We traveled through the lands beyond the Wall on our mission to capture a wight and Gendry complained about the bitter cold. "You Southern folk complain way too much." I passed him and the group of men, walking alongside Jon, still hearing their conversation.

Tormund confided with Jon about the foolhardy nature of our mission, while Jon discussed his difficult negotiations with Daenerys. "The pride of the Northmen may cost us too many lives." He pointed out, citing Mance Rayder and the Wildlings as an example.

While we were walking, Gendry confronted the Brotherhood Without Banners about selling him off as a sacrifice to Melisandre. Sandor sneered. "You should be grateful that you are still alive. Beric Dondarrion has been killed six times, and you don't hear him bitching about it."

"Let the poor boy bitch about almost being sacrificed without him realizing it." I groaned as I turned around and glared at him.

"He was stupid not to realize it was one," Sandor said.

"Oh yes because a man's first thought when a woman is fully naked is that it is a sacrifice. You would already be balls deep if it happened with you, Clegane." I scoffed, rolling my eyes, and walked away before he could answer.

Not entirely sure how to react, Gendry accepted a drink from Thoros's wineskin. Jon and Jorah Mormont chatted about their relationships with their fathers Eddard Stark and Jeor Mormont. They said that their fathers were good and honorable men and did not deserve their deaths. Groaning again silently, I went to Thoros and took his wineskin, drinking and feeling the sweet liquid running down my throat.

I could feel Sandor's brown eyes on me as we continued our journey. Tormund walked up to Sandor and asked him if he was the one people called Dog.

"Fuck off," Sandor growled.

"They told me you were mean. Were you born mean or do you just hate wildlings?" Tormund asked the scarred man.

"I do not give two shits about you wildlings. It's gingers I hate." Sandor snarled, pushing past him and kept on walking. "Gingers are beautiful. We are kissed by fire. Like you were." Tormund pointed to Sandor's face, but Clegane smacked his hand away. "Don't point your fucking finger at me."

"Did you trip into the fire when you were a baby?" Tormund asked. Sandor laughed and said that he did not trip, he was pushed. The wildling kept staring at him and he groaned in annoyance. "You want to suck my dick, is that it?"

"Dick?" The ginger was confused by the word.


"Ahh, dick. I like it." Tormund nodded enjoying the feel of the word rolling off his tongue. "I bet you do," Sandor smirked, staring over the wildling's shoulder. Turning around to see what the dark-haired man was looking at, Tormund saw Sandor staring at me as I stared back but quickly looked away. Heat spread on my cheeks as I knew I got caught staring at the man I once loved. Or love? I did not know.

"Nope, it is pussy for me," Tormund replied, watching me as I walked in front of them, I could feel both of their eyes on me. "That is why I hate gingers," Sandor mumbled, trying to get away from the man, but was unsuccessful. "Why is that?"

"I saw how close you were in the freezing cells with her. There is probably something between you two." He snarled.

"Aye, there is, her sword. When I first met her, I am not going to lie, I thought about her nakedness and how my name will sound being moaned from her mouth." Sandor glared at him and Tormund continued. "But I also saw that her heart belonged to another and so does mine."

Running Through The Woods - Sandor Clegane Where stories live. Discover now