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Hi there! I'm Silvurdol, and this is my Warrior Cats OC Rater (as stated in the title haha). If you'd like to submit an OC, here are some quick rules that I'd like for you to follow:

1. Be kind and show respect. This means no swearing and don't be mean to others.

2. Only Warrior Cats OCs for now. This is pretty obvious, but still.

3. Please make sure to follow the form. If your application strays a little too far, I might ask for you to redo it.

4. Try not to make your submission too long. By this, I mean at most a thread of five or so messages. Not because I'm not willing to read it all, but because the quality of my review will decrease if there's too much input.

5. To submit a form, you can either: DM/PM (message) me or comment below here.

Now, onwards to the form! I'd appreciate it if you could follow this as closely as possible.

~ FORM ~


 Name // : This is pretty self-explanatory. Just make sure it's realistic.

Clan // : If you're making an original clan, I'd like if you could add some information about them. That would be super cool.

Gender // : Pretty simple!

Age // : In moons if possible, but you can write in years/months. Also, if your OC dies, you could add how old they were and maybe the cause of their death.

Rank // : Easy enough! Just tell me if they're a kit, apprentice, warrior, etc.

Personality // : Tell me more about your OC. Give me some of their flaws as well! Make them well fleshed-out and if you'd like, tell me their likes/dislikes. Try to write a bit more here.

Appearance // : What does your OC look like? Try to keep it realistic enough so it's genetically possible and not too crazy.

Backstory // : Give me lots of information about how they came to be. How was their early life? How were their relationships? What made their personality like so? 

Relationships // : You can add their family, platonic relationships, romantic relationships, and others here. Tell me some info about these cats too if possible (and appearances if you can),

Other // : This part isn't required, but you can put any other extra info. Do they perhaps hate one type of fresh-kill? Maybe they loooooove swimming? Or perhaps they sneeze whenever they lie? Anything interesting you'd like to tell me you can put here!


That's it, really! Please make sure you follow the rules and the form. I hope you enjoy and I'll try my best to give you quality criticism and helpful tips.

If you have any questions about your rating/review at the end, don't hesitate to message me! I'd be happy to help.


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