Chapter 13

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Now, Tubbo knew when he told the rest of the Minecraft family that their youngest had once again been abducted by Dream and that he had no idea where he was and wanted their help with bringing Tommy back, he did expect them to be a bit mad. But this was a new level, with Techno hollering about blowing up Tubo's house looking infuriated and Wilbur cursing the god of death herself as his crazed eyes stared into Tubbo's own scared ones.

He knew the Minecraft family had issues, but Tubbo must say this is a new level for him. They never cared for Tommy that much, so seeing a reaction like this was weird to the goat hybrid. They always used the poor teen, used him to their advantage without a care of his feelings or what would happen to him. Tubbo saw it all, how Wilbur would break him down and ignore his questions and concerns, belittling him any chance he could and telling the young teen he'd be better off without Tommy.

He remembers watching Tommy flinch away from Wilbur and the terror that filled his eyes too. Tubbo knew something was happening between the brothers that neither wanted to bring up, but when Tommy had admitted to him Wilbur had slapped him before for going against his judgment, and that it was slowly becoming more frequent and turning from slaps to punches, Tubbo wanted nothing more than to run away and leave this forsaken SMP behind.

Tommy seemed to agree too, the sparkle in his blue eyes returning at the mention of leaving, a smile at Tubbo adored facing him as Tommy talked about all the possibilities that came with the idea. But like every other dream it was quickly snuffed out, but not by someone else. Tommy had said no, that they were still needed and that they weren't children that could just run away from their problems. Tubbo wished that Tommy could have seen they were still too young for things like this, that fighting in wars was wrong and something no sixteen and seventeen-year-old should have to go through yet.

Technoblade had even beaten the younger brother almost to death, leaving the poor boy to try and patch himself up after the whole ordeal. Even before that, he seemed not to care too much for Tommy. And he only proved Tubbo right after he was made president of L'manburg. He was knocked out of the past by the cabin's entrance being slammed open, a very scary Phil staring back at him. His wings were puffed out, blue eyes holding a dark anger that made Tubbo uncomfortable. Both twins clamped their mouths shut when their father entered the house, the room now deathly quiet.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Tubbo." Philza's voice was cold as he spoke, making Tubbo try and make himself look unphased by the bird hybrid's chilling voice. He walked further into the house, slamming the door behind him and making Tubbo slightly jump. "You claimed custody of Tommy, claiming you could take care of him better than we could. THEN you chased us off every time we tried to see Tommy. THEN you let that fucking green Teletubby FUCKING KIDNAP TOMMY AGAIN!" Okay, now Tubbo was terrified. The three men before him looked infuriated, ready to rip the small goat apart where he stood.

"Please, just listen ok?-" Tubbo started, but Technoblade quickly interrupted.

"And why should we?"

"Because I know we can get him back, now please listen!" Tubbo yelled out. All three men before him paused, Philza slowly looking less angry, his stare now nothing but an angry glare. "I have a compass that shows me where Tommy is, we can track him down!" Tubbo told them. "He'll be with Dream though. That's why I wanted your help... I can't take Dream on by myself, I'll die." Wilbur walked in front of his two family members, looking like he was actually considering his words. "I-If we overwhelm him with people like we did in.... Before we put him in prison, we might be able to get him back in prison and get Tommy back."

"I want proof you have this compass." Wilbur said, brown eyes looking dark as he frowned. Tubbo nodded quickly, lifting his arm as he put his palm facing up, letting the compass be summoned into his hold. The arrow was already pointing in the direction Tommy would be in, making Tubbo's heart squeeze. He wished he could go after the two already and save the poor young adult from his fate. The three terrorist crowded in, looking at it before facing the goat hybrid again.

"Well, this gives us a chance at getting Tommy back." Technoblade mumbled, eyes already looking like he was making a plan. "But we're gonna need more help I think..." Tubbo smiled, already pulling his communicator out of his pocket.

"I have that covered." Tubbo said, opening his communicator to message a certain person.

Tubbo: Hey, remember how you said if given the chance you'd kill Dream?

Tubbo looked back towards the Minecraft family once he sent the message. "So, I'm guessing you guys are in?" Philza slowly nodded, the two twins doing the same. Tubbo's communicator buzzed again, his green eyes quickly looking back towards the device.

Sapnap: On my way with Quackity. Tell me the plan when we get there.

"Well, it seems we have two others joining us on our rescue." Tubbo said as he showed the three his communicator. Technoblade groaned though, covering his face once he finished reading.

"Quackity? Really?" Tubbo said as he showed the three his communicator. Technoblade groaned though, covering his face once he finished reading.

"Quackity? Really?" Tubbo glared.

"We'll take anyone who wants to help." He said, making Techno only groan louder. Tubbo knew why Technoblade didn't like the idea of Quackity joining them, since it was the man that lead the attack on him, the same man that tried to execute him and then kill him afterwards. But Tubbo could also care less, seeing as he cared very little for the piglin hybrid and also about his feelings. "Speaking of help, Ranboo will happily join our cause." Tubbo smiled as he spoke of him. He still couldn't believe Ranboo was alive, but he was thankful that he was. Philza and Wilbur looked surprised by his words, but Technoblade only nodded as he spoke.

"Ranboo's alive?" Wilbur asked. Oh, he guessed Wilbur and Philza didn't know yet. 

That night. . .

Tommy sat by the campfire Dream had made, eyes fixed on the fare before him as Dream cooked some rabbits they had managed to catch. Tommy didn't understand why he felt so empty like he was missing a piece of himself. It's how he's felt the whole time they've been on the road, an ache in his chest making him want to turn back. He missed Tubbo and Micheal, but he didn't think that it would affect him so much. Dream looked at the white-haired male in his daze, lightly touching his shoulder with his hand.

Tommy looked over to see Dream's concerned eyes looking back at him. "You okay Toms?" Tommy paused, now answering right away before nodding his head.

He'd be okay, he just needed to forget about Tubbo and Micheal again. He needed to realize that Tubbo didn't care about him anymore. He only took care of him out of pity, thinking Tommy was miserable in the life he had been living for a year. He needed to convince himself he didn't need Tubbo. "Are you sure?" Tommy looked over towards the older, smiling.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." He would be fine, he was happy with the life he had before Tubbo ripped it away from him. Maybe, he'd miss the Hot chocolate they'd have, maybe he'd miss the board games they would play, maybe he'd miss reading with Micheal... Maybe he would just miss Tubbo. But, he was with his brother now, Dream was all he needed.

He didn't need the people from his past, he didn't want the people from his past. He needed to remember that and forget those that hurt him beyond repair, those who have wronged him and abandoned him. As a cooked rabbit was handed to him, he let his thoughts sink in. 

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