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Y/n P.O.V

"where are they?"my professor asked, "they are buzy"I replied, i can hear some laughing sound from behind me, "do you perhaps don't have parents?"he asked, i lowered my head, he is right.

"DETENTION"he yelled, i nodded my head, sitting back on my chair, the whole class was laughing at me, i once again lowered my head, why i always have to keep my head low infront of everyone?, i didn't do anything bad, i'm just trying to live my life, but i guess i'm burdening people.

Even when i'm not taking anything from them, they call me a burden, they wish death for me, even oppa doesn't talks to me and always asks me to go away from him, i sat up listening to the professor's lecture.

Soon the class ended, i stood up from the chair, to have some lunch, i walked inside the canteen, grabbing my usual stuff, i sat on my usual place, suddenly someone splashed water on my face, i closed my eyes, processing,

I opened my eyes, finding yuna, she was pouring water on me from head to toe, i stayed quite, and continued eating, she kicked my leg, i fell off the chair, she grabbed my hair, "bitch your mother gave birth to you and left you to suffer here, you are a mistake which your parents made"She said.

I tried to free myself, i struggled into her hold as she is elder then me by ten years, she is more strong then me, "l-leave m-me"I mouthed out in verge of bursting out crying.

She let go of my hair, kicking my stomach, which is already bruised, a loud painful scream left my mouth, everyone's attention was on us, "did someone fucked you soo hard that it's even hurting in there?"She asked, why they always thinks about me like that?.

I can't understand, why they always abuse me, do i look like one of them?, she kicked my legs one last time, sitting back on her seat, i stood up from the floor, rushing away from there, even when my abdomen is bleeding i managed to walk

I walked inside my classroom, grabbing my bag rushing out, i walked inside my room, it's a good thing that no one's home, they will be at work at this hour.

End of P.O.V

Yoongi throwed the packets infront of the mafia boss, who couldn't stop smiling at yoongi, "i can't believe you completed this just in a day"The mafia boss spoke, surprised, "money"Yoongi replied, the mafia boss handed him the bag, yoongi glanced at the money.

"You are very smart just like me, and strong just like me, i will surely give my position to you boy, i love the way you work smoothly, it's been more then five years, you are working for me and never betrayed me"The mafia boss praised him, yoongi nodded his head, hearing him


I'm getting ready to leave for school, i glanced at my father and step mother, who are buzy on talking with each other, i rushed out of the house infront of them in speed of light, thank god they didn't caught me, i know if they saw my face, they will abuse me.

I walked to my school's path, my periods are over, the pain in my stomach is less now, i saw that aunty who helped me that day, at the same place where we met the last time, she smiled at me, walking to me.

"Hey daughter, actually i forgot to tell you about something last time, could you come with me?"She asked, i nodded my head, she is the only person after that unknown stranger who helped me, so i followed her behind.

We reached somewhere, but it wasn't the place which i visited last time, it isn't her apartment, it's a creepy place, she suddenly stopped walking, opening the door, i followed her behind, it was a club, but no one is here, it's empty.

"Sir here, i will comeback quick"She said, rushing away, leaving me all alone, after few more minutes, some people entered inside, they looked at me, walking to me, one was infront of them who looked like a boss, they sat infront of me, "yoongi was hiding a diamond!"The boss said.

He eyed me from head to toe, i felt uncomfortable, "take her inside"He ordered them, and his people grabbed me by shoulder, dragging me somewhere forcefully, that aunty, where is she gone, why these people are here???.

They throwed me inside the room, and locked the door behind, i panicked, bursting out crying, what is happening with me???, who are they?, how they know my oppa?, they are mafias, they are not good people, what they wanna do with me?.

The women who called me daughter did this to me??, i was shivering and crying, when the door opened, that boss stepped inside, he was holding a handcuff?, without uttering anything, he slapped my face, and he immediately handcuffed me.

"Wh-who a-a-are y-you?"I asked, my voice barely audible, i shuttered badly, feeling scared, extremely scared, he smirked, "going to be your daddy i guess?"He replied, what is that?, but i have my own father, what he is talking about?.

He grabbed the hem of my shirt, pulling it out forcefully in one go, i struggled, panicking, he forcefully started to undress me, i screamed, asking for help, but he shut my mouth, by kissing me harshly.

My eyes shed tears, my screams muffled, i used my full force on pushing him, why am i weak, he was kissing soo harshly that my lips were bleeding, he let go of lips, i cried out loudly, he throwed me on the bed, i tried to stand but he stopped me.

"P-p-p-please d-don't d-o a-anything t-to m-me "I begged, joining my hands infront of him, he again slapped my face, hovering on top of me, i don't even know what he is doing to me, i screamed out, crying loudly, it's hurting soo much, i can't bear it, it's disgusting me, it's scaring me.


It's been more then two week, y/n is missing, her parents are happy, her father didn't even tried to search her once, yoongi got to know about it, and he straight rushed to the lady, being worried and scared for his sister.

"Where is my sister?"Yoongi asked the lady, who have left y/n all alone with the monsters, "i don't know"She replied, "you better know with whom you are messing with, if i found out that you are lying, you know better what i'm capable"Yoongi threatened walking out of there.

They lady panicked, grabbing her phone, desperately dialing, that boss's number, informing him about everything.

To Be Continued....

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