I followed Fynn to the parking lot and he walked to some kind of car. OMG that kind of car is fucking beautiful. If you compare that to mine then mine is just a garbage thingie.

" Are you getting in or are you gonna stare at my pride and joy all day?" Fynn said with a smirk on his face. I swear I'm gonna rip that smirk from his face. "First of all i was not staring second of all yes I'm coming yeeshh" I said while rolling my eyes.

I got into the car and damn it looked even good on the inside. I had some kind of dirty car in mind but this is the cleanest car I have ever been in. Fynn noticed me looking in disbelief and started laughing. " What" I said in an annoyed tone. " You really are fascinated by me huh" he said while still laughing his ass off.

" Okay that's enough can we just leavee schooll" I said with a little pout. What the Fuck i never pout what is this. "We can go sugar" Fynn said as he started the car to leave. Sugar? wow okay thats a new one. I decided to just say nothing about it and let it go. He probably just made a mistake or something, the chance is very low that he would say it again.

The way to the place he wanted to go takes forever. "How longgggggg until we're finally there? '' I asked. "We are almost there," he said. I looked at Fynn and I don't know what mother nature thought, but damn this boy is too hot.

His beautiful dark brown eyes where you can see a sort of sorrow in it. His fluffy brown hair and the veins in his hands you can see. Okay damn I have to stop checking him out.

My eyes were blessed with the view I had but let's just look at what is happening outside of the car. I felt my cheeks heat up but just ignored it and looked the other way around.

We were riding in a closed off area, there were a lot of trees surrounding us. Oh no, is he gonna kill me.... This was the perfect place to do so. As I was busy looking for an escape route I hadn't noticed that the car had already stopped." earth to Mason '' I heard somebody saying to me.

I got pulled out of my thoughts and looked at Fynn. He had an concercend but also cold face. You couldn't really know what this boy was thinking. I just kept staring at him, fuck maybe I had to answer. " y-yeah I'm fine" I answered. Don't know why the "I'm fine" when he didn't even ask me, but okay. " Okay" he chuckled. Fynn got out of the car and I followed. He walked into the forest, I hesitated for a bit.

Fynn stopped walking and he looked behind" are you coming or not?" He shouted. "Yeah yeah I'm coming" with that I shoved my hesitation aside and walked after him. It felt like the walk lasted forever, HOW LONG ARE WE EVEN WALKING. My legs are gonna give up any moment now. Fynn is walking like a mile ahead of me. "FYNN I CAN'T WALK ANYMORE" My legs were really giving in. I don't think that Fynn heard me cause he didn't stop walking.

There were a lot of branches on the ground, if you don't watch out you could fall over one of them. I tried to walk a little more, but I was dumb enought to fall over a tree branch. "AH, oouch" dammit that hurted more than I thought it would.

My leg hurted like hell. I looked at my ankle and it was a little red and it stung. "FYNN" I shouted again, if he thinks I can walk a meter further then he is wrong. This time he reacted to my shouting and he looked back. He saw me sitting on the ground and ran towards me.

"What the fuck happened" he asked as he knelt down. "I fell over a tree branch there" I pointed at the source of my pain. He looked over at where I pointed my finger at and looked back at me. " How did you fall over that little shit? '' he asked with a worried face. "Cause I was tired and my legs were giving up" I said with a pout.

Fynn chuckled and looked over at my injured ankle. " I think you didn't break it, but don't walk on it. Come here I will carry you." Fynn turned around and suggested to me that I will get on his back. "You sure you can carry me, I'm not that light."

"I'm sure, come on" I climbed on his back and Fynn got up. I love piggyback riding, but I only did it as a child. Fynn walked a little bit further with me still on his back. He didn't complain at all and he walked at a steady pace. I could feel his muscles shift every time he stepped a step, how is this man so fine?


"Your not gonna murder me here, are you?" I was lowkey curious if he was gonna do it. I mean look around me nobody is gonna search for me this far away, it's the perfect spot. "No Mason I'm not gonna fucking murder you at this spot, why would you even think that?"

"Cause we are in the middle of nowhere and nobody will find me here" I said with the "duh" tone. I felt Fynn laughing a little because his torso went up and down at a fast speed. "Are we almost there yet?" I whined. " Look for yourself."

I looked up from Fynn's back and there was a beautiful lake surrounded with flowers and animals. "Wow" is all I could say. It was absolutely stunning, it looked like it came straight out of a movie.

There was silence for a few minutes, neither of us said anything. We both were staring at the lake. " Why did you bring me here?" I asked, I mean it's beautiful and all but why did he bring me here out of all places. Fynn stayed silenced for a few seconds and he started to talk.

" My dad and I used to come here sometimes to picnic in the summer. I still can remember how we had some amazing adventures, walking in the flowerfield, swimming in the lake, the awesome talks we had. But at some point it changed and I didn't come here anymore." Fynn looked towards me and he hesitated.

" Oh gosh what is even the point in telling you I have known you for like what 2 days now and I'm telling you this." he chuckled, but it was not a happy chuckle more like a sad ' 'what am I doing'' chuckle. "Come on you know you can tell me" I just wanted to know why he brought me not to be judgemental or anything.

"You looked kind of stressed and whenever I wanted to relax I would come to this place" his eyes sparkled while he was saying that. I never saw that look in his eyes, it looked like freedom. "Thank you" was all that came out of my mouth, but I was really grateful that he considered my feelings.

At school he is known for being the bad boy type that doesn't care about other people's feelings, so this is a big thing I guess.

There was a dock by the lake and I was curious about it. "Fynn can we go to the dock, I wanna sit there." Yeah, no sure we can go" he said. Fynn picked me up and we went over to the dock. The walk didn't take that long so we were there in a few minutes. Fynn sat me down at the end of it and after that he sat down beside me. It was even more wonderful from this point of view.

You could see the ducks that were swimming around the lake. The beautiful plants surrounding this area or the butterflies flying around the flowers. Why is this place so far away from my home? I would literally come here every day if it wasn't that far away.


Owning the bad boy- boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now