waiting for you

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Who are you waiting for? Is it a lover? A friend? A husband? A wife? A father, mother maybe? A child?

Who are you waiting for?

But waiting for  what, exactly?

Are you waiting for the day that the one knee is taken and the eyes of hers are lit up? Are you waiting for him to do so and the emotions overtake you and the one words to leave your mouth is 'yes'?

Are you waiting for the newest member of your family who ill now experience all of life's ups and downs, but will carry on the name of you and your legacy?

Are you waiting for the happiness that comes with the family that you may have chosen? Are you waiting for a son, or a daughter?

Are you waiting for a change in your life because you either need a break, or you need a substantial awakening?

Are you waiting for that second wind in your lungs? 

Are you preparing for the day that everything ends and everything you have is worthless in the end?

Are you praying for a new day that doesn't hurt as worse as this one?

Are you waiting for the day that your children come and visit you because you feel as if it would be a blessing, and if anything, a pity visit, because you want to be remembered?

Are you waiting on a sign? Something sent from Heaven to confirm new beliefs or aspirations about yourself?

What are you waiting for?

Are you waiting for someone to tell you that you matter? Someone to tell you that despite the trials and failures you have, that you are loved and forgiven?

On that topic, are you waiting for the words,

"I love you."?

Are you preparing for a day where you have to take care of yourself, because no one else will on their own?

Are you waiting for the day you look at yourself in the mirror and have to face the monster that inhabits this body of yours? Are you preparing to say the right words?

Are you waiting for the right time to ask yourself the right questions? 

Are you going to simply stand back and allow life to take you, effectively waiting for something else, something 'different' to happen?

What are you waiting for?

When are you going to begin to realize that things such as these not only come in due time, but a lot of these are due to our own lack of action, or our inability to change the flaws in ourselves and be better? 

In Him, we are all made new, but with that realization comes work, work on yourself to ensure that you don't make the same mistakes again, and the fact that each and everyday you have to improve yourself in order to become the best you can be.

We all are waiting on life to just turn things around for us, when a lot of us don't realize that we are limiting ourselves based on fears and insecurities.

Similar to above, what questions do you ask yourself?

Am I enough?

Does anyone truly understand and care for me?

Who am I to expect any different? Why should I be happy, if all else fails and I am nothing?

You aren't. 

You shouldn't hinder yourself because of those faults, those flaws and those hurts that pervade you. 

If you are waiting on someone else to change your life, take a look at that mirror,

Because your future, is waiting for you.

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