So Into You

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Despite me losing my mind and becoming an emotional wreck last night in front of Marshall, he had invited us over to his house today! Apparently, his brother has little kids, and I could bring the girls over and we'll have a nice day meeting the family. Marshall assured me that his brother and sister-in-law were both easygoing and we'd get along just fine. I got us all dressed, and Marshall was right on time to pick us up. I couldn't believe he wanted to spend time with us again.

I intended to make a good impression on Marshall's family and wore a pink dress with a jean jacket over to make it more casual. I felt so nervous now that my vulnerabilities were sprawled out there in front of him, but things didn't feel weird. I hoped Marshall and I could just be normal and not have any awkward mention of my outpouring of emotion from last night. That was something only between us.

It takes an abused woman an average of six times to leave her abuser. I only took me four to leave Jarred. That must count for something. It was so strange to feel safe. I never had to question Marshall's feelings for me at all. Sure, I let my imagination run away from me, but Marshall always sent a sweet text throughout the day to let me know he was thinking about me or gave a quick call before bed. I haven't ever felt secure or loved in my life. Not until now at least. Someone cares.

Guilt clouded my heart that I'm sorry to make Marshall put up with all my issues. His patience has been comforting. I have a low self-esteem and need reassurance constantly. On top of all that, I have a husband who I'm not fully divorced from yet. It's only in the beginning stages.

Jarred is a bad guy. A wretched, filthy, drunk, disgusting, mean bad guy. How did I allow this to happen?

"Here we are." Marshall pulled up the driveway.

"Marshall! Is this where you live? It looks like a castle!" Cassaundra yelled from the backseat.

We got the girls out of the Escalade and Cassaundra ran straight to the scooter that was parked in front of the garage.

"That's for you honey. Try it out." Marshall called to her.

"Thank you for being so good to us." I teared up as I hugged him while holding Bella in my arms. "You spoil us far too much."

"She said she didn't have a scooter." Marshall shrugged and hooked his hand in mine. "Come see the house."

The house was enormous! I had grown up in a big, fancy house as a kid, but it was nothing like this. The entrance had two huge wooden doors which opened into a breathtaking foyer. Marble countertops lined the kitchen where all the appliances appeared to be state of the art. The living room contained pictures of Marshall's daughters on the mantle of the stunning fireplace.

"C'mon let me show you the bedrooms."

We followed Marshall upstairs where he opened doors leading to big, decorated bedrooms and bathrooms with jacuzzi tubs. I realized that our apartment could probably fit into just his bedroom.

"Can we sleep over here sometime?" Cassaundra asked as she bounced on the bed.

"Sure, if you want to." Marshall smiled and kissed my head.

"Hey, you home?" A male voice sounded from downstairs.

"Yeah, we'll be down in a minute!" Marshall yelled back.

Marshall led us back down the stairs to a guy who was quite obviously his brother and what I assumed to be Nathan's wife and kids.

"Nate, Ash, this is Valentina and her daughters Cassaundra and Bella."

"Oh, this is Valentina." Nate smiled as he looked at me and then at Marshall as he shook my hand. "It's nice to meet you, I've heard so much about you."

"You have?" I looked over at Marshall.

"And how old are you girls?" Nate bent down to talk to my daughters. They answered him and he joked with them, putting them at ease. I loved that about Marshall's family. I loved that they all are so accepting of me and are great with kids. I never feel self-conscience when I'm in their company.

Before I knew it, Cassaundra had gone outside with Marshall's nephews to ride scooters, and Marshall and Nate were kicked back watching Sports Center. Bella was getting tired, so I asked Marshall if I could lay her down upstairs for a nap. Ashley came with me with the diaper bag.

"She's beautiful." Ash told me after I changed Bella and was rubbing her back to get her to sleep. "Ya know, Marshall really cares about you a lot."

"Yeah? How do you know?" I was curious as to what he's told his family about me.

"Because we've never met a girlfriend before." She answered quietly.

"What?" I looked over at her and laughed a little.

Ashley lowered her voice, "Marshall has a fling here and there, but he's never invited a girl over in the daytime like this to meet his family. He's definitely never invited anyone's kids over to play with our boys. And I've known Marshall for a lot of years now, I've known Nate since we were teenagers. You're special Valentina. Marshall trusts you."

Marshall POV

I'm so into her now. I look at Val differently, but in a good way. I couldn't stop thinking about and analyzing everything that had transpired over the past few days between us. Val had trusted me with her inner most secrets. She's been through so much and still holds it down going to work and taking care of her daughters each day. She's upstairs right now having girl talk with Ash, and she's gonna love Valentina just like I do.

"You did good there." Nate said from the other couch. "She seems really nice, I'm happy for you."

He didn't have to say much. I knew I had his approval before he even met her. My brother could tell just by the way I described Val to him that this girl meant a lot to me.

"What are you guys talking about?" Ash asked as she and Val came back down the stairs to join us.

"I was just telling Marshall that he should show Valentina the downstairs. Have you seen that part of the house yet?" He looked over at my girl.

Val shook her head as I took my feet down from the coffee table to stand.

"C'mon baby. I'll show you the pool table." I grabbed her hand and led her to the steps to my huge, finished basement.

I needed to thank Nate for the great excuse to get Val alone.

"I haven't kissed you today yet." I said as I leaned into her lips when we were downstairs alone. "I've been thinking about what you said. I thought about it when I finally got to bed last night, and it's been on my mind all day."

"Which part?" She asked as I held her against the wall to stroke her belly.

"The part where you said you feel good about yourself when you're around me." I kissed her again. "That we're closer now that you're letting your walls down," another kiss, "and that it feels right. I feel it too, ya know?"

That dress had been driving me crazy since the moment I saw her in it. I ran my fingertips up Val's bare legs lightly, causing her to shiver and I smiled while my mouth found hers. Our tongues met and swirled together as I ran my hands under her dress a bit and massaged her thighs. I was so fucking turned on, I wanted to just rip off her clothes that minute and I know Val felt it too. Her breathing became heavy, and she ran her nails over my neck. I couldn't wait for the day I could make her mine. Really mine. And have my way with her all night long.

"Marshall." Val managed to whisper as I gently nibbled down her neck as to not spook her. "Marshall..." I stopped to hold her with my face still at the crook of her neck to inhale her intoxicating scent as she ran her fingers through my hair and scratched my head. "It's a relief that you're so patient with me Marshall. I thought you might run for the hills." She laughed that delicious giggle of hers and it made me weak.

This was the Valentina I was used to.

I raised my head to look her in the eye, "Nah, not at all girl. If anything, you have me under your spell even harder."    

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