Alone, Under the Moonlight

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***Disclaimer: Depicted violence and bullying***

Cruel laughter echoes in muffled ears, vision going in and out with blurred sight, and the smell of blood fills young Yeonjun's whole body and makes him want to gag. " please... mama..." the child murmurs, eyes fluttering as he tries to regain consciousness.

"Hear that?! He wants his little low blood mama! Mama! Mama!" More laughter fills the night air that brings a silence to Yeonjun's thoughts and he closes his eyes again. Yelling of a familiar voice is what causes the young, wounded vampire to open his eyes and sluggishly turn his head to see what's going on.

Yeonjun's eyes slowly focus as he watches a newly appeared brunette young vampire yell at one of the children. He pushes one of them down.

Yeonjun musters up a breath,"Hey," he says, barely moving his mouth with his head still to the side managing nothing more than a whisper. He raises his hand and taps it a few times on the ground in hope of reaching the human boy laid next to him, "that's my... that's my friend. He'll help us..." Silence.

At the sight of their, presumably, leader getting pushed down, one of the other bullies charges forward and tackles the friend to the ground. From the pathway where the friend came through, another vampire child enters and pushes the bully off and throws a punch. Now freed, the friend comes rushing to Yeonjun's side, "YEONJUN! YEONJUN!" but he pauses and his face goes to a horror as he takes in the full picture of what lies before him; a vampire and human child collapsed with blood everywhere, unmoving. "...They didn't..." Suddenly, the brunette looks over as the other boy comes rushing to the friend's side, eyes going wide at the sight.

"Wait where did they–"

"They ran as soon as they sensed an adult coming. I think it's our cousin, he saw us take off."

The young vampire gives a nod, "Good, he'll know what to do. And he's friends with Kim Namjoon, so it will be fine."

Yeonjun takes another breath, "Is he... will he be ok?" he asks and moves his hand behind him in reach for the human boy. The friend looks to the other collapsed beside Yeonjun and eyes go in a fearful surprise. "Is that..."

The cousin stands with pierced lips, eyes even more alarmed, "I think so. Stay here, our cousin is almost here, I'll go meet him." and just like that, the second boy dashes away.

Yeonjun's hand is filled with a warmth then something wet falls on his cheek and his eyes look up to his friend hovering beside him, using his spare hand to battle away the tears. "I'm so, so sorry Yeonjun" he chokes back a sob, "this is all my fault." he wipes his eyes with his sleeve, "Help is almost here, you'll be ok."

"What about him though..." Yeonjun asks weakly, "Is he okay?" The grip on Yeonjun's hand tightens and the friend's lip slightly quivers. "I- I don't know..." The sprawled out vampire closes his eyes and a tear slides down his temple. "No... I don't want to be a killer..."

Darkness engulfs his vision.


"Where's Soobin?" asks Jimin. Taehyun and Kai look at each other, minds blank. "Uh" Kai thinks, "Uhhh-"

"Soobin isn't feeling well, so he decided to stay in and rest tonight." says Taehyun.

"Ok...right." Purebloods don't get colds, everyone knows that. There's probably some other stuff going on...he'll be ok, he reassuringly thinks to himself. If he doesn't come tomorrow, then I'll say something to Namjoon-hyung. He never misses class though, no matter how much he may...struggle...hmmmm... Jimin snaps out of his thoughts, "Alright then, shall we get started? I trust you two to fill Soobin in so try to take decent notes."

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