Chapter 18

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Seven Days Later. . .

Tommy sat in the living room, sewing up a rip in one of Micheal's sweaters as a fire crackled in the fireplace. It was a calming afternoon, one where Micheal was sitting in the living room reading one of his favorite books, while Tubbo and Ranboo did XD knows what outside. Tommy didn't care too much about what they were doing, he was babysitting Micheal.

It was something he hadn't done in a long time, and even if it was something his old self loved and looked forwards to, he couldn't help the anxiety he felt being alone with a kid again. The two husbands had left a little after breakfast, saying they'd be back sometime during the afternoon, which meant they could be back any moment now. 
He and Tubbo had slowly been fixing their... problem. Tommy still refused to speak to Tubbo, always using that pad of paper he had in the beginning when speaking to him. Ranboo, he sometimes talked to, but most of the time he stayed silent and used his pad of paper as well. It wasn't that he was angry at Ranboo, but the ender hybrid was someone he hadn't talked to in such a long time. It was weird still. Micheal, well, Tommy talked when the little piglin asked him questions, or was telling the thesix-year-old a story. He was getting along with the family enough, it was actually quite peaceful here. 
That didn't mean he forgot about Dream's death though, he was still mourning his brother's death. He isn't sure he'll ever forget it, how Tubbo mercilessly killed the ex-admin. It was sick seeing him die the way he did, but he also felt... happy. Something he wasn't proud of.

He loved Dream, and Dream had loved him back happily calling him his brother. But now he was gone, and Tommy would have to get over it. He's not sure if he'll ever truly forgive Tubbo for what he did, but he already can see himself relax around the goat hybrid. He knew he wouldn't stay mad at him for long, but he'd never forgive him for what he did, Tommy was sure about that. 
A knock on the front door made both Micheal and Tommy perk up, both looking towards the hallway that led to the entrance. Micheal and Tommy then looked at one another, questioning gazes meeting. "Did you know someone was coming over?" The piglin asked, closing the book he had been reading as he sat up from his lying position on the couch. 
"No... I didn't." Setting the sweater and sewing supplies aside he stood, signaling for Micheal to stay where he was. He made his way to the front door with careful eyes, eyeing the piece of wood before opening the door. His dull eyes met brown, his usually sad expression changing into one of surprise. Before him was his... family. Wilbur was in front, smiling happily at the sight of him, Philza in the back with a subtle smile, and Techno next to him with a neutral expression. His grip on the knob tightened. He went to shut the door, not wanting to speak to them but Wilbur quickly grabbed the door before he could, a pleading look falling onto his face. 
"Tommy, please can we talk?" His voice was desperate, but with little care Tommy shook his head no, quickly looking towards the wooden floor he stood on, keeping the door semi-closed. "Please, we just want to talk." 
"No." His voice was quiet but he knew that the other heard him because a very sad sigh left his lips. 
"Please, we just want to make sure you're ok-" This made Tommy snap. His angry eyes made contact with Wilbur's the other taken back by his little brother's expression. 
"Why do you three suddenly care?" All three stood shocked by Tommy's words. "None of you have been there for me, and I trust none of you. You all have hurt me one way or another, and I don't feel like ever feeling that way again!" Tommy's eyes dug into Philza's own. "I don't even understand why you're here. What? Did you get bored of Techno or something and decide to finally pay attention to me?" Technoblade walked in front of the now hurt Philza, who looked lost in his world as his now big blue eyes stared at the ground. 
"Tommy that was uncalled for!" The piglin said, his own eyes looking hurt. "He cares about you just as much as he does me."
"He had a funny way of showing it." 
"Tommy!" Said boy turned to Wilbur, who looked almost pained at the scene before him. "I'm sorry, Tommy. I-" 
"I don't want apologies, I'm done with apologies! I'm done with getting manipulated! I'm done with- with- EVERYTHING!" Tommy let his anger be heard. "I'm sick of following what you say, only to be backstabbed and left to die because I decided I didn't like your fucking plan! I'm tired of being used like a chess piece for your amusement! I'm DONE!" Tommy turned towards Techno and Phil, his eyes unforgiving. "I'm done with all of you." 

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