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Morning came and you could only tell from Lawrence's wristwatch that the sun didn't reach this cold basement. Mc was in bed she couldn't sleep all night knowing what she had done and with whom she had done it she couldn't feel more than a despicable being she knew that what she had done was to be able to survive and have a life outside of that basement even so she felt very alone Lawrence was sleeping peacefully on the other side of the mattress with only his white shirt and underwear mc, on the contrary, she was fully dressed as soon as Lawrence fell asleep she tried to clean the body with one of the bottles of pure alcohol, since not wanting to wastewater, he put on his clothes and tried to sleep without success until Lawrence's alarm went off pretending to be asleep so as not to see him.

Lawrence: (looks like she's still asleep but she's fully clothed that's kind of weird but I guess it's because she was cold women are more sensitive to cold who would say she'd do something like that in the middle of an apocalypse most adults are idiots feeling that they are superior because of their age, but I must accept that they were right in this I had never felt so good in my life so perhaps the drama they made when referring to this was not an exaggeration she asked me if she would have enjoyed it too, she he didn't complain about anything his face looked embarrassed but for me it's certainly lovely we didn't make much noise because of the zombies we're in the basement but it's better not to risk it I'm glad I could control myself because it certainly cost me too much I think I should go clean up, but the showers are on the second floor there shouldn't be a problem she should go take a bath too it must be uncomfortable after sweating so much, but I'd better go first and when I'm done I will not take her to bathe there is water in the tank it is not potable to drink but enough to bathe)

/Lawrence changed and quietly left the basement for the showers while mc got out of bed not knowing where Lawrence went cooking half a can of canned meat with a small pot of rice, salt, and what little pepper was left until Lawrence arrived in the basement to find mc serving on the plastic plates at the desks leaving the dishes ready/

Lawrence: wow you woke up in a good mood, you've never cooked before it smells great, enjoy

Mc: thanks, by the way, good morning

Lawrence: It actually looks good, it's not bad, thank you very much, sorry for not letting you know where I was going, I just went to the showers, after helping you clean up I'll take you so you can feel more comfortable. I know there are no things for the hair or anything like that but I got a bar of soap so that should suffice for now

Mc: thanks Lawrence

Lawrence: mc are you okay? I have no idea if what I did yesterday was okay for you, you didn't seem to dislike it anyway, I wanted to confirm if you feel okay

Mc: I'm just a little tired, that's all, don't worry, you didn't hurt me or anything like that, let's go to the showers? Lawrence: yes, of course, let's go

/ while mc is taking a bath, Lawrence is at the entrance of the bathroom trying not to let anything get close while he immerses himself in his thoughts /

Lawrence:(this should be enough to make sure she won't leave me and will obey me i guess after almost 3 months she finally broke and is in my total control psychology was right stockholm syndrome is powerful it doesn't matter if we now go to the safe zone she would stay by my side, but it doesn't seem wise to risk her in vain I wonder if only the safe zone would be closer if it were only I could try to climb as fast as possible I doubt those idiots realized the way zombies behave so I wouldn't have any distractions if she was safe in the basement there is food and everything I need how long would it take me to get a stable job 4 or 3 months maybe if I get it I'll bring her with me to a place where no one questions too much she wouldn't slave for the government and we could do what she wants so much it's decided i'll go to the safe zone i'll just get a nice position of power and bring her with me meanwhile she will be here safely locked up she would come maybe once a month to make sure she is alright)

/mc got out of the shower and they went to the basement together/

Mc: I need you to tell me what will happen? you decided we're leaving

Lawrence: I have a plan, I don't think you'll like it, but it's perfect, the best we could do is for me to go only to the safe zone, first don't make that face, listen to me.
If I go first with all the experiments I've done on zombies I'm very useful, I could show my knowledge and get a high position in the safe zone when I have it I'll bring you with me and we'll live comfortably and do just what you wanted I will not leave you alone at all I will come to see you once a month I do not think it will take more than 4months to get the job I'll make sure this is a safer place scaring away zombies is not a difficult task just trust me I would never leave you alone I do it because it's what you want and it's the best way you think

Mc: what you say makes sense, I want to trust you, but I'm afraid of being alone

Lawrence: I would never leave you I promise to keep my promise I'll come back for you just trust me /kisses mc's forehead/ wait for me understood I'll leave next week today is Friday meanwhile what could we do?

MC: Lawrence you are not afraid of what we did yesterday

Lawrence: No why should I be afraid?

Mc: Well, I had never done something like this in my life, honestly, I couldn't imagine doing it in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. I had no idea that I was going to do it so soon, I was only interested in studying, but I always thought that I would do it. I would always take great care of myself so that nothing bad happened to me

Lawrence: What happened did I hurt you in any way? Because you didn't tell me I would have stopped, I tried to be very delicate

Mc: no, that's not that, but I mean, you know in this new world there are no contraceptives or any way to avoid any accident and both of us are only very young and I don't want to have more problems in a world like this

Lawrence: I've never thought about it that carefully, but you're right, it would be irresponsible to bring more trouble when we can barely ensure we have food for ourselves, let alone someone else, it was very irresponsible of me not to think about it

Mc: I don't think there will be many problems due to my schedule, but I don't feel comfortable or safe doing anything until I can ensure that we can eat 3 times a day.

Lawrence: I would never allow myself to be like those idiots who, even though they were poor, had so many children that looked like rabbits, it seems so stupid to think that you eat with love

Mc: yes you are right

Lawrence: Don't worry when I go to the safe zone, I'll get the stability we need at all costs and we won't have to worry about that

Mc: why can't go with you from the beginning?

Lawrence: I would work too much and the food we will receive will be less than what you will eat here you would be hungry, cold, and tired unnecessarily, part of me could not concentrate 100% on achieving a high position, it is putting yourself at unnecessary risk and allowing those idiots of hurting you because I would need to be attentive almost always to get the job and I couldn't protect you as necessary
Mc: seeing it that way you're right, it's unnecessary to go through all that

Lawrence: you have nothing to worry about, the only way for me to get away from you is death, I will never let you go, we will always be together until death does us part.

an ending with Lawrence Where stories live. Discover now