Chapter 2

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Chapter Two


Sophie hugged herself anxiously to stop herself from tugging her eyelashes. "He'll be alright. He'll be alright," She chanted to herself like a mantra. "He'll be alright. He'll be alright. . . ."

Then, all of a sudden, Sophie's Imparter started ringing, interrupting her chanting. The call was from Biana, and Sophie immediately picked it up, worried that something had happened to Fitz.

"Biana?!" Sophie shrieked the moment she'd picked up. "ARE YOU OKAY? WHY DID YOU CALL? IS FITZ OKAY?"

"Yes, yes. We're fine. Just. . ." Biana bit her lip. "After you left, he was so sad. And then. . . then he got angry. Really angry. He started destroying pillows and stuff. Then he started crying, so I went over to him, to soothe him. Well, long story short, he misinterpreted my words, and thought I was calling him weak. So he got angry, again. And then. . ." Biana hugged herself tightly. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "He. . . he walked toward me, yelling that he wasn't weak. So I said that I never meant it that way, but he wouldn't listen. Then he. . . grabbed a goblin star. And threw it at me." Biana's voice was little more than a whisper now, and it was shaky.

Sophie gasped, horrified. "No. . ."

Biana breathed in deep again. "I had to throw a dagger at the star to stop it. I knew Fitz had woken up from his anger's control at that point. He looked horrified. Then the dagger shot the star down, and we were safe. We talked about controlling his anger for a while. I don't think he got what I said, though. Do you think. . . ?"

Sophie shook her head violently. "He wouldn't. I know he wouldn't. He'd say no. I know it!"

"Okay, okay. I know too, but you never know what someone might do!" Biana said. "I know you don't want to believe it," She added softly. "But knowing Fitz. . . if they find a good enough bribe. . . he might actually—"

Sophie shook her head so hard that it rattled her brain. "He wouldn't. He couldn't! I would never forgive myself if he did. . . ."

"Sophie." Biana looked at Sophie long and hard. "I wouldn't either. But we can't blame ourselves for a choice someone else makes. Because then we would shatter our minds. We can't. For our safety, their safety, and others' too. And even if someone turns, they can always turn back. Nobody ever forgets something. It just gets pushed to the back of their minds. You of all people should know that, Sophie."

Sophie sighed. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But I really, really, really don't want him to turn. He would be a great enemy if he did. He is a great ally right now, but great allies can become great enemies if they choose to. I don't want him to choose to. Not only because of the 'great enemy' thing, but also because he's my friend—our friend. Well, your brother. But, Biana? If he's going to have anger flashes every now and then, it isn't safe for you or Alden or Della. Maybe. . . he should take anger management lessons? That might help. Or I can check on him every day? Or Keefe can?"

Now it was Biana's turn to shake her head really hard. "NO. Sophie. . . he doesn't even want to hear your name, or Keefe's, either. If we say 'Sophie' or 'Keefe' in front of him, or he sees you guys, he's going to have an. . . episode. I really think you should stay away from Fitz and Everglen while this lasts. It isn't safe. You need to tell Keefe—you're one of the only people Keefe listens to. If you want to see me, we need to talk in private. Okay? Promise me you won't contact Fitz. You or Keefe. If he contacts you - fine. But you cannot contact him."


Biana breathed out, relieved. "Good. I'll need to go now. . . Fitz might come. Bye!"

"Bye." Sophie half-heartedly waved back, and Biana's image clicked away, replaced by the normal pearly-white of the Imparter screen.

Sophie stood, staring at the Imparter screen until her eyes got blurry, gripping the sides so hard that angry red lines appeared on her hands. Finally, she blinked back into focus, and collapsed on her bed, her Imparter next to her.

Sophie rubbed her eyes, groaning. "Fitz is not okay."

She stood up and walked over to Iggy's cage, taking Iggy out and hugging the tiny imp close. "Iggy, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do! Fitz is going a little crazy with rage, and he's hurting his family. He almost killed Biana! I feel that I'm supposed to stop that from happening, but what am I supposed to do if Biana says to not go to Fitz? How am I supposed to help him?"

Just then, Iggy let out a horribly stinky burp, and farted a few moments later. "Ugh!" Sophie ran over to the cage, putting Iggy in. "Imp bonding time is over! Iggy, did you seriously save that fart and burp for when I wanted to talk to you?!"

Iggy flapped his black wings (about the only part of him that stayed its natural color) and turned around, making Sophie face his rainbow-colored butt. He let loose another fart, and Sophie coughed, waving her hand over her nose. "Iggy!"

Iggy burped in response, making Sophie rush out of the room, in search of fresh air.

She went outside, to the place where she thought the best at: Calla's Panakes tree.

Sophie closed her eyes, and swayed with the gnomish music. The sweet scent of Panakes blossoms drifted through the air, and Sophie traced the coarse, braided bark of the tree to calm herself down. "Calla, what do I do?" Sophie murmured as she sat.

The tree didn't respond, of course, but Sophie still felt that Calla was with her, giving her guidance. Sophie closed her eyes, and listened to the music of the tree. A few minutes later, she fell asleep, but her sleep wasn't relaxing—a nightmare came with it.


Dream-Sophie was running, her feet practically flying off the ground. Chasing her were four cloaked figures, each with a white eye sewn into the corner of their black cloaks. The Neverseen.

Four voices echoed into the dark night, Lady Gisela, Lady Vespera, Gethen, and, finally, the scariest voice of all, Fitz.

"Sophie," All four voices said at once. "Sophie. Beware! We are coming for you. This time, you will never recover."

Dream-Sophie kept on running, gasping, but running all the same. She flung daggers and goblin stars back as she ran, but the Neverseen just ducked the shots.

"Sophie," said Neverseen Fitz. "I will come for you. And when I do, I will have no mercy."

"Fitz!" Dream-Sophie cried out as she ran. "We're friends! Remember?"

"Friends?" Neverseen Fitz spat out. "Friends? Are friends the people who crush your spirit saying that they have chosen someone else? Are friends the people who leave you broken, unable to feel or think? Are friends the ones who make your family afraid of you? No." Neverseeen Fitz chuckled. "You are not my friend."

Dream-Sophie's heart clenched at those words, and she stumbled. The Neverseen crowded around her and she felt herself go limp. This is the end, Dream-Sophie thought. I've lost.

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