Chapter Forty-One

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"Where do you think the blueprint would be?" Gregory asked, looking up at Sun.
Sun thought for a moment. "Usually all the blueprints are in parts and service."
"Vanessa would want to keep an eye on the blueprint since it could literally destroy all of her plans," Bonnie pointed out.

"Smart thinking," Sun complimented him. "But where would she keep something that important?"
"Her office!" Gregory answered. 
"Great idea, sunshine. Let's go," Sun smiled at him. 

It took them a few moments to finally reach Vanessa's office. Since there were so many security offices, they had to check a few of them. But eventually, they found the right one. "Over here!" Gregory called out to the other two animatronics searching for the blueprint. "This box is locked, so it must be important!"

"Nice!" Bonnie kneeled down and observed the lock. "Stand back."
Sun and Gregory exchanged a puzzled glance but obeyed anyway. Bonnie held the box up to his face and suddenly began to bite at the lock. Sun and Gregory looked at each other again, but this time, they looked like they were gonna run away. 

"Chill," Bonnie laughed when he saw their expressions. "I was given sharp teeth. Here."
He handed the box to Gregory, who took it. The lock had been completely obliterated. "That was scary and concerning but very cool," Gregory nodded his head approvingly. 

Gregory opened the box and gasped, looking offended. "What is it?" Bonnie asked, leaning forward. 
"It's empty!" Gregory showed Bonnie the box.
It really was empty. "That doesn't make sense," Sun shook his head. "Why was it locked? Does Vanessa have it or something?"

While Gregory and Sun were exchanging theories, Bonnie examined the box. He reached in and felt around. "Aha." 
"Woah!" Gregory exclaimed when saw Bonnie holding a rolled up piece of blue paper. "Where did you find that!?"
"There was a secret compartment in the box," Bonnie explained proudly. 

Bonnie handed the blueprint to Gregory, who took it and unfolded it. "It's the right one! Nice job, Bonnie!"
"We'd better get going then," Sun spoke. "Before Vanessa comes back. Bonnie-"
"One step ahead of ya," Bonnie smiled as he put the box back the way they had found it. 
Sun nodded approvingly and the three of them made their way to parts and service.

An Unlikely Friendship / Sundrop and Gregory - A Security Breach FanficWhere stories live. Discover now