{Chapter 2} Love.

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Tw: slight body dysphoria

[AYYY ty for 40 reads already! Yall the best :] (sorry updates are so slow and small, life is rude)

Keith's pov

I didn't sleep much at all last night. I just couldn't help but think back to what Nene told me. I really doubt that Pico and Cherry even know that sexuality exists and there's no way I'm about to tell them about it and cause more problems. I concluded that if I just don't talk about it, I'll get over it eventually. I really can't help but think about it though. Nothing can be done about that. I get up from my blank bed to get ready for the day.

The caretakers at the orphanage are surprisingly nice, but I can't help but want to live anywhere else. At least I'm not with them anymore. On the bright side, I got to make friends with some of the little kids here. I feel really bad for them, having to live here and likely live their lives without any parents to watch over them. Well, technically it's the same for me but I still hope the best for all these young kids.

I head to the dressing room to get changed, trying my best not to look in the huge mirror while I take off my shirt. I quickly grab my binder off the floor and slip it on like a shirt. After putting my -t-shirt and sweater on over it I take a look in the mirror. My hair's a mess as usual. I brush it with my comb until it looks ok and leave the room before putting on my shoes and heading to school.

~ very small timeskip because yes~

As I get near the school, I see Pico already waiting for me at the front. He looks delicate in the warm morning sun, like a blossom in full bloom. I speed-walk to get to him more quickly and give him a big hug. "Hey there love! How was your walk yesterday?" I ask after pulling away from the hug. Pico smiles warmly at me "It was really great, sunshine. Saw a lot of stuff around the city I never noticed before!" I smile. Pico holds everything he has so dearly. He offers his hand to me and I take it gladly. We walk through the front door of the school together.

Lately, the kids at school caught on to our relationship. Nobody's said anything about it yet or even seemed to care though, so I guess they're chill with it. There never were many outstanding bullies at school. Well, except one. His old name was Aito or something, but he got it changed to "Senpai" because he thought it was 'cuter'. I don't think that's even a name, but he can suit himself I guess. He thinks he's being flirty and hot, but honestly he's just a pain in everyone's ass. He still somehow managed to get some fangirls anyway, deeming him the "Popular boy" by default. Nobody could make fun of him, mostly because he just doesn't care and has a fanclub that will bash you if you try. We've never paid much mind to him.

We reach our lockers, which are coincidentally across the hall from each other. After getting our stuff, we head to English class. I'm glad we're in the same class! We pass notes to each other, joke around and overall have a great time. On the way to class, I see Cherry out of the corner of my eye. She's talking with Nene and Carol, probably regular girl talk. Cherry seemed to notice me looking, and smiled at me politely before going back to her conversation. I smile back, but look away quickly before Pico could notice. I can't talk about this yet.

We hold hands and walk through the gray halls until we find our way to class. After seating ourselves at our desks, we wait for class to start

~~Timeskip x2 school is boring~~

For the whole day, I couldn't get my mind off of my problem. I hope Pico didn't notice me glancing at Cherry in class every now and then. I don't think he did since he never asked if anything was wrong. I take a deep breath before closing my locker, figuring I'm just overthinking everything. This will all turn out ok, I'm sure it will. I feel a hand hold onto mine and look at who it belongs to. Pico looks back at me. He smiles, a hint of worry in his eyes. "Hey sunshine, your head's more in the clouds than usual. Is there anything I can help with?" I sigh. I can't even think of gathering the courage to tell him right now. Everything's perfect, why can't it just stay that way? I smile lightly before answering "Ah, nothing. Just random thoughts." We have a small pause. Most of the people here are already out of the school, so it's pretty quiet. He speaks after the moment. "Well, if you insist. Don't forget I'm here if you need to talk, ok? Oh, right, I was gonna ask you if you wanna go out and get some ice cream. Just us two, Nene and Darnell got homework and stuff."

My eyes light up at the request. I always love our little outings, just small things we do together. They mean so much to me. "Of course! I'd love to! C'mon let's go!" I say, beaming. We both speed-walk out of the school, toward the main street. From there we take a few turns and in no time, we're at the local diner. I grab 5 dollars from my pocket and start walking to the front counter. After only two steps, I feel a familiar hand on my shoulder. "I'll pay, bubs. Don't worry about it!" Pico says, trying to get in front of me. "Heyy!" I say playfully. We race to get to the front counter before putting both of our 5 dollar bills down. Pico and I laugh quietly before eventually deciding to just flip a coin on it. It landed on heads, so Pico pays this time. Aw... well, the coin's decision is final. Pico gives the person behind the counter 5 dollars for 2 small ice cream cones. I chose cookie dough and Pico selected chocolate.

After getting our treats, we went outside to find a place to eat. We found a comfy bench on the sidewalk and figured it was good enough. A comfortable, full silence filled the air as we ate our ice cream. While eating my sweet, I looked at my surroundings. This was the more peaceful part of town. It had a small nature park and a few small shops. Not many people came through here, so we were alone for the most part. It was peaceful, and I found myself calming down.

Pico started a conversation after a couple minutes, and it became pretty lively. We lost track of time so I checked my phone. We'd been there for almost 3 hours. No wonder my legs were asleep. I give Pico a quick peck on the cheek. He blushed before hugging me and giving me a kiss on the forehead. Then, he said "Well, we've been out here for quite a while. How about we go to Nene's place? I bet your dinner's all cold by now anyway." I think for a moment before nodding. "That sounds good. I'm getting pretty hungry."

~Timeskip again <3~

"Thank you for the dinner, miss!" I say after putting my plate in the sink "No problem sugar," Nene's mom says. "Make sure you get your rest tonight. It's important for growing kids.". Wait, did she know that I didn't sleep well? No, she couldn't have. Maybe she just saw it on my face..? I dunno, moms are just kinda like that. I say bye to Nene and hug Pico before heading back to the orphanage.

I slept a bit better that night after all.

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