Chapter 16

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I feel like I should make Tubbo a warning.... Um.... So....


That Night. . .

Tubbo stared at the compass in his hand, the crackling of the fire in front of him just background noise much like the others talking around him. His green eyes watched as his thumb ran over the words on the back, to trained on the wording to notice his husband settling down next to him with a plate of steak in hand for the goat hybrid. Ranboo watched his husband for a moment, a frown perching on his face before he hesitantly laid a hand on Tubbo's shoulder. 

He seemed to jump out of whatever daze he had been in, his dark eyes clearing up as they met Ranboo's concerned mismatched ones. "Hey, I brought you some food." Ranboo spoke quietly, his other hand lifting to show Tubbo the steak he had brought over. It was still steaming, most likely just coming off of the fire. The brownette smiled, putting the compass in his pocket before taking the plate from the ender hybrid. 

"Thank you, Boo." Tubbo said, grabbing the fork from the plate to start eating. As he did Ranboo turned to stare at the fire, his brows creased as he thought. They had just settled down, only hours before dawn should appear. They were determined to catch up to Dream and Tommy, and as far as they could tell it their plan had worked. They were close to the base, but many of them were exhausted and needed some sleep, Tubbo included. He barely slept the night before, but the book he had read haunted his thoughts, making him toss and turn as he tried to sleep. Maybe knowing that they were close to saving Tommy, he could sleep better than he had the other night. At least, he hoped he would. 

It was weird working with the Minecraft family, seeing as he and the family had been bickering since Tommy's disappearance and Ranboo's death. Tubbo had never been on good terms with Philza or Technoblade since he, Wilbur, and Tommy left the cabin, but he and Wilbur had once been close. But now with all this time away from each other, it was weird to be even in the same proximity as him. He looked towards the three family members, blinking at them and their domestic behaviour. 

Philza had his good wing wrapped around Wilbur, whose head was laying on the father's shoulder as he slept soundly. Philza was eating, his blue eyes dark as he too stared at the fire. Technoblade was next to Philza, softly talking as he too ate, the father nodding along to what he said every once in a while, even saying a few words as his eldest spoke. He wondered why Philza seemed to be able to pay attention to Wilbur now, seeing as he had always saved his attention for Techno, and on occasion, even Tubbo. 

It made Tubbo frown as early childhood memories crawled into his brain. He hadn't thought of those in a very long time, mostly because Tommy was in a majority of them, but also because he didn't like looking back at the broken family he had been left with. When they were children Tommy used to wonder if Philza hated him, and Wilbur would try to convince the child that his father did love him, along with trying to convince himself as well. It always hurt Tubbo when Tommy asked those types of questions, and slowly made him dislike Philza. 

Tubbo hated that Philza tried to bond with him, but never Wilbur or Tommy. They were always last for everything when it came to Philza, Tommy especially. He never saw Philza, and if he did he ate up whatever attention or affection the father would give him. It was sad, to see Tommy stare after their father after basically being ignored. So now seeing Philza giving both his sons the kind of attention he remembers Tommy craved for, it made Tubbo boil with rage. 

It made him wonder why the bird hybrid was even here, or even cared when they found Tommy in the first place. He had abandoned him from birth, and now he suddenly cares? He ripped his angry glare from the blond when their eyes met, staring down towards his now empty plate. Ranboo looked at the goat hybrid in worry, an arm wrapping around the smaller to bring him into his side.

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