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/Lawrence once a week goes outside to see if he can find something useful over time he found fewer and less useful things although occasionally he found clothes it was not very useful clothes in the middle of an apocalypse, even so, whenever I found something that I considered nice for mc, I returned happily.
He rarely looked for something for himself rarely did he look for something for himself all the time looking for nice things to be able to keep her in the best possible shape, at the same time he neglected himself more and more physically to the point that his jacket was completely torn and almost unusable/
Lawrence: today was a good day look I found this for you it's a sweatshirt I know it's a little dirty, but you can tell it's new I found it at the mall

MC: Thanks, Lawrence... I wanted to talk to you about this some time ago I noticed that your jacket is a bit worn and I found some thread and a needle if you give it to me I can repair it for you at least enough for the next Patrol you can find something for yourself

Lawrence: I hadn't even noticed that my jacket was ripped

MC: you must put yourself first, you always bring a lot of things for me and you have nothing if you neglect yourself too much you will get sick

Lawrence: Do you care about me?

Mc: Of course, if I can't allow something bad to happen to you, what would happen if you go out with this torn jacket, you'd be very cold and you'd probably get sick, and in this world, without antibiotics, and cold could be fatal

Lawrence: I'll be fine I'm not someone weak or easy to get sick
Mc: anyway it would not be very sensible of you to risk so much you say that "the idiots perish and the intelligent survive" perhaps it seems intelligent to you to risk so stupidly
Lawrence: Yes you're right, but I need to go out to bring you clothes and take out the food that is left outside
Mc: Lawrence there's no more food left outside and I don't need any more clothes you know there's nothing left how many times have you come back empty-handed? There is no more food outside I don't even understand why you go out if you know you won't find anything it's a waste of time
Lawrence: If I just get a packet of pepper for you to eat, it's not a waste of time, I'm doing all this to try to give you everything I'm capable of.
MC: Lawrence, you give me what I want right?
Lawrence: Yes, as long as I can get it. MC: you can sit down for a moment /Lawrence sits on the floor next to mc, she takes Lawrence's hand/
MC: your hands are hurt your skin is dry and your palms are red you have exerted a lot of force to lift something
Lawrence: Yeah, but it's not a big deal. It should be fine if I wear gloves, but of course, there aren't any.
Mc: the best thing is to clean your hands with water and I have a little Vaseline I know it's not much, but it would help something your lips are still dry I'll go get my chapstick Lawrence: wait, do you care about me?
Mc: of course yes
Lawrence: Why? I thought you hate me, you always look at me with fear or resentment and still worry that my lips are parched
Mc: Lawrence I can't hate you even though I never think I can forgive you for what you've done I can't despise everything you've done for me either, but I need you to do me a favor
Lawrence: what do you need?
Mc: you can take care of yourself I need you to be well if something happens to you I don't know what I would do I need you by my side I want you to be well worry more about yourself if you continue like this without eating well putting yourself at risk for things as insignificant as a packet of pepper no I think you'll stay alive for a long time I know you're physically very strong and you're too intelligent, but you're not immortal if something happened to you out there I'd stay locked up here alone until my death comes not knowing exactly what happened to you and I can't tolerate the idea of ​​losing you too please Lawrence don't leave me alone / Mc cries tears run down his face silently Lawrence puts his arms around mc and changes his expression to a calm face giving mc a hug putting his face close to mc's/
Lawrence: I promise never to leave you alone until death you will always be by my side I promise I would not dare to die leaving you alone /Taking mc's face with his left hand, he delicately approaches mc's lips until kissing her softly/
Lawrence: you have nothing to worry about you are mine and you are always by my side as I will let go of the person who has shown me the most love in my life if one day I die rest assured that you would come with me I will never leave you alone like this stop crying if you don't want me to go out on patrol or eat more I will, but I don't want to see you sad even if you look so pretty crying
MC: Lawrence I'll go get the things to cure your hands don't move / mc is delicately placing a little Vaseline on Lawrence's hands and then putting bandages on her palms /
Lawrence: I don't think bandages are necessary.
Mc: if you don't use them, your wounds get worse and they can get infected, so it's better that you don't take them off. They're hydrated with Vaseline and the bandages aren't tight, so they let everyone breathe without getting infected. The only thing missing is the balm. Your lips are so dry when you kissed it felt better I think you should drink more water it's not healthy

Lawrence: I need to ask you a question so you want to be here without me going on any patrol again you want us both to be without going out
Mc: no, I don't want that, what I want is that you don't get hurt, ebony, there is nothing useful outside, all the surroundings of the school are empty, there is nothing left that is worth risking
Lawrence: If it is more and more useless to go out what we need most is food and I have not seen even a single bottle of water, maybe it is better to simply focus on growing the food for when the canned goods are finished, although of course there is a long way to go for that
Mc: Lawrence I want to go to the safe zone.

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