Chapter 23

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Two weeks later...

"So were good" I stood up waiting for a bro hug. "Yea we good" Dalton stood up and hugged me back. I decided to talk to him about everything because i didn't want there to be bad blood since everybody's been hanging out and i kind of missed the dude. 

"So yall good now" Tre asked as we walked back onto the court. "That's my guy of course we good" Dalton passed the ball to me. We played ball for a little until Mila called to tell us Sinu was cooking so we changed clothes and went over there.


"Tre put that last slice down" Sinu popped his hand and put the cake back on the tray. "He had like 3 mama Sinu" Ariana and Victoria snitched. "Yall just be telling" I laughed and sat down. 

"Dalton honey did you have a slice" She asked him. "Yes ma'am" he nodded with a sweet reply. "Ariana, how was the appointment" Shawn asked. 

"Oh, it was nice they just drew a little blood" Ariana smiled happily. "Ariana speaking of appointments its almost 4" Victoria checked her phone. "Oh god i have to go... I'll see you guys later" She rushed giving everyone a hug and a peck on the check. 

"Jesse, can you go with her for me i think i want another slice of cake" Dalton smiled and him and Sinu walked towards the kitchen. "Sure" I stood up and dabbed up the boys before me and Ariana walked out towards my car. 


After about 20 minutes we arrived at this little private clinic. Walking in here a sad memory came across. "It was like that for me too" Ariana sat next to me after checking in. "I thought i was over it until i walked back in here" I sadly smiled.

She didn't say anything, just stared at me like she had something to say. "What?" I asked with a weird smile. "Nothing" She sat forward and was quiet until her name was called. 

"Hi Ariana, oh my god you look so great" she smiled at Ariana's growing baby bump. "Thank you i feel tired" Ariana joked, making us chuckle. 

"I know girl it sucks" The nurse smiled making Ariana laugh. "It doesn't look that bad" I added and they both gave me a death stare making me put my hands in a surrender like motion. 

"They just don't know" The nurse and Ariana laughed again. "Okay today we're just gonna make sure the baby is healthy and to see your gender" she said. "Sounds good" Ariana replied. 

The nurse walked out the room to get the stuff she needed. "Jesse, do you think after this we can go to my house" Ariana asked sweetly. "Yea sure. You, okay?" i asked feeling myself getting concerned. 

"Yea i just think we should talk" she said avoiding my eyes. "About what?" I asked. "Okay guys let's get started" she said in a happy tone. I thought about what she said. What could she possibly wanna talk about?. 

"oouu that's cold" Ariana jumped a little. As Ariana put her hand on mine gaining my attention, the nurse started to set up the machine. "Remember when I said we needed to talk" She asked staring into my eyes. 

"Yes, and you never answered my question about what?" I asked. She took a deep breath and pointed at the screen. "That....We need to talk about that" She looked at the baby that was just floating around on the screen. 

 My eyes just went wide as i stared at the tiny human. They were just sitting there floating around in her tiny stomach. No words came across my mind as i watched Ariana and the nurse exchange words about the baby. 

My hearing went out as i just heard a beep. I see Ariana and the nurse's lips moving as they were talking, laughing and smiling. Ariana was going about like she didnt say anything weird to me.

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