From Lawrence's View

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(Lawrence's thought
you want to leave why? Don't you see the beautiful castle that I made for us as our home why you would want to leave? we have more resources, and I don't want others to see you, idiots don't deserve to even see you. you are better than anyone, you they are shit... surround yourself with garbage always seeing you talking about you? I can't allow it)
Lawrence: no, that's not going to happen mc is that maybe he doesn't see it because you wanted to surround yourself with idiots who take advantage of your naivety it seems ridiculous to me, didn't you see them fighting like idiots even when death comes their way I would only be with you putting in danger
Mc: Lawrence ENOUGH! Your god complex is insufferable, accept the reality we are not going to survive alone 2 years pass and after that, we will live on potatoes and hopefully tomatoes, does that seem like a decent life to you
Lawrence: not exactly, but you think a good life living as slaves for the government would be desired of us, anytime don't be stupid we're much better off here
Mc: you say you love me, but that's a lie if you loved me you wouldn't want me to die FIRST OF ALL I WANT TO LIVE!! I don't get to this point to give up I want a future I just want to eat 3 times a day and be able to plan a life
Lawrence: It doesn't matter what you want, you won't get anywhere on your own.
MC: Lawrence please listen to me I want to feel that I have a reason to be alive that I come here for something
Lawrence: And what is that something you could have in the safe zone that we can't have here?
Mc: since I was a girl I always dreamed of having a family of my own, I dreamed of cooking taking care of children working, I had so many dreams that now they are gone, but this safe area gives a door a little hope that if it happens I can be happy with you even after all you've done you're all I have left but it's not enough to be alive

Lawrence: would you like to have a family? I did not know that
MC: Lawrence, you know things that the army probably doesn't know, no one but you knew how sensitive zombies are to noise, I know that with everything you learned about them, you could stand out from the rest. the safe zone next to me?
Lawrence: I'm not an idiot, I know you would immediately run away from me
Mc: of course I would never go to your site, you are the only person I trusted and the only one I have left even if I could I don't want to leave you, but I do have a good life

Lawrence: you are braver than you seem (the truth is if what you say came true I wouldn't mind if I had power in the safe zone no one would come near you no one would dare to challenge me I could get rid of anyone with ease there would be no way to escape, but nothing assures me that I could achieve what you promise me, there should be a way to have a future that is not to eat vegetables for life, but I need time to think about it, plan it, see that you cannot escape from my side, I have all that to think carefully)
Lawrence: mc I need to think carefully about what you tell me, I don't promise you more than that (The reality is that the idea that I can be free and meet others I don't want anyone else to see you I don't want that to be He says with no one else I don't want I don't want You are mine and Although the truth is you are not the most perfect person for me you are simply perfect there is no way that I will let you, so pure and perfect, get close to him Besides the ilk of the world I can do his friend can socialize you can be and not depend completely on me that makes me sick I haven't come that far so that tomorrow you betray me and leave me I can't allow that and if that means eating only potatoes and tomatoes I'm willing to make the sacrifice Although I know you're right we couldn't last long in that state I wish I could have power I wish there wasn't a need to do this, but knowing how sociable you are and your need to be with others you know I don't think that could be it your kindness is one of the worst things oh i can't control you i can't control what you do or what you think what i want to do with you i can't do it i just wish you would be obedient but at the same time without losing your spark but i guess that's it what humans have does not have its good and bad parts if you could obey me 100% I think I would not hesitate to go to the safe zone with you, but since that is not the case I guess we are going to have to stay here at least until I can finally break you and make you obey everything I say I would like to see your smile while you obey everything I say That is my greatest desire)
MC: look (he takes out a pamphlet from the safe zone that has a map behind it to get there) you can see that they moved it, right, it's another pamphlet
Lawrence: How did you get it?
Mc: I have been able to get out of here for a week now, if I wanted to run away I would have left with the map and the food without you noticing.
Lawrence: that's impossible how did you get out of here
Mc: listen to me Lawrence there are only two ways to be or you kill me like the rest and you stay here in this cold basement with my body until you run out of food or we go to the safe zone together

Lawrence: So you're not afraid to die right?
Mc: I'm not afraid of anything, every time I see you it's like seeing death in person, and even so I'm here, believe me, there's nothing that scares me
Lawrence: And if death doesn't scare you, tell me why you want to live.
Mc: don't go through all this in vain and if I'm going to die at least it's in a way that makes me proud
Lawrence: so you won't leave my side no matter what I do right
Mc: yes it is if you are going to kill me just do it once
Lawrence: Will you stay by my side and obey me no matter what?
MC: (takes a deep breath and looks directly into Lawrence's eyes) yes, if we go to the safe zone together I will obey everything you ask of me
/Lawrence approaches mc slowly and takes her face in his hands until he kisses her slowly, but with a lot of passion her face was very red and trembled somewhat anxiously while with her left arm she took mc by the waist bringing her body closer to her/
Lawrence: And as I am sure that you will obey me
/mc took a deep breath and without much thought kissed Lawrence quickly while Lawrence's hands approached his shoulders taking off his jacket while mc also took off Lawrence's jacket although he was a little nervous he tried to hide it Lawrence's hands went down to below of mc's shirt touching his abdomen his hands were hot and mc was very cold Lawrence took off mc's shirt leaving her only with her bra on top mc closed his eyes and said "I'll do what you tell me" all by himself I look at her with her impatient and anxious face that disgusted mc so much and she touched her hair she raised mc in her arms as if it were a fairy tale while mc just tried not to look away from her face despite the fear that had, Lawrence took her to the room where there were only some sheets and the inflatable mattress gently placed mc on top of the mattress while he only observed her from head to toe with a reddened face he took off his shirt long black ngas that he was wearing revealing his defined torso and arms without extremely exercised musculature, but that could be defined perfectly pants/
Lawrence: don't worry if you don't like something you just have to say it and I'll stop, but I'll try to be delicate, I don't want him to hate me more
Mc: ok...

/ Lawrence lowered mc's pants to her thighs and stopped to look at mc's crotch with her underwear and then completely removed her pants, touched mc's abdomen again with her hands until kissing him /

Lawrence: Your smell is like a drug to me, touching your delicate skin is driving me crazy. Since I saw you arrive I couldn't help but dream of having you like this at my complete disposal, now that you are, I just want us to be together without even a little distance between us, I want your body to scream that it's mine.

/Lawrence proceeded to lower her pants and put her hand on mc's back to remove her bra so mc was completely still like a rabbit waiting for her death, she didn't take her eyes off Lawrence's, she only saw everything he did not he was unfazed he was just red-faced wondering if it was worth it thinking about how to calm down each time leaving his mind blank starting by simply letting himself be carried away by Lawrence's hands and his delicate movements, but given with precision each movement was smooth as if each part it was already planned by Lawrence little by little mc felt more comfortable she simply began to enjoy putting aside her sanity until with total calm and delicacy they became one there was no clumsiness or pain despite the words that Lawrence had said he acted as if had all the experience in the world available to make mc forget absolutely everything he had done./

an ending with Lawrence Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora