Chapter 4

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Chapter Four


Sophie was sitting with Wynn and Luna underneath the Panakes tree when Biana's call came through. "Biana?" Sophie asked as Biana's face blinked on her Imparter screen. "Is everything okay?"

"Sophie, you won't believe what I found in Fitz's room," Biana started anxiously.

"What is it?" Sophie asked, worried. Her mind flew threw all the bad possibilities—a Neverseen cloak, a listening device, a bomb, something else....

"There was this circular thing," Biana explained, biting her lower lip with worry. "It was black, and on it... was a white eye."

Sophie gasped and tugged at her eyelashes. "Oh no. The Neverseen!"

"Yeah... Fitz said it was an evil eye charm thingy, something humans have to prevent bad luck from coming? Do you think that's possible?" Biana asked.

Sophie thought for a moment. "Well," She finally replied, "for our sake and others'... we just have to hope it is."



The disk disappeared, and before him, a ring of fire emerged. Two cloaked figures stepped out from the flames. Lady Gisela and another Neverseen member.

"Hello Fitz!" Gisela trilled. "Have you made your decision? Have you finally decided to join us?"

Fitz swallowed and his eyes turned steely. "Yes," He said, his voice certain. "I have."

"Oh, goody!" Gisela sang. "About time, if you ask me." Lady Gisela turned to the person next to her, and said, "Inferno? What do you suppose we use him for?"

"A spy is possible," Inferno replied. Fitz was surprised to hear that she was a girl. "But if he's found out, we lose him. Hidden assassin is also an option, but I feel like he'd have better use elsewhere. I was thinking we'd return to the facility and train him as one of our own."

"Wonderful plan, Inferno. But suppose that he's secretly a spy for the Black Swan?" Lady Gisela asked.

Inferno hesitated, but only for a moment. "He can't be. His facial features are too certain of his decision for him to be. He's too broken, too betrayed. He feels like they took something of his own."

Fitz realized with a start that Inferno was not only a pyrokinetic, but also an Empath.

"Good job," Gisela said approvingly. "I agree. Inferno, since you came up with the idea, I think it's only fit for you to train him yourself. You are more than qualified." Gisela turned to Fitz. "You, follow Inferno. And if you try anything, such as killing one of us, mark my words, Fitz... you will be dead before you know it."

Inferno stepped toward Fitz, a pearl-white handkerchief in one of her hands. Fitz's eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to object. But before he could, however, Inferno pressed the cloth to his nose in a swift motion, making him unable to speak. Fitz struggled for a moment, holding his breath, but all too soon his air ran out and he had to breathe. The cloth had a sickly-sweet floral scent, and before he knew it, he was unconscious.

Gisela stepped over to look at Fitz's limp body. "Nice job," she said approvingly to Inferno. "Just a warning—he won't be happy when he wakes up. And I won't help you deal with him. It's your job, Audra. He's your responsibility. Prove to me that you deserve your role with us."

Inferno nodded, and looked down at Fitz's unconscious body. He rose a couple inches, then, as Inferno turned, so too did Fitz. "Yes, Mother," Inferno said quietly, "I will make you proud."

And with that, Gisela and her daughter stepped into the flames with Fitz's body.

Supernova---A KOTLC fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें