"Honestly, it doesn't bother me when you say I'm yours," you admitted. "I know you don't mean in the sense that you own me. I wasn't offended when you said I was yours the night of the fight. I just was angry about the whole thing because I was afraid you or Joon would get hurt."

The mention of Jungkook's best friend made his jaw tighten. He couldn't stop himself! Jungkook was still envious, even though they were fine now. Knowing that Namjoon got to be inside you, touch you, and hear the beautiful noises you made when you came, fucked with his head. 

"Are you aware of Namjoon's affections for you?" You took a step back after releasing Jungkook's wrists. His stare remained fixed on you as if trying to figure out if you even knew what was going on, but you honestly didn't.

"No, he doesn't," you said. "Joon would have told me. We've known each other for months and—"

"And what?" Jungkook queried, but he had a sense of what you were about to say. Namjoon had been your heat mate for months, and you wanted to believe he would've said something.

You groaned and shook your head, "Nothing." You messed everything up by fucking Namjoon, but how could you have known? It didn't make you feel any better, though. Is this how Jungkook feels about it all the time? Soo-ah is a different story; she's a stranger to you. In a few days, she'd be a figment of your imagination. He and Namjoon, on the other hand, were like brothers. They had formed an unbreakable bond, and you were there in its center. "I swear, I don't feel that way about him. I only care about him as a friend."

Jungkook could sense you were telling the truth. He felt compelled to soothe you, touch you. He let out a long sigh of relief and again reached for you.

"I believe you." You visibly relaxed at his words. "I hope you believe me too when I say there's nothing between Soo-ah and me. There never was. She just was someone I spent my ruts with. I won't deny that she wanted something more, but I was always clear with her about my intentions. Perhaps I should've stopped it when she clarified her intentions."

"Yes, maybe you should've," but there was no bite to your words. You only teased, and Jungkook seemed pleased by that. "I believe you."

"Good," he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Want to go for that run in the forest I promised you earlier?"

The excitement in your eyes melted him, "I've been dying to go for a run."


After their findings, Seokjin and his mate were at a loss for words. Even though most of the guys were out on an assignment, he didn't want anyone finding out before they found out how to deal with the matter. They'd gone into Jungkook's office to avoid being overheard.

Seokjin didn't want to believe the worst because he thought he knew Jungkook well. They'd known each other for a long time. He assumed Jungkook had reasons for not saying anything.

"I mean, it has to be a member of Jungkook's family. Jeon Choon-sik," Sun-hee read the name out loud again. "And the fact that the man is a dead ringer for Jungkook makes it more obvious. Guessing by the date, perhaps a three- or four-times great-grandfather?"

"Could be," Seokjin answered as he walked over to the window, distracted by someone's laughter. It was you and Jungkook removing your clothes. Sun-hee stood beside him and smiled as you two ran and shifted into your wolves and disappeared through the thicket of trees.

"They look beautiful together," Sun-he sighed. "And Jungkook seems so much happier with her around." She glanced over at Seokjin, who was still staring out the window, gnawing at his bottom lip in thought. "Hey, it's alright. We will talk to Jungkook about what we found out when they get back. I'm sure he'll tell you because he knows you'll listen before judging him."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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