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Jake and I had eventually gone back inside after sharing the last cigarette and a little bit of conversation. He seemed reluctant though as he lingered at the door, kicking a couple pebbles and talking about the weather.

   I assured him that yes, it was nice weather we were having and yes, it would probably be the same for the rest of the week. Finally I had gotten him to go inside and join the rest of the group who hardly seemed to notice we were gone.

   "I'm gonna get a drink." Jake told me and I gave him a thumbs up. He watched me for a moment longer and I raised an eyebrow at him.

   "Do you want one?"

   "I'm capable of getting my own." I told him as I attempted to bite back a laugh.

   "I was trying to be nice." He retorted, making a face. "Go be nice to Dawn." I ordered and he seemed to freeze for a second before straightening up and nodding.


   I watched him as he walked up behind Dawn and slid an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to her side. I fought the urge to make a face. He had caught me off guard with that one, that's for sure.

   He glanced back at me, a sly grin pulling at the corners of his lips as he leaned over to whisper in her ear. He must've said something fucking hilarious because Dawn threw her head back and laughed loudly.

   With his eyes still trained on me, he walked Dawn to the bar and pulled out a barstool for her to sit down. I quickly looked away, scolding myself for staring as long as I did.

   Jesus Christ.

   I couldn't stand this kid sometimes.

   I could hear him ordering her a drink and I attempted to tune them out. I tried to focus on the game of pool that the rest of the guys were playing but I kept picturing his hand around her waist as he pulled her in closer to him. The way he got so close to her face as he whispered in her ear.

   The way he watched me the entire time.

   Dawn suddenly appeared at my side, giggly and out of breath as she began to talk at full speed. "He's so fucking cute oh my God. He wanted to buy me a drink and did you see the way had his arm around me? Oh my God Char, he's so funny too!"

   "Oh man, yeah-"

   "Oh!" She interrupted, thrusting a glass in my direction, "This is for you."

   I looked at her quizzically and she just nodded excitedly in return. It seems her brief interaction with Jake had given her brain damage.

   "Jake ordered you one too! He's so sweet- I just wanna take him home." Dawn giggled again as she sipped at her drink, still holding mine out to me. I took it, deciding not to say anything.

   Just as quickly as she had come up to me, she left, returning back to the pool tables to watch. I looked down at my drink wondering what the hell was going on.

   "How's that for being nice, huh?"

   Jake walked up beside me, holding his own drink. I decided not to say anything. I merely sipped my drink and looked at everything except him.

   "You said to go be nice to Dawn." I could hear the grin in his voice.

   "Seems you were very nice." I said simply, still avoiding his gaze.

   "That's what you wanted right?"




"Charlie." Jake said, his voice stern. My eyes shot to his. "What's wrong?"

I was acting like a child.

"Nothing, I'm glad you were so nice to Dawn all because I told you to be." I gave him a thumbs up and I knew I was being an ass.

"What did you want me to do?" Jake asked, seeming to grow frustrated with me.

"I bet you were the peer pressure poster child."

"Says the peer pressurer." Jake shot back and I let out a snort.

He grinned at me and I tried to bite back my smile. I was an idiot and he didn't seem to care. "You're ridiculous, do you know that?" He asked me, his smile never faltering.

I shook my head at him, taking another sip from my drink in an attempt to collect myself. "I was hoping you weren't upset with me." He spoke again, his voice low this time.

"And why would it matter if I was?"

He leaned his head down a little so he was close to me as he said, "Because you can't tell people what to do and then be upset when they do it."

I stared at him as he straightened back up, returning his gaze back to the pool table. His lips were twitching the way they do when he's trying not to smile.

"Fair enough." I muttered.

I was slightly irritated with him and I knew I had no reason to be and that irritated me more. After our conversation outside I had felt comfortable with our new friendship and now here I was, not even twenty minutes later, frustrated with him for whatever reason.

I knew the reason.

But still.

"You're bossy. You know that?" Jake spoke as he nudged my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts again. "I know." I answered, glancing over at me through my peripheral.

His cheeks were pink from the heat of the crowded bar area and little pieces of his shoulder length hair kept getting stuck to his wet lips. I quickly looked back to the game of pool.

"I like that."


"That you're bossy."

Dawn was stealing glances our way and I knew he should move from my side. I knew he needed to go over there with her. I knew I should say something. I guess I was bossy.

"You should go over there." I nodded my head in Dawn's direction. "Are you going to get mad at me again if I do?" Jake teased but his words felt heavy in my head.

"I wasn't mad in the first place." I wanted a cigarette.

"Fine. I'll go." He said, raising his glass up to me as a farewell as he moved from my side. "You're lucky I like being bossed around."

He turned to his back to me for only a moment before turning again quickly to say one last thing.

"By you. I like being bossed around by you."

And just like that he left me standing near the bar by myself, the drink he bought me still in my hand.

tongue tied - jake kiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now