{Chapter 6} Friendship

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[I'm writing about a warm climate in the middle of the snow bare wit me here🙃] (a liittle longer than usual, had to cut it in half)

Keiths pov

Before Nene and I knew it, Darnell, Cherry, and Pico were at the front door. We all gathered outside and started to discuss what to do. "Well, there's that ice cream place nearby. We can start there." Pico offered. We all ended up agreeing, since we couldn't think of much else to do.

The walk was chatty, a steady conversation keeping us occupied as we walked along the bright sidewalk. I let my eyes absentmindedly look wherever they please. A tree, the sidewalk, a flowerbed, the sun, Pico, Cherry, Pico and Cherry... And my mind wanders off again until Pico taps my shoulder, telling me that we're already at our destination.

I take a deep breath of the fresh air slowly so nobody notices in an attempt to bring myself back down to earth. My head clears up and I reach my hand to Pico, silently asking him to hold it. He smiles at me and takes my hand almost immediately before heading into the small shop together.

Darnell walks in front of the group and faces us all as soon as we enter the ice cream place. "Everyone count your money. We can share if someone doesn't have enough." We all nod as I reach into my pocket and quickly count the coins I grabbed. $3.50, more than enough for a small soft-serve. I'll probably just get vanilla like usual. "I have 3." I say. "5." Pico says after. Nene smiles "I have 6! Wooo, choco sunday!!" Darnell focuses the pile of change in his hand, really concentrating. "..₃.₇₅...₃.₈₀...₄.₀₀... I have 4.25" He replies after a minute. Gf pulls a card from her pocket "...My dad said I could use his card, I'll probably just get a small cone anyway though." She says, looking at the floor. I can't tell why she's embarrassed though, that's really cool! Or maybe she's sad? I can't tell.

We all got our ice cream and sat on a nearby park bench and have another nice conversation. The coldness of our treats made the weather seem perfect. The sounds of children playing and trees swaying in the wind puts us all in a mood to hang out. Our talking goes on for hours that felt like minutes.

"--And then I said, 'You're the one talking!'" Gf concludes her story. Everyone bursts out laughing, and I let out a giggle as well.

I really don't deserve such nice friends.

"Nene, cmonn, it's really not that bad!" Darnell says worriedly. Nene gets even more angry after his remark. "An 18% on an important test sounds bad enough to me! You're coming to my house to study right after this!"

It feels so nice here, so safe.

"I dunno, I've just never seen it." I reply. Pico gives me a warm side hug. "We have to watch it some time together, it's really good!"

I wish these moments could last forever.

"No! The Dearests are the best band, by far!" Nene argues. "Well, forgive me for preferring Fall Out Boy!" Pico responds. "I'm really not that into bands, haha" Cherry says quietly. "Yeah, I'm more into indie or solo works honestly." I agree. Darnell looks at us all confused. "You guys pay attention to who made the music?" He questions in a mumble.

Time really does go too fast for me.

Cherry's pov [oooo]

Before we knew it, the sun was starting to set. We ended up moving to a sidewalk closer to where we all live some time while we were talking. "Well, we've been hanging out for, like, 8 hours. I've gotta go before my parents start to worry." I say, trying my best to hide my nervousness.

Nene faces me before anyone else. "Honestly, yeah. I should probably be heading out too. But before you go, here!" She took my hand and put a cute pastel bracelet in it. It had my name in block letter beads. I stare at the small accessory in admiration before putting it on. "I hope you like it," Nene says. "You're part of our little group now, and I made bracelets for everyone already. Wouldn't be fair to leave you out." I could barely hold back my big smile. I've already made friends! I give Nene a quick hug. "Aww! Thank you so much!" I blurt. "No problem." Nene says. Darnell sighs and says "Well, I'm off with Nene to study I guess..." Keith, Pico and I try to hold back our laughs as we wave goodbye to Nene and Darnell.

"Want me to walk you back to the place, babe?" Pico asks Keith. He takes a breath before saying "..Yeah, they'll call soon if I'm not back on time.". Desperately wanting to extend my time away from home, I approach the couple nervously. "Can I walk with you guys? I wanna talk some more.." They agree to let me join them, and I swear I saw one of them blush for a split second. Well, it's normal for lovers to blush at each other I suppose.

I fumble around with the bracelet on my wrist while talking to the two. It turns out we have a lot more in common than I thought we would. We all like to look at alt clothing, we don't have really expensive taste, cherry and blue are our favorite candy flavors, and other unimportant random topics. They're really fun to be around.

It was like in the blink of an eye, we were already at the place they were talking about. Turns out, it's an orphanage. I do my best to hide my surprise and stay respectful. "Well, I'll see you some other time then!" I say cheerfully. "See ya later Cherry" Pico says. "Bye!" Keith replies. I smile at them before turning around and walking away.

"Welcome home sweetie! How was your little outing?" My father calls as soon as I enter the house. "It was pretty fun, dad. I talked to my new friends a lot." I reply. I choose to leave out the bracelet I hid in the pocket of my jeans, because my mom would ask to 'borrow' it and then post it online or something. "Ah, lovely!" My dad beams. "My little girl's growing up! I bet you're the popular girl already, aren't you?" Before I can retort, he continues. "You gotta be used to having a big social circle if you're gonna follow in me and your mom's footsteps. Your sister too. Though there's something I need to ask." I hesitantly nod at the man on the couch. "Why did you and your sister choose to go to some low public school instead of a private one?" I quickly try to find a lie, something just far enough from the truth that he won't suspect anything. "I... We just wanted to get to know the people better, you know?" He nods and a rush of relief washes over me. He says "Good, it's good to know what the potential audience will want. You can go now."

I leave the room with a light sigh. I decide to go see my mom too, but before I do that I go into my room, closing the door lightly. I slip the friendship bracelet out of my pocket and reach under my bed. I feel it and pull it out. My secret box. I grab the key out of the bottom of my sock drawer and unlock the box. Before putting away the bracelet, I take a quick look at everything I have in there already. A few drawings, some pictures, loose change, and a couple trinkets I've collected over the years. I place the hand-made bracelet into the wooden box gently, as if I could break it with a touch. When I'm done, I lock the box of keepsakes back up and place everything back where it just was. I should talk to mom, and then Cassandra. I'll just go to bed after that.

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