Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight


Thump! Fitz's fists hit the punching bag, sending it flying backwards. Thump, thump, thump, thump! "Weak," Audra said, watching him pummel the black bag. Thump. "Pathetic." Thump, thump! "I thought you said you were strong."

Fitz huffed, pausing his punching. He glared at Audra while he bandaged his beat-up bloody knuckles. "Well, can you do any better? Or are you just going to stand there criticizing and insulting me?"

Audra flipped her hair over her shoulder in a way that Fitz found infuriating. "Actually, I can," she replied smoothly, smirking a little bit in a way that reminded Fitz so much of Keefe. Except that Audra's smirk didn't radiate warmth like Keefe's did—instead, it radiated ice and frost. The smile of someone who knew at least twenty thousand ways they could kill or maul you, and couldn't wait to try them all out.

Fitz swallowed his anger. "Oh yeah? Show me. Or are you just lying?" He taunted.

Audra's mouth flattened into a thin line filled with fury. She moved in front of the bag, and let loose a lightning-fast volley of punches that sent the target swinging back and forth. After a couple seconds of beating up the bag, she stopped and stood back. White powder immediately started pouring out of a gaping hole in the front, covering the floor. Fitz's jaw dropped. How did she do that? "How... how... how did you do that?" Fitz stuttered.

Audra stepped back from the white mess of powder, a satisfied smile on her face. Then her eyes darkened with uncontainable rage and she turned toward Fitz. Her black Neverseen cloak billowed behind her as she stalked towards him. The air around them turned a few degrees hotter as flames flickered at her fingertips. "Never," she said darkly, her face just inches away from Fitz's, "never do that again."

Fitz's heartbeat sped up and his mouth dried with fear as he nodded quickly, not trusting himself to speak. Audra could be terrifying.

Audra stepped back, apparently satisfied with his answer. Her eyes were still icy, but gone was the overwhelming anger that clouded her face. She turned on her heel and walked back to the punching bag, picking something up and running it down the edges of the hole, sealing it. "Tomorrow," she said, her back still turned to Fitz. "We train more tomorrow. Today, your training is over. Go."

Fitz stared in confusion at Audra. "But I thought that you were supposed to train me all day today."

Audra whirled around, expression murderous again. "Do you think I care what you think, Wonder Boy?" She flicked her wrist, and a knife flew out, grazing Fitz's ear. There was a thunk! behind him as it buried itself in a punching bag. "Well, in case you didn't know, Fitzy, I don't. Never have, never will. Now, I'm in charge of you and I say get the heck out of here and leave me alone if you want to keep on breathing." And with that, she walked away, leaving Fitz to stare at her retreating figure.

The words hurt more than Fitz expected them to. Do you think I care what you think, Wonder Boy? Well, in case you didn't know, Fitzy, I don't. Never have, never will. Fitz closed his eyes and tried to make sense of his emotions. But. Nothing about them made sense. Why should he care that Audra didn't care about him? Audra didn't mean anything to him—she was just his trainer... right? She had to be. There was no way that she meant anything more to Fitz than his reluctant trainer and guide. She doesn't mean anything to me, Fitz told himself, you don't care about her. You don't.

Fitz sighed in frustration, stepping toward the punching bag. Then he pummeled the bag with all he had, punching away all of his emotions and thoughts.








Hello! How are you enjoying the book so far? Do you think that anything *wink wink* will happen between Fitz and Audra? What is Fitz feeling? Please comment your answers below! Also: I need help for what to write for Chapter 9. Any ideas? (BTW, Chapter 9 is going to be a Sophie chapter. So if you want certain SoKeefe moments... please put them in the comments!) Thank you everyone for reading Supernova! It means a lot to me. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! (Sorry that it's so short.) ---MockingjayMoonlark

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