WARNING + explanation

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Why hello! I have came to clear some things up!
This story will include

⚠️‼️ GORE ‼️⚠️


⚠️‼️ DEATH ‼️⚠️

⚠️‼️ KIDNAPPING ‼️⚠️

‼️⚠️ TOUGH TOPICS ‼️⚠️

⚠️‼️ CUSSING ‼️⚠️

You were warned.

The story takes place in the future. Humans and furrys don't deal with each other well and they attack each other starting a civil war. All Furry kids (half human or full furry) were kidnapped and used as lab rats along with the adult furrys. Many were also brought to orphanages. You follow Fetch, a young border collie kidnapped from his family, follow Fetch as he try's his best to escape the facility.

Yes I know! This isn't a love story and shit so if your here for kinky writing well this is the wrong book! This is to show off my OC Fetchs lore. So if your a furry, enjoy.

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