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❝ 死の保証;

IF THERE'S ANYONE'S ass Karma would kick without hesitation, it would be Jung Hoseok, the con man of all con men. Being their fencer, Karma was forced to trust him (though not by much) but she tried to keep her interactions with him brief and limited, leaving most of that to Yoongi.

She didn't always have such a problem with Hoseok. Of course, she didn't trust him, but it wasn't exactly like she was the most trustworthy person in the world. Karma's distaste for Hoseok started mere weeks after they first met. She almost went to prison because of him. He had been caught with a diamond ring that had been reported stolen earlier that day that Karma stole. The only reason she didn't tear his eyes out of his sockets was because he came in clutch at the very last minute and created this elaborate story about how they had found the ring elsewhere and were trying to find the owner.

But then again, he only protected her because Yoongi threatened to knock his teeth out of his skull if he didn't get her out of this.

So when she heard his disgraceful name tumble from Jaewon's parched lips, Karma knew that he would try to fuck Yoongi over on this and have him take the blame if shit hits the fan. You can't expect a snake to suddenly not be a snake when you need it. She knew she had to protect Yoongi, now more than ever, from Taehyung.

So Karma's plan was simple. She would go to Hoseok, figure out where he stashed the diamond, and take it back to Taehyung so that finally, finally she can be done with all this bullshit. She checked her account multiple times, waiting for the billions of won to be suddenly withdrawn, but it never happened. Maybe Taehyung simply forgot or he was kind enough to let her keep it, but it was more than enough for her to put Yoongi in rehab and still live comfortably.

Once he was clean, they could travel wherever they so desired. They could leave this shitty little apartment and do all the things they talked about when they were once young, starry-eyed lovers with dreams too big for them to ever gain a grip on.

Karma was hesitant to leave Yoongi alone in the apartment, but she figured that he's been doing it for months so he'll be okay for the next few hours. She left early in the morning before Yoongi had the chance to awake as the sun broke over the horizon. She pressed her lips to his forehead and stroked his soft hair before she left out into the serene silence of the back alleys of Daerim.

If there was one time of the day that she could possibly like more than the night, it has to be just as the sun was breaking over the horizon and spreading its blinding gaze over the world. It was still mostly dark outside, though the midnight blue that painted the night sky faded into orange, then to yellow in such a perfectly seamless way that only nature can create.

Karma walked through the dim alleys with her hands shoved into the pockets of her hoodies, kicking along empty, deserted bottles of soju until they strayed off her path. Hoseok's butchery sat a few blocks down, silent and idle on the street corner with all the lights shut out. But Karma knew better than to assume he wasn't there. Hoseok basically lived in his butchery.

She approached the front door to the shop and cupped her eyes with her hands to look through the window. "Hoseok! You motherfucker! Where are you?" Her voice seemed to ricochet off the walls lining the streets. Who cares if she woke anyone up. What are they gonna do, fight her? She slammed her fist against the door, attempting to rattle up the dirty rat inside.

It didn't take long for Hoseok to open the door, staring at her like she just threatened to kill his dog. He looked up and down the street, understandably so, she was banging on his door like she had the entire police force backing her. Once he made sure the coast was clear, he finally looked at the woman in front of her. "You crazy bitch, why the fuck are you knocking on my door like I fucked you mom?" Leave it to Hoseok to say the most out-of-pocket shit at the worst moments.

Karma shoved Hoseok to the side and made her way inside the rather nice, butchery for a neighborhood like this. Hoseok closed and locked the door behind them. "You finally decided to hop off the Tamer's dick and come back?" He was in the middle of hanging up this pig to drain its blood. Whatever conversation she wanted to have, it could occur when he wasn't covered in blood.

She was in no mood for this. "Where is the diamond, Hoseok. I know you have it." She expected him to falter, for a flash of panic or fear to give him away. But he was entirely prepared for this. He's had far too many people come into his shop demanding to know where shit is to be an amateur at this. He simply shrugged. "I have no idea what you're talking about." He had the audacity to stare her dead in the eyes with the faint whisper of a smile across his roseate lips.

They both knew damn well she wasn't stupid. Karma's lips twist into the beginning of a scowl. "Stop fucking with me Hoseok, I know you have it and so does he. Once he finds you, you'll have a lot more to worry about than me being in your face." Despite her dislike of him, she wasn't going to let him die, mostly because it would be a hassle to find another fencer, but also because there have been a few times where he's swooped in and saved her ass (once again, because Yoongi threatened to break his fingers off and stick them up his ass if he didn't).

This was simply to return the favor. They would be even and she can finally rid herself of him.

"Even if I did know where it was - which I don't - why would I tell you?" He asked her with a questioning smile. "You're the King's lapdog. You'll just go running to him. I die either way. At least I'll die rich."

Karma didn't have the time for this. If Hoseok was so adamant on dying, then fine, but she had to make sure this didn't come back onto Yoongi. "And to believe I always thought you were rather clever, guess I was wrong. There's no point in dying rich if your money goes to waste. Fine, die with your pride or whatever the fuck, but when he finds you and you're on the chopping block. Keep Yoongi's name out of your mouth." If they do end up leaving the country, she didn't want Taehyung hunting them down to seek vengeance, not just for his diamond but for everything else.

It was silent at first, Hoseok stared at her with a smile slowly making its way onto his lips. His laughter began in a light chuckle but quickly grew in volume and irony. Karma didn't like it. "What the hell are you laughing about?" Hoseok was rather silent so hearing him laugh was always a concern. Just as always he shook his head, "Nothing you would get right now. But fine, I'll leave Yoongi out of it. " He waved his gloved hand dismissively. "If I do end up dead, I just want to let you know I never believed you to be stupid either so...you'll figure it out eventually."

Karma knew he wouldn't give him a straightforward answer, but it was better than him zipping up completely and denying that he had it all together. She glanced towards the back, where she knew he kept all the things he was to sell.

"Not in there. I told you I don't have it, nor do I know where it is." He gave it to Yoongi to hide for a reason so if he gets hooked up to the most accurate lie detector test in the world or has to undergo otherworldly pain, he can in all honesty say she doesn't know where it is.
"I would be stupid to put it in the most obvious place. Now, if you'll excuse me- I have a pig to make bacon out of." He completely walked away from the conversation, walking around the counter to disappear into the back of the shop.

Fine, he just signed his own death warrant.

*.✧ Kᴀʏs Eɴᴅɪɴɢ Nᴏᴛᴇs

bro... I have my orientation in a few days and I'm not ready to start this job. but I must! My mom said I can get a cat once I get a job and buy all the supplies it needs.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you guys enjoyed and I wish you all a wonderful day/night.


~Kay (*˘︶˘*).。*♡

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