6 | 'you play guitar too?'

Start from the beginning


Kyoka took her bass out from its case and held it delicately in her hands, as if it would break if she held it too tightly. Sure, she may be known for being scary by literally the whole school, but she would do practically anything for her precious instrument.

Right now, she was in the music classroom, which was empty because classes had ended a while ago already. And so she started to strum a few chords of the bass which produced quite a melodious tone that echoed throughout the room.

Just a few chords turned into many, and then before she knew it, she was playing 505 by Artic Monkeys. Slowly she started singing along, with her angelic voice being surprisingly soft spoken, because she didn't want anyone to end up hearing her.

Playing the bass and singing was truly Kyoka's biggest passion, and she loved doing it more than anything in the world. But the problem was, she didn't want to share it. She wasn't afraid of criticism, but rather she was embarrassed of showing her music to other people.

But, just doing it alone was already good enough to her and she didn't want anything more or anything less.

As she aimlessly thought of sentimental nothings while she sung her heart out, the image of a particular boy pops up in her mind. The blonde with a black lightning-shaped streak (which was probably there to just look cool) on the left of his side fringe who was taking up her thoughts the past few weeks; it was Denki.

What her friends said to her in the boba tea shop that day had caused her head to go haywire.

"Have you considered that you have... feelings, for Denki?"
"Kyoka, you're the last one to know about your crush on him, aren't you?"
"I think you'd feel a lot better if you just talked to him."

She never really found herself interested in any guys. Though she had a whole lot of exes, those relationships only lasted a few days and she ended up dumping them in the end, anyway. The thought of loving someone made her cringe, but quite frankly, that was happening to her right now. And she hated that feeling more than anything.

After she strummed the last chord of the song, the door suddenly swung open rather violently and her eyes widened in surprise after seeing who it was.

The purple haired girl brought herself to ask sternly after the sudden scare, "Wh-why are you here?" Denki laughed awkwardly to her question, which made Kyoka feel like there were jolts of electricity going up to her heart after hearing his adorable voice. "I forgot to get my guitar."

Denki was known for being a talented guitarist and was popular amongst the school for that reason, which gave Kyoka all the more reason to like him.

"Oh..., alright.", she mumbled in response which just added to the awkward tension in the air. The blonde walked up to one of the small tables in the area as Kyoka shifted glances all around the classroom in an attempt to not look at him, and he took the case which contained his electric guitar inside and hugged it tightly.

"BUDDY, I MISSED YOU!" He yelled shamelessly, to which Kyoka put a hand over her mouth and snickered. Just how was this guy one of the popular kids in such a prestigious school? Kyoka stopped her fit of laughter as she noticed Denki raising a brow at her and he asked in confusion, "What?"

"You... named your guitar Buddy?" She spoke as she tried to hold in her laugh, to which the blonde smiled making Kyoka's heart skip a beat as he started, "Well, people may think that it's strange, but I don't really care that much."

"This guy right here," He held his guitar up beside him to indicate what he was talking about as he continued, "Is and will always be my buddy for when I'm feeling down. That's why I really gave him that name."

Kyoka stopped making fun of it internally after she listened to his rambling that was weirdly passionate, and instead looked at his silhouette which was suddenly beaming from the bright sunlight.

He didn't let her think properly, not that she was actually thinking properly after seeing him, as he instantly changed subjects.

"Also, you play the guitar too?", he asked after noticing the bass she was holding. She held the head of the guitar in one hand as she played with her short purple hair in embarrassment with her other hand and muttered, "Uh, I guess?"

The blonde's face instantly lit up as he strolled over to the girl to take a seat on one of the chairs beside her and marveled, "Cool! Let's play together."

Kyoka asked hesitantly, "Wait, what song?" Denki just shrugged his shoulders and replied with excitement clearly written on his face, "Just play whatever you want and I'll follow!"

To say that the purple haired girl was anxious was an understatement. She was panicking. A lot. Right now, she was going to play with her crush; let alone one of the most talented guitarists in school. Just how in the world was she going to be able to pull this off?

She took a deep breath as Denki looked at her in anticipation, and she strummed a note. One note then turned into two, and three, and eventually that turned into a cover of Swing Lynn by Twin Cabins.

The blonde was taken aback by her amazing skills, but still managed to follow up with her as he added a lot of melodious tunes to the music making it sound even better.

And so the two started to play their guitars like there was no tomorrow with Denki flashing Kyoka a few smiles every now and then making her look away to hide her blush in response.

Just a while ago, she was playing her bass quietly because she was uncomfortable about it. And now here she was, playing confidently with her crush who she was shy to even be around.

Both of them poured out their heart and feelings into playing the song, which was clearly apparent by just listening to it. Kyoka was surprised of how she was even able to do this, with Denki almost passing out because of how much fun he was having.

They both strummed the ending note, and just like that, the music was already over.

Denki stared at Kyoka like she was his world and his mouth gaped open in astonishment. The purple haired girl wasn't sure what to do or say, so the two of them stayed silent for a moment as they bathed in the bright sunlight.

The blonde finally initiated the conversation and exclaimed as he went way too close to Kyoka's face, "Dude, you're better than me!" Normally, Kyoka would blush because of him defying social distance and deny his words in embarrassment. But instead, she stayed dead silent and looked at the floor as if she was... sad.

"...Anything bothering you?" Denki empathized as he put a hand on her back to try and comfort her. Kyoka was brought back to reality and surprisingly without stammering because of the sudden physical contact she felt on her back, she stated two words as she made strong eye contact with Denki,

"I'm sorry."

Denki was confused. He had no idea what she could possibly be apologizing to him for, and interjected worriedly, "Wait, sorry for what?"

His question made Kyoka's amethyst orbs widen in surprise. She was taken aback by the fact that he didn't even think she had done something worth saying sorry for, and was secretly grateful that he didn't.

"Oh, uh-- For running away from you in the mall that day." She explained as she looked away from him, making herself not able to see the warm smile spread across his face, and twiddled her fingers which had painted nails with different shades of purple and black.

"You don't have to apologize for that! I'm sure you have your reasons." He consoled, which thankfully made her not have to explain the situation, and Kyoka finally turned to him to meet his set of golden eyes with her own purple ones in awe.

Her lips curved into a ghost of a smile as she mumbled just enough for the male to hear, "Thanks."

-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ (𝙫𝙤𝙩𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣!)

a/n: decided to chill out for a bit and include some nice juicy kamijiro because i love this ship a lot too 😜😜 SO HOW ARE WE FEELING SO FAR??? EXCITED???

𝐦𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭, todomomoWhere stories live. Discover now