"Why?" Daryl asked backing out slowly when Harry moved towards him and the front of the tent.

Merle looked up from where he was skinning the squirrels and rabbits he found during a hunt. His blue eyes squinting as he tried to see properly but not quite succeeding due to the suns glare. He could hear what was going on well enough though.

"I don't have time to explain," Harry said, already moving to leave the farm.

"Then make time," Merle said, "What's going on?"

Harry sighed, "Someone I know is out there on their own, she was supposed to be safe." here Harry gritted his teeth in seething silent fury. "She had to fix something and it locked her out, she can't get back in so she decided in all her wisdom to come looking for me three days ago."

"How?" Merle asked cautiously, "Does she know where you are? Is she going to the CDC?"

"Tracking charm," Harry admitted after looking around.

"That how you found Sophia?" Merle enquired slightly off topic.

"No, tracking charm only allows magic to trace magic," Harry revealed, getting more and more anxious the longer he spoke.

"If it works like a GPS then shouldn't you stay in the one area so she can get to you quicker? If you start bouncing from one place to the other she'll be going back and forth, you don't even know where she is, she could be a few miles from here." Daryl said, urging Harry to reconsider. The way Harry froze on the spot he must have been quite accurate in his guess.

"You've seen it out there!" Harry shook his head, "She's on her own, and I can't just leave her to fend for herself."

"Seems like she's doing just fine, it's been three days you said yourself, and she has her magic," Merle's voice went low as he admitted that. He watched Harry calculatingly; he had never seen him show so much anger or care over someone. Never looked as though he missed anyone, but considering what he said, that she was in a safe place perhaps he felt he hadn't needed to worry?

Harry hunched over, it felt so wrong even considering leaving her to come to him, what if something happened and she never got here? He would forever blame himself, but he also had no idea how she was doing it. There were many ways magical people used to transport themselves from one place to another. Damn the world really had gone to shit and the brothers were making all the sense in the world. She was strong, she could look after herself, he'd seen her use magic firsthand, saw how quick she was, hell she'd cast a patronus during the D.A meetings, one of the first few and she was younger too. Trying to reassure himself wasn't helping any at all.

"What age is she?" Merle asked, still sitting with his calculating look all the while skinning the squirrel's.

"Twenty," Harry eventually said, relaxing slightly, staring out at the fields, half expecting her to turn up, but knowing it wouldn't be that easy. He would teach Carol and Sophia then he would head out, send her a patronus message and wait for one to return, only then would he relax. Harry used the palm of his hand to rub at his forehead in agitation, his mind flashing to the herds of walkers he'd seen, in Atlanta, on the road, the close calls they'd had and he'd had people with him.

Merle was surprised, the way he was going on he half expected this girl to be the same age as Sophia. "If she's anything like you, you ain't got anything to worry about."

Harry breathed out, alright; he had a plan he was going to stick to it. He was going to train Sophia and Carol then later he would leave the others so he could send Luna a message. He reluctantly nodded his head, before going back to his tent, flinging his bag in the corner and grabbing the swords and guns for the others. Sliding them into his cargo pants, once again grateful for the many pockets especially considering it was too hot to wear jumpers and he couldn't very well hide his wand up his sleeve without others seeing or feeling it. "Come on, let's go get some breakfast, especially you," he said specifically for Daryl, he really shouldn't be up and about, but the spells must have helped him a hell of a lot.

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