Prince (Part Two) | Jack Hughes

Start from the beginning

Ella laughs. "It's Jack and Nico. Stop trying to scare him." She directs the last sentence at Nico and me. "You're embarrassing me, Dad." She hisses.

"Good. Maybe then he'll leave."

Y/N slaps me hard on the arm. "Ow!"

She glares at me. "Stop being an asshole, Jack Hughes. I will call your mama right now and tell her what you're doing, and I can guarantee she won't be happy. Be nice."

I sigh. "Nice to see you, too, kid." I relent. "But listen to me. If you want to see Ellie again, this is important." Will nods eagerly, eyes wide. "Don't be a second late bringing her home. Her curfew is midnight. On. The. Dot. Nico and I will be waiting outside for you to drop her off." I tilt my head to Y/N. "You're gonna respect her. That's my wife and Ellie's mom. She's the sweetest woman in the world, but if you get on her bad side. . . you're gonna regret it. She's a tough mama bear." Y/N smiles over at me lovingly and I blow her a kiss before focusing again.

"Lastly, you better respect my daughter. She's been hurt in the past, and I don't want to see it happen again. She's an amazing girl, and she's smart and dedicated. Don't be a distraction and respect her wishes. Got it?"

Will quickly nods. "I understand that. Ellie means a lot to me, she does. She's my best friend." He smiles at her, and when I see that look in his eyes, I know he's gone for. I know, because that's the way I've looked at Y/N since I first met her.

"I'm fucked." I mouth to Nico, who nods with a laugh.

I pull Will into a hug. "Welcome to the family, kid."

Ella beams up at me. "Really, Daddy? You're okay with Will and I being together?"

"As long as he doesn't hurt you," I assure her. "But remember, school comes first. And you," I turn to Will, "your dad will have my ass if you start sucking at hockey. School, Ella and hockey, got it?" They both nod and I wave my hand at the door. "Go ahead. Have fun." I call after them as Ella drags Will to the car by his hand.

Y/N wraps her arms around me from behind. "What made you change your mind?'

I glance down at my wife. The love of my life, the mother of my children. The woman who's carrying my baby. I turn in her arms and rest my hands on her stomach. "I recognized the look in his eyes."

Y/N beams up at me. "I know you would come around. I knew from the second I saw that look that you would understand."

I sigh and rest my forehead against hers. "I'd be a hypocrite not to let them be together. That'd be like your dad trying to keep us apart in the beginning." I hold my arms out, showcasing our house. Our home. "And look at us now."

She leans up to kiss me. "I love you, Jack Hughes. You're such an amazing father." She tells me and runs a hand over her belly affectionately. "And I know you're going to love our son as much as you love Ellie and me."

My eyes go wide. "Son?"

Y/N's eyes widen too. "Shit. I was going to tell you tonight. Ellie and I found out at the doctor's after school while you were at practice. It's a boy."

"Wow. What do you think about Luquinn for a name?"

Y/N throws her head back, laughing that laugh that never fails to make me smile. "We're not combining your brothers' names for our child, Jack!"

I pout at her. "Why not? I think it's brilliant."

She rolls her eyes. "You're absolutely insane, Jack Hughes. But that's what I love about you."

- - - - -

"Look at us now, look at us now
There's a ring on the finger that I'm wrapped around
Look at us now, look at us now
We got a baby with my eyes and he's got your smile
Livin' that life with you, baby
Everybody thought that we were crazy"
- "Look At Us Now", Dylan Scott

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