Chapter 9

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One Day Later. . .

Tommy sat in his room, a book open as he sat at his desk. A cup of coffee sat in front of the white-haired man, a plate of barely touched food slid to the side. It was a peaceful day, one that Tommy was enjoying fully. He didn't know when Drea would show up, but around his neck his compass sat, the needle turning every time Dream changed directions.

He knew the other was looking for him. Flipping the page he tried to ignore the slow creak of his room's door, his shoulders tensing as footsteps echoed in the silent room. It was Tubbo, the goat hybrid finally coming into view. 

He silently picked up the plate, but he still looked sad. "Tommy?" Said boy looked up from his book. "Um, Micheal wants you to join the board games tonight." Tommy was silent for a moment, pin-like eyes searching his ex-best friend's own. If it was Micheal asking for him to join, then who was he to refuse?

He slowly nodded, trying to ignore the very subtle warm feeling he felt when Tubbo's usual bright smile formed on his lips. "Great, I'll get the game set up and you can go to the dining table. Micheals waiting in there." Tommy nodded again, turning away as Tubbo started for the door. 

Micheal, he was Tommy's favorite and only nephew. He had spent so many hours babysitting the child, reading bedtime stories to him, or exploring the great outdoors with the child. Taking care of Micheal had brought the child side of Tommy more times than he could count, a side of himself he thought he had lost many years ago. He remembers staying up late into the night with the piglin, curled up on the living room couch with a warm fire crackling in the fireplace of their mansion living room.

He also remembers teaching the child how to make s'mores in the same room, making the gooey treat with a happy smile as Micheal babbled about anything he could think of, and since he was still learning how to talk Tommy would only correct his wording when he noticed a mistake. 

He sighed, bookmarking his page and standing from his desk chair. Micheal, his sweet nephew has gone through alot. His dad was dead, and from what he understood from what Tubbo had told him from their last talk, was also kidnapped. It was something he had always hoped Micheal wouldn't have to go through, traumatic events that could damage a child's mind. He had to go through it, but part of him believed that his nephew wouldn't have to. How foolish he was to believe that. 

Two Hours Later. . .

Tommy rolled the dice again, quickly moving his game piece across the Monopoly board. He held his hand out once he passed go, eyes demanding his pay. Tubbo only rolled his eyes playfully and handed over the play money, Micheal giggling at the scene before him.

"You know, I think your uncle is going to win." Tubbo grumbles, but a smile is still tugging on his lips. Tommy nodded his head though, as if he was confirming the other's words. Tubbo gasped, Micheal smiling brighter in the process. "And now he's getting cocky!" 

"To be fair, he has both railroads, and bought most of the hotels." Micheal said, shrugging as he spoke before rolling the dice himself. He moved his piece five spaces and landed on one of Tommy's properties, the uncle's hand whipping out towards Micheal demanding his money.

The child glared, making Tubbo laugh as the child slapped down the hundred he owed the other. It was a nice game, one that made all three forget their problems. That was until a knock filled the house. Tubbo paused, laughs dissipating as all three turned towards the door. 

"Wait here." Tubbo mumbles, standing from his seat to go answer the door. Tommy paused, looking towards Micheal and then back to the father. He didn't know if staying in the open was a good idea for the child, so he opened his arms, beckoning the five-year-old into his lap. Micheal got out of his own seat to crawl into the uncle's arms, letting those lanky ligaments wrap around him. Tubbo opened the door after a few moments, letting all three to see Philza and Technoblade themselves. Tommy froze, eyes taking in his father and brother. 

He remembered when he and his family were close, all looking out for one another and protecting each other. How the years changed them all. Now, Tommy was afraid of his family, refusing to ever face them. So, seeing his father and brother staring back at him, the winged man looking relieved but still distraught, Tommy couldn't help but feel the slight emotion of anger.

He never showed emotions anymore though, his face blank of any expression. He never showed emotions unless it was to those he felt he could trust, like Dream. Technoblade was the first to speak. 

"Is that Tommy?" Tommy forgets sometimes that his appearance changed so much, his blond hair a pure white, and more scars covering him than any man should ever have, even his eyes were different. Tubbo,s grip on the door tightened. 

"I told you I didn't want you seeing Tommy-" 

"I'm sure Tommy can speak for himself." Philza's cold voice filled the house, making Tommy shrink in on himself. His voice reminded him of Dream's own scolding tone, how his voice would go from honey-sweet to cold and unforgiving. Tubbo still stood in the entrance of the door, the little goat hybrid not looking like he'd be moving any time soon.

"He doesn't want to see you either." Tubbo's own voice was laced with venom, as if he was daring the two before him to ignore his words again. 

Philza turned to Tommy, a warm smile facing the scarred boy. Tommy remembers the same smile shining down on him when he was a child, how he adored it and chased after his father's approval, for the smile he would get and the hand in his hair ruffling it affectionately. "Tommy, we want to talk. Can we please speak to you?" Tommy held Micheal closer, pin-like eyes narrowing in on his once kind father. 

No, he didn't want to speak to him. He never planned to speak to the man ever again after Dooms Day. So, he knelt down to Micheal's ear and whispered a simple word to the child. Micheal took a moment to process, all three looking toward the scene, but only one looked utterly shocked. "He said no." The air around them seemed to freeze in place, Philza's warm smile breaking into an angry frown. Even Technoblade looked a little hurt by Tommy's words. 

"Tom-" Tubbo slid back into the intruders' way, green eyes darkened and angry. 

"You can leave now." Silence filled the room once again, but this time Philza and Technoblade turned away from the door. Tubbo slammed it shut after the movement, anger still overtaking him. 

"I think we should end the game and just make some hot cocoa." Micheal said, brown eyes looking sad. Tubbo's angry demeanor changed quickly to his happy smile. 

"If that's what you want." With that the three started making hot chocolate, Micheal excitedly grabbing the marshmallows and eating some as they waited for the water to boil. 

That Night. . . 

Tommy sat in his room, the desk lamp on and book opened once again. It seemed like the only thing he did anymore, read to forget where he was. He was knocked out of his fantasy though when his door silently opened. He looked over to see Tubbo stepping in, a pad of paper and quill in his hand.

"Hey Tommy, I'm heading to bed but I wanted to give this to you." Tommy looked towards the pad of paper and quill with skeptical eyes. The goat hybrid extended his hand waiting for the white-haired male to take it. "It's so you can talk to us without verbally speaking." Tommy took it after those words, gently grabbing the objects out of the goat hybrid's hands.

He blinked, picking the quill up before slowly beginning to write. He showed the patiently waiting Tubbo the pad once he was finished. Thanks. Tubbo smiled, his eyes sparkled as he read. 

"No problem, Tommy." 

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