"Alrigh'," Daryl agreed, he would make sure Harry didn't sneak off, but he knew Harry wouldn't do that; he would do whatever he wanted and would tell them as much. He took his time walking towards the group, his side still a little sensitive but it was much better than he expected it to be, spells or no spells. "Who is she?" he asked when they were half way, finally summoning up the courage. Daryl wasn't sure he actually wanted to know - Harry obviously cared a lot about her.

"Luna? She's been my best friend since she was fourteen and I was fifteen, been through a lot together, she understood me in a way my other friends cant 'cept Neville...though it wasn't through any fault of their own." Harry replied quietly, his eyes shadowed.

"How's that?" Daryl asked, seen as they were still quite a bit away from the group.

"Loss," Harry replied tensely, "Luna lost her mum, Pandora, when she was young, died in front of her, she was nine years old. It affected her long into her teenage years; she found it hard to let anyone in, acted distant and odd to those around her making them wary of her. They thought she was nuts, in other words, took my other best friend Hermione a while to warm up to her because she thought she was stupid. Although everyone feels stupid next to Mione," Harry said wryly, but that just might save the human race if a cure could be found. "Anyway my other friends, except Neville have never had anything bad happen to them, I suppose you could say they were really innocent, and had such a childish outlook on life."

"Like them," Daryl pointed out to the group; he hadn't met anyone undamaged until that group came to the quarry with the obvious exception being school which he had never finished.

"Most of them, yes," Harry nodded his agreement, despite the fact the world was now literally crawling with dead people they still thought everything was going to be okay, thought they could stay on this farm forever and wait it out. They hoped, might not be a bad thing to do in this new world, but Harry had given up on hoping for anything a long time ago. "Take the seat," Harry told Daryl giving him a pointed look, he didn't want any arguing.

"Morning," Carol said, smiling from where she was cooking scrambled egg and bacon for everyone. Everyone else was there as well, Andrea, Shane, T-Dog, Glenn who looked extremely nervous, Dale, Amy, Rick, Lori and Carl.

"Good morning, Sophia still sleeping?" Harry asked, very surprised to see her without her daughter.

"She's gone to get her get well card for Carl, she insisted on making one this morning," Carol told him quietly, with an amused look on her face one could only get when dealing with children.

"He's a fighter," Harry said, passing one of the plates Carol handed him to Daryl then the other to Merle who was sitting a bit away on a tree stump. He still wasn't comfortable with the group and liked to stay on the edge of it. Daryl wasn't so obvious about it; either that or he was warming up to the group. Sophia could still care about people even if she had to lose some of that in a bid to survive this new world.

Carol nodded in agreement as she began to cook more food presumably for herself and Sophia since everyone else was currently eating.

"Foods good, I'm guessing it's from the farm?" Harry asked nobody in particular.

"It is," Carol was the first to reply as the others just nodded their heads, too busy eating their breakfast with gusto, and who could blame them? After days on the road hardly eating anything, this was a godsend. You got used to it though, eating decent at the quarry then not on the way to the CDC then eating well for two meals then fleeing the CDC and then not eating to being in a farm and actually getting fresh eggs. Too bad he couldn't stow away one of those chickens in his trunk, would have been great to have fresh eggs every day.

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