The "Monster"

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Chapter 1

He didn't remember anything, He was lost and confused, 'Where am I?' He thought to himself.
Last thing he remembered was that he was at home when some crazy men grabbed him and put something in him, it stung bad and still did, it felt like a bee sting, he was forced asleep after.
He finally began to realize, he wasn't at his home.
His hands were also tied behind his back with a rope.
In fact, it felt weird, it was cold, and he could smell other animals beside himself, the smell of dried and not so dried blood was also present, was he bleeding? No, he can't be, he didn't feel anything or smell it on him at all.
He would try to move around a bit freaked, he felt metal brush up against his fur as he tried to find any means to explain where he was and why he was there.
He stopped moving, noticing it wouldn't do anything. 'Absolutely pointless.' he thought to himself.
He was wearing a blind fold of some sorts, he would rub his eyes on any surface to get it off, his shoulder, his chest, his tied-up arms, and the metal that blocked his path, he succeeded and successfully got the blind fold off.
Now he could see, even though it was dark, his ability to see in the dark helped. 'Where am I?' he thought to himself.
He was in a cage, the bars were thin and evenly spread out to the point he couldn't fit threw, and the bottom and top of the cage were the same metal that made up the bars of the cage, some sort of fabric sat below him, it was warm and fuzzy making him content and calm yet uncomfortable at the same time, 'did they plan this?' his mind raced with questions. There was also a door to the cage on the right of him, so when they put him in the cage, they must've turned him sideways.
As he looked around, he found out what caused the smell of blood, there were 2 other kids in the room, on the right side of the room a Dalmatian with a collar on and a tore white T-shirt, they were stuck in a cage as well with no injuries able to be seen.
On the other side of the room AKA the left sat a Hyena, they were wearing a yellow sweater and had a mohawk like any other Hyena, though unfortunately a huge scar was across the top of their head, they were bleeding badly, blood dropped drip by drip from their head, the position they sat wasn't helping either.
He felt bad for the Hyena but at the same time amazed by the new animals, he never has seen a different species before, he was use to him and his 'siblings', though he saw one other animal child before, it was a year or two back and he was exploring in the woods, that day he saw something he wasn't supposed to, it was a rotting corpse of a huge bird and beside it sat a hungry mountain lion feasting, the mountain lion looked like him and walked on two feet, even though they had similarities the mountain lion acted like an actual mountain lion though couldn't speak, only roar. he later ran for his life.
Suddenly the room he was in shifted and jumped up and then landed the same as before, and suddenly he felt still "We hit something.' 'What was it?" "Probably a racoon, we should forget about it and keep going, we still have a long way to go." His ears perked up, he could hear two men speaking, one had a weird way of speaking and sounded foreign and the other sounded like a cowboy he always saw on the TV.
So, this wasn't a room after all, but rather one of those 'cars'.
He called them monsters though his 'parents' kept telling him that they were actually called cars, they were still scary to him no matter what.
'This wasn't like the small interior of a monster, it must be bigger and used to carry things, like animals like me... but why?' He thought to himself clearly confused and trying to make sense of what was happening and the situation he was in.
"We're here, get the tranquilizers and head inside." "Already ahead of you." he listened "what's a tran-quil-izer?" He noticed he accidently said that out loud and quickly realized what he had done "Are you stupid? You know what it is." "What? I know what?" "What a tranquli- check the back." He listened, getting scared, he quickly got and curled in the bed trying his best to look asleep.
Two men opened the door of the truck, looking around.
"Listen dumbass these freaks can't talk anyways." that remark hurt Fetch's feelings "It was probably the radio or a trick of our minds." the strange man laughed slightly "Alright, let's do what we came here to do in the first place." The weird men were speaking, Fetch opened one eye a tiny bit and looked, two men, one wearing a hat and the other had back length black hair, both of them wore a certain armor to protect them, he could vividly remember running from these guys.
He watched them climb inside and grab a crate next to him, it looked exactly like the one he was in, just empty. How did he not notice it before?
They positioned it in the front and began to walk away closing the truck door upon leaving, where are they going? The air was thick and smelled like blood, other than that he couldn't smell anything, other than the two other animals in the truck and himself.
He sat there and pondered, what was he going to do? He was trapped in a labyrinth with one exit, and that exit is to wait. His hands were bound behind his back, and he couldn't even get them lose mind escaping, did he even have the strength to open the door? He didn't even know how half this stuff worked, he was kept blind his entire life, how was he supposed to know?
He was in fact a lost puppy, A stray.
He looked around to try and gather all the information he could, it was all the same, nothing new. The best thing he could do is fall asleep and hope he isn't dead by the time he wakes up.
He tried to get comfortable, he closed his eyes and shifted around, it was cold, and was shaking out of fear. He felt a chill run down his spine. One minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, he waited unable to fall asleep but trying his best.
Suddenly the door of the truck slid open "Get them in there, we don't have all day." He heard the cage opening and new smells rushed in filling his senses, soon unable to react he passed out.

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