Secret Garden

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Lawrence: You've been even paler than usual lately.

MC: It's normal considering I haven't seen the sun in weeks.

Lawrence: you're right, but even though your skin is so pale you look good

Mc: Do I look good with a vitamin d deficiency?

Lawrence: No, well what I mean is that it impresses me that no matter what I still find you beautiful.  No girl had ever interested me before, not even physically, I was so focused on my studies, I think I never allowed myself to have any kind of attraction to anyone.

Mc: We all sacrifice something for studies, the truth is I have felt a physical attraction to someone else in the past, but I didn't do much about it, I was still focused on being a good student

Lawrence: and what was your type is to say as Look the person to whom you felt attracted

Mc: I don't quite remember it was so long ago, but he was tall with broad shoulders I think he had black hair, but I'd be lying if I said I'm sure of that the truth is I never heard his voice I only saw him from afar there was no time to those things

Lawrence: Sounds a bit like Ethan at least the way you described it.

Mac: what?  Not at all, he wasn't that tall

Lawrence: I see I could be a bit nosy, but did you have a partner before?

Mc: that's a confusing question, that is, I was in a "relationship" for about 2 weeks, I don't think that counts, so I would say not really

Lawrence: so it's a no /he puts on such a nice and warm smile that mc can't help but smile/ Why did you go out with that person?

Mc: It was something too fast, at that time I was a little depressed and he was very kind and when he is sinking he just holds on to the first trunk he sees to float even though it sounds cruel

Lawrence: not at all, I think it's what any human does at some point I think it's very mature that you accept your mistakes that seems remarkable in a person

Mc: I guess you're trying to get me to do that but with you right?
Lawrence: maybe
Mc: you don't feel guilty
Lawrence: To be honest, no.
MC: I see, how long until the canned meat is cooked?
Lawrence: It should be fine by now so could you bring the plates?  I found a packet of pepper on my squad car the other day, do you want some?

Mc: yes please, you know my favorite seasoning for food is pepper then cumin, whenever I cooked something it always had pepper
Lawrence: Do you like to cook?

Mc: yes, but just being left alone in the kitchen with the music I want and cooking what I want, otherwise I don't have too much fun my mother is a bit strict so I'm afraid someone will see me while I cook

Lawrence: Was your mother good to you?

Mc:/ stops eating staying still for a moment like a computer processing the question/ she was someone complicated, but she loved me and I loved her. Did you and your parents get along?

Lawrence: they weren't very good parents let's just say they were only interested in what grades I got out of that they never really cared about me they gave more attention to my younger brother

MC: It sounds complicated, I guess neither of them got the best parents.
Lawrence: yes to be honest although it sounds very cruel I don't miss them all they did was yell at me every time I got a tenth less, they were just idiots

Mc: that's quite direct... well I finished eating I think I'll go to my room
/Lawrence grabbed mc's wrist as he was getting up from the floor/

Lawrence: Wait a minute, would you like to go up to the attic with me to see how the garden club is doing?

Mc: isn't it full of zombies?

Lawrence: once the bell stopped ringing most of them left and if you're with me there's not much to worry about. Do you want to go?
Mc: I want to get some fresh air and sunlight
/On the stairs on the way to the terrace mc inadvertently stopped just a little behind Lawrence and looked at Ethan's bat on the ground/

mc's thought: Ethan your bat is here I wish you could come to pick it up it's covered in blood I just hope it's not yours

Lawrence: you can't just stare, we have to go, what are you doing?  /Sees the bat on the ground and then looks at mc's face / ok this is perfect it will be very useful /picks up the bat no matter it's covered in blood / let's go /grabs mc's wrist and they walk to the attic where a small greenhouse was waiting /

Mc: Wasn't this greenhouse full of flowers?

Lawrence: If so, unfortunately, the garden club thought it was a better idea to plant flowers than something useful, but at least the seeds were in the shed, so I was able to plant some things for some time, the only thing that has borne fruit so far is these cherry tomatoes

Mc: they look very cute they must be delicious

Lawrence: I would not have so much faith in them, the truth is that gardening is not my forte

Mc: As long as they're edible it should be fine. What else have you planted?

Lawrence: Well, I also planted your favorite strawberries, but some carrots didn't turn out very well,  I don't think they'll be ready any time soon. I still need to perfect the watering technique.

Mc:  my partner was the leader of the gardening club at my school, she always complained about how different the amount of water was and how to distribute it depending on the plant and how the others always ruined everything, she said that she prefers to be just her in the club have the whole garden to herself

Lawrence: As a secret garden, remember when we secretly went up here for you to see the flowers when they were still alive without any of the boys knowing?

Mc: I do remember how beautiful this place was, but technically speaking it wasn't very useful. Does the plant you gave me still exist?

Lawrence: no, I don't know where she is, it must be dead, but here's more of her it's smaller, but she doesn't contribute anything by herself, you know before this was our secret garden and now even though the boys aren't here it's still like that no one knows about this place and now it's just the two of us

Mc: ... If I think you're right/I'm starting to get even more scared of the coldness with which Lawrence refers to the boys, he has Ethan's bat in his hand as if he hadn't died trying to defend himself with it, how if he bats like it weren't full of possibly his blood I just grabbed it like it was the most normal thing in the world shit how the hell I never suspected him the razor the brooch all that he did and I never thought he could be the culprit I feel so stupid I wish I could have another chance if only I could turn back time/

Lawrence: what are you thinking mc you seem distressed

Mc: nothing is just that the bat that belonged to Ethan is covered in blood...
Lawrence: don't worry I'll wash it soon.

Mc: you scare me, Lawrence

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