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Soobin is sitting at a desk in a classroom-like setting. Since they were little, the boys have taken lessons together. Even during the time Taehyun went to human school, he would still attend a majority of their lessons and used the time to work on homework or get ahead in his human classes.

Soobin gazes at the nothingness in front of him as he spacs off while Taehyun sits next to him, heavily invested in a game on his phone.

"Nice Beomgyu!" Taehyun says out loud, snapping Soobin out of his daydream.

"Ahhh, so you decided to keep talking with your old friend?"

"Oh, yeah! Right now we're playing this game he sent me, we've been texting a lot and are even meeting up tomorrow!" Taehyun says excitedly, thumbs tapping in a wild speed.

"He seems like an interesting person."

At this, Taehyun quickly glances over at Soobin and sees him watching the game over his shoulder. "Whatever you're thinking," Taehyun begins, "he's not."

"Oh really? How do you know?"

Just then, the door swings open and a tall blond boy comes prancing over to the two boys.

Soobin-i-hyuuunnngggg! Taehyun-aaahhhh! Did you guys miss me??!"

"KAI!" Soobin is the first to jump up and the two giants embrace while Taehyun lets out a sigh of relief, Kai, remind me to thank you later for distracting Soobin, he notes to himself. He sets his phone down and stands up to greet his newly arrived friend and laughs at the giggle fest and bounces between his two giant friends. If this was a manga, there'd be flowers all over the panel, thinks Taehyun.

"How was Hawaii?" Taehyun lets out as the taller one squeezes him in a hug.

"It was awesome! The water was so warm and I got to see real dolphins! Have you guys ever seen the glowing water? Bahi and Lea send their love of course~ How was your guy's break?"

For the next few minutes the reunited trio talks excitedly about Huening Kai's adventures in Hawaii.

"Alright class, get in your seats."

"Ha! Class? It's only the three of us hyung!" Soobin teases.

"Ya! I'm your teacher aren't I? So you better speak more politely to me!" the teacher half heartedly scolds the younger.

"Yes, Jimin-sunsengnim–"

"Ugh, it's Park! Park– whatever. Let's just get started..." Their teacher, Park Jimin, turns around and begins writing stuff on the board about some new math formula they're going to be learning about.

Yuck no thank you, and Soobin takes this as an invitation to daydream.


"Oh, he's almost here!" Soobin says to Taehyun. With being an introvert, Soobin has always been a little nervous meeting new people. Yes, even though he is an "all-powerful pureblood" doesn't mean he can't get anxious about meeting someone for the first time and there was something about this guy that has Soobin caring a little more about the little things than usual.

"How do I look?" Taehyun gives a kind of questionable face as he looks over his friend's choice of clothing: a red-white-blue american style sweater with a yellow flannel and white shirt underneath put together with some black shorts.

"Well... it doesn't scream 'all-mighty pureblood' if that's what you were going for."

"Don't be mean." the bunny pouts, "I don't look bad do I?"

"What," the friend laughs, "trying to impress a hopeful lover? Pft–Loser!"

Soobin's eyes go wide as he senses that Arin and Yeonjun are near, afraid they could have heard his friends' little comment. "Shh! Taehyun!"

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