ᥴꫝꪖρ𝕥ꫀ𝕣 1

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(I'm whispering)
Ignore this story, idk wth I'm doing.
I just published this on a whim, it's even ready at all, it's lazy too.
It's super short I believe.
Let this not beat 50 reads.



It is very usual for Choi Beomgyu to see college students go to the bookstore where he works part-time, it's quite near the campus after all. He is a college student himself, precisely in his second year.

His main task is to clean the store and organise the bookshelves. But he also enjoys helping people find the books they're looking for, or assisting his older workmates at the checkout.

He likes his job, some would find it boring but it's actually just very laidback, and peaceful and helps him cover his college expenses.

And it doesn't get lonely since his school friends pass by to fetch some nice comics, novels or mangas.

Beomgyu is the youngest employee and his colleagues treat him really well, everything is perfect.. but.. there's something or rather someone who seems to occupy his attention whenever they appear before him.

There's this quite regular customer who comes over to read. Which seems normal but Beomgyu couldn't help but find something odd.

A customer is someone who buys goods from a shop, but in this particular case the person can't even be labelled as a customer since they never buy anything.

He's a blond guy who seems to be around Beomgyu's age maybe even a little younger.

The person goes here every single day, or at least that's what Beomgyu thought since he's always there during his working hours. Beomgyu is unable to get a clear image of his face since it's always buried in the two books he reads all the time. But he once got a very quick glimpse of his eyes and ever since then, his own eyes wouldn't let go of the guy.

For two reasons.

Those were very pretty eyes.

And he swore those eyes were familiar.

The quote-on-quote customer comes in, he takes this specific black book from a shelf, sits at a table to read it, then leaves after the entire day has gone by. And that happens every day, over and over again. As days passed, he started doing this same routine but with a pink book while still reading the black one on some days. That change of book choice, kinda relieved Beomgyu because never changing the book that he obviously finished reading at some point would make this situation creepier. Beomgyu has never been this intrigued by someone's activities especially regarding the fact that he thinks he doesn't know him.

What is insane is that he manages to keep his face hidden all this time.


It's a Wednesday afternoon,
Beomgyu is standing at a counter sorting a couple of books, it's situated at a spot where he has a good view of the bookstore. And like always, the mysterious "customer" was sitting at a table reading this one pink book unaware that a guy who's a year older kept on stealing occasional glances at him.

Beomgyu tore his stare away from the blond after hearing someone calling his nickname.

"Hi Gyu!" Yeonjun, his good friend and schoolmate greeted him. He had approached the younger with a soft smile plastered on his face.

Beomgyu instantly reciprocated his expression "Hey Yeonjun, what brings you here?"

"Honestly nothing really, I was bored so I thought of passing by here to see my hardworking friend!" But after looking down at what the younger was doing, he felt like taking back what he just said "But it seems like you're not that hardworking.."
Beomgyu was tasked to sort out some books half an hour ago but he actually barely did anything.

"Oh..." Beomgyu let out an awkward chuckle "Yea... I've not really been focused these days"

Yeonjun who was facing the brunette lightly tilted his head indicating that he was curious. "Why's that?" But something soon caught his attention, Beomgyu's obvious glances at something that is behind him.

The older indiscreetly turned around and perceived a couple of customers contemplating some bookshelves and a few skimming through some books at a large table.

As he turned back to the younger he was quickly questioned out of nowhere. "By any chance, do you know that blond guy over there?"

Yeonjun looked back one more time, then nodded. "Yes he's a friend of mine. He just moved here." Yeonjun then took a step away with his hand up, wanting to approach his friend. "YO!"

Beomgyu hastily stretched his arms forward to reach the older and covered his mouth from the back.
"Shut it!" He hissed in a quiet voice.

Yeonjun looked back at him confused. "What? I thought you wanted me to be your wingman..."

The younger started stroking his own bangs, sneakily trying to cover the faint blush that adorned his cheeks, embarrassed to be associated with the yelling guy at the moment. "What do you mean?"

"Well... I thought you asked me that because you have a crush on him."

Beomgyu immediately reacted as he glowered at him "What No!! The hell?"

The older displayed his palms in front of him, surrendering. "Okay okay.. chill bro. You were staring at him earlier, anyone can misunderstand."

The employee composed himself with a sigh. "Do you know why he always comes here?"

"He likes books?"

"No but- like he's so weird, he's been coming here every day for a month now, to read the same dang black and pink books then he leaves."

Yeonjun blinked "And why did you notice this? Creepy—"

"I'm not the only one who noticed." Beomgyu crossed his arms and let a serious look settle on his face "My manager did too. He even asked me if I could tell that boy to stop reading the store's books if he's not going to buy them. This is a bookstore not a library."

"And.. did you tell my friend that?"

"Oh um.. no."

The other smirked. "So you do like him!"

Beomgyu gave himself a facepalm. "For the last time, it's not that I like him. Just how am I supposed to approach this stranger and tell him to leave?"

Yeonjun hummed with a wide tight lipped smile "Mhmm.. well all of this is your problem so I won't intrude!" He gave him a thumbs up. "I bet you wanna know his name so badly~ Well all I'm telling you is that he's a freshman at our college."

And with that, he left his friend's side with a wave. And also took the opportunity to greet the blond who completely ignored him.

My regrets...

Revenant with books  || TaegyuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora