{Chapter 5} Plans

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Keith pov

I wake up slowly, the light from the window and morning sounds setting in. Groaning, I grab my phone from my nightstand to check the time. 7:30am - Saturday. I decide to get up a bit early since I managed to get a good night's rest. I make sure to be as quiet as I can while leaving the room, as to not wake up the 4 kids on their beds. There's nobody else my age here, so my roommates are 6-7 years younger. I'm not complaining though, they're really nice and know how to clean up their stuff.

I quickly change into my favorite clothes and head to the cafeteria. A few other kids and two adults decided to get up early too, which is rare since people usually sleep in on weekends. There's already a bowl of fruit on the table, so I take a strawberry and pop it in my mouth. I take a deep breath, deciding I need some fresh air. I walk over to the adult who is having some morning coffee. "Hey, can I go outside for a few minutes?" I ask. She turns her head over to me and smiles. "Sure. Try to get back before breakfast." I nod and open the door before heading outside.

Sitting down on the bottom step leading to the main entrance, I sigh. 'Me and my stupid crushes', I thought to myself. 'Why can't things just stay the way they are?' I think a bit more, beginning to over think. 'Maybe I just confused myself and want to be her friend? I'm sure I'd get super jealous if Pico and Cherry loved each other too. Am I just being dramatic? But... I still love them...'

I find myself spacing out, stuck in my thoughts. Every time I thought about the possibility that I want to be friends with Cherry instead of lovers, the thought of loving her came back soon after. I knew that I loved them both too much to let any of them go. The surprisingly warm breeze calmed me as I was on the verge of panic. I take a minute to stop fighting with my mind and soak in the sunrise.

Before I knew it, I was being called for breakfast.

~Time skip, they had breakfast and left to go to Nene's~

I flop on Nene's small pink bed, exhausted despite not doing anything. Feeling awkward, my friend decides to start the conversation. "Okaay, so, how's it going with, you know..." Nene asks slowly. I sigh and respond "I dunno. I still don't know what I should do." I mumble. She sighs and sits down on the bed. "I wanna help you Keith, I really do. I've never really been in this situation and I honestly don't know what I'd do either." She pauses for another breath. "But I want you to know that I'll support you, Pico and Cherry in any decision you make, ok? You guys and Darnell are the best friends I've ever had after all!". I sigh, adjusting myself on the bed to be more comfortable. Seriously, I have such good friends.

"Maybe I shouldn't rush into this issue..." I think out loud after a minute. "Maybe I should give this all some time. Who knows, maybe it can work itself out if I just give myself some time." Nene nods in agreement and we share another silent moment, just hanging out. "Ya know what," She began "It's a nice day outside. Really warm. Why don't we invite everyone to go somewhere?" Bored, I nod. "Sure, but where to Nene? Just for a walk?" "Yeah, why not. See where the road takes us." She pulls out her phone to send everyone the message to meet at her place. I hope today will be fun.

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