Just One of Dem Days

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Ever since Marshall asked about my parents the other night, I had secretly been obsessing about the topic. It's a sore subject that is always in the back of my head and I try so hard not to think about the pain. I knew it was time to get this out. I had to go through this emotion in order to move forward, even if it was terrifying. I laid down in my bedroom with my journal one night after the girls were in bed. Just picturing my father's face in my mind made me shake in discomfort.


My parents are prim and proper. They have money. My father is an anesthesiologist, and my mother is his nurse. They always wanted me to study medicine, but I decided to get my degree in teaching. I wound up getting pregnant with my daughter Cassaundra my senior year of college. I still graduated, but I didn't pursue a career because of the baby. I was always a failure and never followed through.

I had never been enough for my father. When I was a child, he would scream at me at the top of his lungs until his spit spewed in my face and he would turn red as a beet. As far back as I can remember, I've always feared my dad. That's why I'm so envious of the relationship that Marshall has with his daughters. I've always been afraid of my kid's dad too, now that I think of it. I fell for Jarred because he was a bad boy.

My parents always hated Jarred and said I was a loser for being with him. At the time, I thought they were right. When I told my father I was pregnant with Cassaundra, he screamed at me that he wished I was dead. That phrase has echoed in my mind every day since. It made me feel so small like no one would even miss me if I was gone. I fell into a deep depression.

After the baby was born, Jarred got arrested right in front of my parents' house for backhanding me. My parents witnessed the entire humiliating experience and still wouldn't let me move home. They told me they'd take Cassaundra, but not me. Me being a desperate mother who loved her child, I stayed with my abusive husband. I was supposed to be embarking on a new career as a teacher and instead I had a kid and was in an abusive relationship. I was a failure.

I wrote about these things late at night while the girls were in bed. I screamed into a pillow. I cried deep, lingering sobs that started at the pit of my stomach and heaved all these terrible emotions out of myself. I grabbed the pillow and squeezed it to release all the rage from my body. That was the hardest I've cried yet. And when it was all over...I felt calm. I could breathe again.

It was too late to call Marshall. I was surprised he still wanted to talk to me when he finds out more and more of my baggage. I think I feel like myself around him, but I don't even know who I am yet. Marshall was helping me to become the woman I should have been. He had already sent me a goodnight text over an hour ago and now it was after midnight. I just let it be, he had been working on a new album and was terribly busy every day lately. He was probably already curled up in his big bed all alone.

I looked at Marshall's picture on my phone for a moment before I closed my red puffy eyes, "My sweet Marshall, you are nothing like the other men I've had in my life."


(The next night)

"So, tell me all about him!" Sierra excitedly screamed into the phone. "Do you like him? Does he like you? How was it meeting his brother?"

Sierra and I had the type of friendship where we texted every few days. I had told her that Marshall and I had hung out a few more times, but this was our first long conversation about it.

"Have you seen the studio yet?"

I didn't know how to answer that, "Um, maybe."

"You lucky bitch! I was just kidding."

I told Sierra all about the date on the boat he had taken me on and how romantic it was. I talked about how great he was with the girls and his daughters are so nice and supportive towards me. I liked everyone in Marshall's family. They were all so down to earth. I had never seen an example of a functional family before. My father was an alcoholic.

"So, what is he like? Is he real moody like in his music?"

"He swears a lot." I laughed, "but he's never been mean in front of me."

I sat down on the couch to stroke my neck with my fingertips and my voice got soft, "I love listening to his deep voice, he cracks jokes all the time, and I love his laugh. He's been incredibly sweet to me Si and, I think he likes me. I think it's for real."

"Aww." She said dreamily.

When I hung up with Sierra it was far too late, once again. I meant all the good things I said about Marshall with all my heart. I don't know why I didn't call him back again that night. I feel different around him lately. And I don't know if that's good or bad. I secretly pretend Marshall is my kid's father when I see them together. I've only watched them interact a few times, but I already notice a bond. It felt so right to have him in our lives, I wanted to give them the life that I never had.

Marshall POV

Val never called me back...again! What the hell was she doing? Yeah, she texted me back when I sent a few cute texts throughout the day, but I hadn't heard her sexy captivating voice in a minute. I missed her. I was talking about it to Porter earlier at the studio and he suggested I give her space, so that's what I've been trying to do. I know Val's days are mad busy and I don't want to fuck up her flow.

I sat at home another late night all by my lonesome. I had tried calling Val over an hour ago and she wasn't calling me back. I needed to see her again. I longed to feel her juicy lips against mine.

I didn't even have a picture of her.

I don't fuck with social media, so I never even thought about looking her up before. I sat down at the laptop to google Valentina and realized I don't even know her last name! Nothing was coming up. I figured I'd go on Laney's page. She was always posting on that shit.

Found her! I searched people who Laney was following, and she was the only Valentina. I fucking love saying that name!

Val's account was private, but at least I got to check out her profile pic. She was in a black tank top looking sexy as ever. I immediately felt the need to pull my dick out of my boxers. Val's so pretty. Even with all the shit she's been through, she has a sweet demeanor.

Val's feeling me too. There are certain things her body can't hide. The night after our date, I know she was just as turned on as I was...until things got weird, but that in some fucked up way made us closer. She was able to open up to me for the first time and because of that, I have so much respect for her. Over the weekend at my place when I got her alone in the basement, I know I made her hot. When I was rubbing all over her legs and kissing her neck, I saw the look in her eyes. She wanted it bad.

I stared at Val's face and her titties in that black tank top and pictured her on top of me riding my dick. I wanted to grab onto her soft thighs and her ass and feel her wet pussy wrapped around my cock until I made her cum. I finished jerking my dick downstairs in the dim lighting of my home studio with only Valentina on my mind.    

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