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Y/n P.O.V

"IT'S BEEN MORE THAN A WEEK Y/N!"My professor yelled at me, slamming the math book into my desk, causing me to flinch, I lowered my head, and he keeps scolding me, just because my parents aren't attending the parent-teacher meeting, for the last five years.

Everyone has their parents with them, to attend the meeting every year, but I don't, as the professor didn't get any answer from my side, he sighed, walking away from my desk, the students were looking at me with a slight smirk, why always me? why everyone hates for no reason?

My father hates me because of my mother's death, my stepmother doesn't treat me like a human being does to another human being, and my oppa doesn't even try to talk to me, he also hates me for my mother's death, why everyone hates me for the things I have never done in my life?.

Even though there aren't any good friends in my fate, people throw harsh words at me for no reason, they want me to die, but I'm not one of them to attend suicide and kill myself, I have never seen my mom, she passed away right after giving birth to me, it's strange I'm all alone from the day I was born.

I live under my father's roof, and my oppa lives far away from us, does he thinks I'm going to kill him as I did to eomma?

I was in my deep thoughts, zoning out,
my professor calling out my name flashed me back to reality, he said something, but I didn't hear it, except the word, 'detention', I'm again going to sit inside that room, where they always abuse me and beat me.

I turned to the boys, who own the detention room, as they are always in detention, finding them already smirking at me, I gulped the lump in my throat, focusing back on the lesson.

Soon the class ended, I grabbed my stuff, walked out of the classroom, making my way to the canteen, I don't have any friends in there, everyone judges me and hates me, I sat all alone in the corner, after grabbing my breakfast.

I wanna be done with eating before they notice me, I panicked, watching them walk towards me, they sat beside me, staring at me, my hands are shaking, and even the croissant in my hand is shaking, "is baby scared?"One of them asked, I unintentionally sniffed, "Omo she is even crying"Another one said, being dramatic.

I know they are again here to talk about me, "I have handed you the offer but still, you ignored it, should I try my way?"The one right in front of me asked, I sobbed, "Can't you understand I just wanna have you under me" He spoke, leaning forward to me.

"Just by looking at your ass, I can sense how good you can be in bed"He whispered, I closed my eyes tightly, tears streaming from them, why did they always think this way about me, "she always makes me hard"Another one spoke up.

"Don't worry we all are going to fuck her"I bit my lower lip, to control my sobs, "ughh when am I going to get her" I was disgusted, I immediately stood up, and rushed away from there, rushing out of the canteen, I can sense them following me behind.

I used my full force on running, I barged inside my classroom, panting heavily, I rushed to my desk, they are very bad, I don't wanna be nearer them, they always talk about those things which I can't even understand, I grabbed my book, pretending to read something.

They barged inside, walking toward me, my legs shake, and my lips quivered, they won't show any mercy on me today, one of them sat beside me, I didn't turn to him, getting busy on my book, and he snatched the book harshly, throwing it away, I tried to speak, but the harsh slap, caused my head to turn the other side.

I hissed, placing my palm on my cheeks, as it was hurting a lot, but my palm didn't last long, when he grabbed my chin harshly, I'm sure it will leave a bruise in there, "don't try to fucking run away from us"He said, digging his nails into my chin.

A painful scream left my mouth, and I'm shivering from head to toe, I nodded my head, and he let go of my chin, causing me to fall from the chair, where I was sitting, I tried to stand up from the cold floor, but couldn't they laughed at me.

I screamed out loudly, my eyes shed tears, when I received a hard kick on my stomach, he again kicked, "DON'T SCREAM!!"He yelled, placing his index finger on his mouth, I placed my shaky finger into my lips, and one another kick caused me to palm my mouth to prevent my screams.

Hot thick tears flowed from my eyes, I sobbed palming my mouth tightly, I placed another hand on my stomach finding something wet, I glanced at my palm, finding blood, my everyday routine, and I hissed, sitting up on the chair.

They walked out of there, before smacking my arm, I sat there, with red puffy eyes, and tears that couldn't stop screaming, I waited for the next class to begin, and the teacher entered inside.

I barely focused on the lesson, since my stomach is hurting, and the class ended, thank god my English professor isn't that strict, I was holding my stomach all the time, and he didn't even notice it.

I sighed, packing my stuff, and made my way towards another hell, my home.

I stepped inside my house, without making any noise, if my stepmother heard any noise then I know the consequence, it's not like I'm a weak person, I can also fight, but at the moment I don't have anyone standing behind me, who can make me feel fearless.

I stay quiet all the time because I know I have no one, I rushed inside my room, called my shirt off, standing in front of the mirror, I stared at my reflection in the mirror, my stomach is bleeding, and my has bruise everywhere.

My hands have fresh wounds, usually, girls at my age, wish to be pimple free, and I want clear skin, with no blood, scar, or wound, I just want to live like a normal girl, who has her mother's love, her father's shadow, I wish my life was a fairy tale, where whatever I wished for, I got it.

But in reality, I don't even have my loved ones holding my hands, my father whom I don't even consider my father is an employee in a small company, he never cares about me, and I barely drink or eat.

My stepmom is the one who earns the most, that's the biggest weakness, my father is always head over heals for her, I ripped one of my shirts, wrapping it around my belly, I hissed when the cold fabric touched my skin, it hurts but what am I going to do? if I won't do it, then who?.

I lay on the bed, closing my eyes, and my mind relaxed a bit, I was soo tired that I immediately fell asleep, even feeling extreme pain.

End of P.O.V


A dark alley, a man in a suit sitting in between, where the chair is placed, the man leaned on the chair, sitting up on top of it, guards surrounding the man, the man sniffing a pack, humming in satisfaction, he shifted his gaze to the person standing in front of him.

"You did a great job"The man praised the person in front, "fuck your job, give my money"The person in front replied rudely, "Yoongi learn to respect me, I'm the one feeding you remember!"The boss replied.

"I don't give a fuck, give me my money"Yoongi replied, his eyes cold as eyes, his boss sighed, indicating one of his guards something, the guard nodded, walking to Yoongi, handing him the money.

As soon as Yoongi got his money, he started to walk away from there, but stopped, "next time if you again pulled these acts and didn't hand my money then you know what will happen next"Yoongi threatened.

One of the guards fisted his palm, "WHO ARE YOU TO TALK TO OUR BOSS LIKE THAT!?!?"The guard yelled, his boss stood up, pushing him away, "He is new, he doesn't know anything"The boss himself made an excuse.

Yoongi glanced at the guard one last time before walking out of the alley, the boss turned to the guard, "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!???, HE IS THE MOTHER FUCKER YOONGI, ABOUT WHOM I HAVE WARNED EVERYONE, DON'T EVER TRY TO SPEAK INFRONT OF HIM!!" the boss yelled, the guard gulped, nodding his head.

To Be Continued...

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