She scoffed, "So not true! I did it for myself plus I embarrassed myself. I almost chickened out."

She cringed thinking about it. It was so embarrassing but Yuta was there every step of the way reassuring her that she didn't have to do it.

"Aw are you for real?" Kunhang asked getting ready to console her.

She nodded checking the time, "But as you can see I didn't, so all is well."

Kunhang shook his head, he wondered how she could be so enthusiastic sometimes.

"So you're not worried that you'll run into them?" He asked raising a brow.

"Psh I know I'm gonna run into them I got the info from a friend of a friend, but what am I gonna do?" She asked shrugging, "I like to think we're all still friends."

Kunhang didn't believe her for one second, she was being too nonchalant about it. He knew his best friend more than she did sometimes so he was waiting for her to crack and say something. Hyunjae noticed the look he was giving her and sighed. Yeah she was far from nonchalant.

"Ok look I don't wanna face them but if I'm being realistically here, what's the worst that can happen?" She replied to him trying to convince herself in the process,

"I could come up with a lengthy list," he said seriously, "but I have faith in you so you got this." He put his hand up for a high five.

Hyunjae smiled high fiving him. If she could count on anyone it was usually Kunhang. Not only was he (usually) the best listener of the group, but he also gave some good pep talks, and was an even better hypeman.

"I just realized I'm gonna see edgy Hyunjae make a comeback!" He gleamed.

She raised her brow, "I was not edgy!"

"You were. As your boyfriend says you were a wannabe E-kid," he chuckled knowing he was getting under her skin.

She narrowed her eyes at him flicking his forehead, "Don't push it."

"Right sorry that's a boyfriend thing right? Only he can call you that." He said teasing her even more.

"You're on a roll today," She chuckled, "Sheesh."

"I know," he chuckled standing up, "Well I'm gonna go. You should probably start getting ready huh. Are you gonna stay at his place?"

She pouted slightly realizing that time was going by fast, "Yeah I know and I'm actually not sure."

He headed to the door with a smile, "Ok well Have fun! You know I'm just a phone call or text away! If I don't get an I'm home text from you I'm gonna assume you stayed over at his."

"Sounds good," she smiled shutting the door as he left.

Since he left she decided it would be best to go get ready. Today she wasn't stressing over an outfit because not only was it cold but this would be more casual. While she wasn't stressed over an outfit there was someone who was.

Yuta opened his closet scanning his clothes, "What does one even wear to this type of event? Do I wanna look discrete? Or maybe like someone that could kick your ass? Or maybe something that says-"

Sicheng sighed putting a hand on Yuta's shoulder, "Just go as Yuta."

He sighed turning to Sicheng, "That doesn't really help."

"What do you mean you have a great sense of style," he encouraged as Yuta sat down on the edge of his bed.

"True but what if that's not right for this?"

Wannabe // NCT College AUWhere stories live. Discover now