Bonus Scene!!!

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This part was originally supposed to be part of Chapter 7, but I couldn't make it work. However, I liked it, so now it's a bonus scene. Enjoy! ---MockingjayMoonlark



"Biana?" Sophie said once her call went through. "I need help."

"Sophie! Are you okay?" Biana asked anxiously.

"Oh! Yeah, I'm fine," Sophie replied, "just that I need some input on what to wear...."

Biana's face lit up, and she smirked. "Why so sudden, Sophie? Lemme guess—a certain blond-haired boy asked you out?"

Sophie blushed. "Um... Well, if Keefe's the person you're referring to... yes."

Biana whooped. "Yes! I knew it! Finally! For a while I thought that he didn't have the backbone to do it! Good to know that he finally asked."

"Yeah, um, so, I need help," Sophie prompted.

"Oh right," Biana replied, focusing, "I'll be there. Do you want to come over or should I go to you?"

"Whatever works," Sophie responded, "although if I know you, you'll probably arrive at Havenfield with your hands full."

"True. But you have more dresses in your size at your home—plus, you have Vertina," Biana said, referring to Jolie's fashionista mirror that Sophie now kept in her room. "Okay, I'll just come over to yours. Expect the sparkles! We are gonna get you all pretty and ready for your boy! See you!" Biana's face blinked off the Imparter screen.

"Ohhh boy," Sophie muttered, "what have I gotten myself into?"


A knock sounded on Sophie's door. "Darling, I'm here!" Biana sang. "Are you ready to feel beautiful?"

Sophie opened the door, and Biana walked in. "Oh my gosh, Biana, do you need help?" Sophie asked. "That is a lot of stuff."

"It's fine," Biana replied. "We need all this."

Dresses were draped over her arms, hands, and shoulders. They shimmered, sparkled, and glittered as Biana moved around. Bags were also everywhere; they were in Biana's hands, around her shoulders, and on her arms. And then there was the jewelry. Biana was wearing multiple rings, bracelets, and necklaces, as was the better to carry them. She deposited everything on Sophie's bed, and started rummaging through everything. "Okay, darling, what color are you feeling right now?" She asked as she held up dresses to compare.

"I dunno," Sophie replied, staring at all the sparkling things draped over her bed. "Maybe red?"

Biana frowned. "Red? No, you need another color. I mean, red looks good on you, but it's just so overused. Everyone's wearing red around this time! You need to stand out, not blend in. What about blue? Oh! Keefe's eyes are ice-blue, right? Perfect! I brought this gorgeous ice-blue dress that I think is in your size." She held up a shimmery dress the color of Keefe's eyes. "And I've got shoes, makeup, and jewelry that all match this. It's perfect! What do you think?"

Sophie eyed the dress. It looked... fancy. It was ice-blue, frilly, sparkly, and glittered with a thousand aquamarines inlaid in the shimmery silk. "Erm... it looks a bit... much," She said finally.

"Oh, right, you're not used to wearing things like this," Biana said. "That's fine. Just... please try on the dress, okay?"

Sophie sighed. "Fine." She reached for the dress and made her way to her closet.

"Don't fold the silk!" Biana called out after her. "Wrinkles are almost impossible to get out of that dress."

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