He shrugged. We both finished our pancakes and got seconds. I put two pancakes but with cherry sauce. Camilo made his whole tower again.

"I'm pretty sure those two towers combined are taller than you." I said to him.

"No way. And trust me, I can finish this." I had some doubts, but decided not to say anything and just watch. He was right. He finished it up easily.

"Wow." I said, not quite knowing what I just witnessed.

"Trust me, when it comes to food, I can finish it." he said.

-Time skip, after breakfast

"Time to go to town."Camilo said grabbing my hand as we made our way out the door.

"So, where to first?" I asked.

"Well, I still have chores to do, so I have to get the kids. But we can have the tour with them." he replied.

We walked through the town as everyone was getting out of their houses to do whatever they were going to do. In one spot people were helping build a house. As we walked around, some parents would give Camilo their kids and we'd continue.

"You see that house being built?" Camilo asked me.

"Yup!" One of the kids replied. I nodded.

"That'll be your house."

"Camilo! Let's play!" one of the kids cried.

"Alright, alright, Anne." Camilo responded smiling. "We have one more stop, then we'll play." we went to the last house where a tired lady was holding a baby. Camilo took the baby then led all the children to an open field.

"Alright kids, let's play a game!" he said. All the kids began cheering. "So, we're going to play freeze tag! I'll watch over to make sure no one's cheating! Maja'll start."

Maja went to a tree and began counting.

"And remember, no one goes outside this area!" Camilo said.

The kids nodded and continued their game. I looked over at Camilo, he was carrying the baby in his arm, rocking him to sleep.

"You're good with kids." I said trying to start up a conversation.

"Well of course, I spend every week with them." he replied.

"Sounds exhausting."

"I mean, sure. But, we all do what we can to help the village."

"And you help by babysitting?"

"Yeah, I also help with other stuff here and there, but for the most part, I'm with the children. Poor Sofia and Jose haven't been able to get enough sleep sense Carlos was born. Neither has Dolores."

The baby then began to cry and Camilo began shifting into many people throwing Carlos in the air and catching him.

"Is that safe?" I asked worried he'd drop the baby.

"Yeah, I do this all the time. You sure don't trust me."

"To be fair you're throwing a baby, and how was I supposed to know you can eat 12 pancakes for breakfast. I mean look at your size! You're short."

"Rude. I'll let you know that shapshifting takes up so much energy. I burn everything I eat by shapshifting so much. It's practically an exercise. Also I'm not short. I'm of average hight." he said sitting down as Carlos began to fall asleep.

"I'll let you know you must be like at least 4 inches shorter than me and I'm not considered tall."

"Problems with your hight don't apply to me."

Him & I (Male reader x Camilo Madrigal) Where stories live. Discover now