, she cooed at how adorable it was the whole time but that little nigga was ugly as hell to me, I smiled at the picture, her face looked so bright and happy, I missed that old Anura, the one who was always happy and smiling, I guess I blame myself for her sudden change of behavior.

Neal's POV

I watched Anura carefully as she slept in my arms, we were laid up on my couch, she had fallen asleep while we were watching a movie, I ran my hand through her soft black hair, whenever I'm around her it's like nothing in the world matters, I have this keen need to protect her from all sorts of danger, she was like this precious flower that I had to keep safe.
These past two weeks have been amazing, Anura has been smiling and laughing a lot when she's around me, it made me happy to know that I could make her feel better so quickly, I never wanted her smile to ever go away.

She stirred a bit on my chest and snuggled closer to the croak of my neck, I smiled at how cute she was being, I'm not sure whether or not she's catching feelings for me like I have but I hope she has, I'm not going to pressure her into being mine, I don't want her to dislike me, so I'm going to chill for now and wait for her to come to me and express how she feels about me.

I wouldn't be surprised if she went back to Dave, I've seen this type of situation before, a few days ago one of the nurses told me that Dave showed up looking for Anura, thank god she wasn't there, if she was he'd probably convince her to come back to him and promise things that he won't go through with like "changing", I didn't tell Anura because I didn't need her to be stressed out by him looking for her, I pray that she doesn't go back to work anytime soon, he'll probably show up at our job again, I need to prevent her from having any type of contact with him.

It still pains me knowing what she's been through all this time while being with Dave, I admit I did think their relationship was sort of weird the way they acted around each other and how she would react every time I brought him up, but I didn't think much by it, I couldn't understand why he would do this to her, just thinking about it made me angry all over again, I wanted to confront him but I knew Anura would be upset with me if I did, I let out a sigh, I was thinking way to much, I closed my eyes and forced myself to go to sleep.

I felt Anura lift her head off my chest, And before I knew it I felt her lips brush against mine softly, I kept my eyes close and pretending that I'm still asleep all while trying to contain the big smile that desperately wants to show on my face, I could feel the warmth of her minty breath against my skin so I knew our faces were still facing each other, it took everything in me not to pull her towards me and kiss her back, I could feel her leaning in but instead of kissing me she nuzzled our noses together causing me to smile.

"What are you doing?" I asked with my eyes still closed, she wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head back down planting a kiss against my neck, I opened my eyes feeling a shiver run down my spine after she did that.

"Nothing your just very comfortable." I smiled and rolled us over so now I was on top, I began tickling her profusely causing her to scream out this ugly yet adorable laughter that I've grown to love.

"Ahh stoooop!" She yelled, I laughed along with her, she tried pushing me off but I wouldn't budge, I leaned my head down and when her eyes were closed I captured her lips into a kiss, this time she didn't push me back but instead welcomed my affection, her lips felt soft and sweet just like how I remembered the first time, I opened her legs and went in between them, I put a little bit of my body weight on top of her wanting to feel more comfortable kissing her.

I loved the way her lips felt against mine, I could feel my heart beat accelerate the longer our kiss was, I intertwined our hands together pinning her against the couch as I deepened the kiss, I heard a soft moan escape her lips which earned me an extra cool points.

I felt her place a hand on my chest and she pushed off slightly breaking the kiss, I looked at her." Is something wrong?" I asked not understanding why she pulled away.

"You know we can't do this Neal." I looked at her confused, I was about to say something but I quickly closed my mouth and sat up on the couch.

"Ight cool." I said smirking, she knows I don't listen, I'm going to continue kissing her because I know deep down she likes it, she just doesn't want to admit it.

"I'm serious Neal." She said crossing her arms, I smiled and nodded my head knowing that she was bluffing, we'll be back to kissing again soon.

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